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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. Odd that more credible leaks have not shown up today...we usually know the schedule by mid-afternoon on the reveal date, making the 8:00pm "announcement" moot.
  2. My favorite cheap spot was the bus lot...there was always some, or several, hungover sot who missed the bus and the group leader peddled his ticket for beer money for himself. Never paid more than $10 for a bus lot ticket.
  3. I admire your faith. Only five years ago, I knew every player on the roster...these days, they're rolling out pitchers I never heard of.
  4. I have a kid at Tech and I watch all of their games...he's a solid player who could definitely make the roster and contribute.
  5. Single game tickets go on sale the same minute the schedule drops...weird.
  6. There is talk that DTV will be allowed to broadcast ST, while the streaming rights will go to Apple (as reported). The sports bar issue is indeed one they will need to resolve.
  7. Very sad news. The Mad Bomber was a huge part of the AFL's success and should be in the Hall of Fame.
  8. Been researching this for quite some time, and I think YouTubeTV is the best choice, with the only drawback being no History Channel.
  9. Some shows coming to the DC area I'd like to check out, i.e. Lindsey Buckingham next week, Steely Dan in June, Sting Labor Day weekend. Paul McCartney coming to Baltimore in June but tickets are outrageously high...my neighbor paid $1800 for two tickets and I told him at that price, I hope you're sitting on Sir Paul's lap.
  10. This is yet another issue if Sunday Ticket goes full stream mode.
  11. Respectfully disagree. He talks over the game announcers too much...and goes to highlights while live games are going on. All he has to do is announce where they're going and leave it at that.
  12. This is the ONE good thing about the DTV lineup... you can go back and forth between the game and Red Zone with one click of the remote. Would hate to have to change apps, YouTubeTV, i.e., to get to Red Zone.
  13. https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/report-nfl-sunday-ticket-apple-deal-is-actually-done/ I just hope that when the day comes, you can pick up a "favorite team" option instead of paying for the full boat.
  14. Went to Catholic school in Rochester and a big recess favorite was "King of the Hill" where one kid, or a group of kids, would shove people down the snow pile as they approached the top...being Western NY, this was a common November to March phenonium. Also big was outdoor basketball, touch football and the occasional fight, which was most often quickly broken up by the gym teacher/recess monitor. Springtime brought out the occasional water guns, but these hydro-powered weapons were very much frowned upon by the nuns in charge, if you were caught with one, it was a 25 cent fine...the same monetary penalty also applied to gum chewing, yo-yos, and playing with "clackers," the annoying balls on a string that when struck, emitted a clacking sound, hence the name.
  15. I'm sorry, at about 9:45pm that Sunday night, I did not feel "entertained."
  16. The days of the 20 game winner are over, sadly. I remember when the Orioles had four of 'em in 1971. Now you're lucky to get four 20 game winners in a decade.
  17. Pitched seven perfect innings vs. Twins today while throwing only 80 pitches...can you imagine Nolan Ryan, Bob Gibson or Greg Maddux if they were told to sit down after 80 pitches? I get the abbreviated spring training and all, but this is part of what's driving people away...I'm almost at that point.
  18. NFL: Bills Nope NHL: Sabres Nope MLB: Orioles, I remember 1970 and 1983 NBA: No favorite team since the Braves left NCAABB: Syracuse 2003 NCAAFB: I like Navy, Virginia Tech, SU and Notre Dame...Notre Dame and SU have won national championships in my lifetime but I'm not as emotional invested like I am for Bills, Sabres, Orioles.
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