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Everything posted by biggerdaddynj

  1. Revisit the magic by checking out the NFL.COM official draft profile of Adolphus Washington (aka "he coulda been a contender!") He has a sophisticated array of moves. From a quickness perspective, there are not a lot of guys who can block him." -- Mike Mayock http://www.nfl.com/draft/2011/profiles/adolphus-washington?id=2555235
  2. TE later, I’m a believer in Oliver: check this out (sorry if it’s already been posted elsewhere, lots of threads out there) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.catscratchreader.com/platform/amp/2019/2/8/18213548/ed-oliver-was-a-disruptive-defensive-tackle-in-college-and-he-should-be-treated-as-such-in-the-nfl
  3. Look to the Sports Books. It’s estimated that $6.5 billion will bet on the game (I know that includes bets on the spread, money line, O/U, props, etc). Regardless of how the bets are broken down, billions of dollars will be bet on the point spread. The spread this morning is merely NE -2.5 (and has been holding steady at that number). If NE wins per the expectations and predictions of most people (which will likely translate closely to the bets placed in the betting community), they’ll be covering easily which means Sports Books will take a hit (not sure if they can off load the amount of action they’d need to cover themselves). I think the Sports Books might be a little more in tune than I am with my subjective belief that the team I despise most seem like a shoe in to win by a mere FG. Based on most of the predictions I see, NE -2.5 is a bet I should jump all over. However, when a line looks too good to be true I’ve learned the hard way that it is. FYI—Over the past 11 years, the underdog has covered the spread nine times, and won the game outright eight times. Food for thought.
  4. Credit McBeane for cutting KB (though it should have been sooner) but let’s not forget what it cost us to get him ... and it’s not like they didn’t know the player. FWIW.
  5. As I recall, after the 2017 draft, the word on the street was that McD ran the draft. So, if let’s make sure he gets credit. That said, I agree with the other posters that Mahomes wouldn’t be faring much better than Allen behind this o-line and with this supporting cast (perhaps slightly better because he could sat last year behind Taylor). For that, we can credit Beane.
  6. Allen starting with the o-line we have (and had in the preseason) scares me. If McBeane knew Allen would be starting at some point this season (let alone week two) he should have gotten him o-line help. I’m not too sharp but it seems pretty basic. And, let’s not even get started about the piss poor WRs. I’m scared we’re going to ruin our franchise QB.
  7. Use a VPN when streaming and don’t download anything only stream it and never distribute content. End users are not the targets the gov’t lacks the resources to go after the millions and millions of people doing this—it’s the distributors and the businesses that sell those preloaded set top boxes that they go after (the gov’t needs to prioritize the use of its limited investigative and prosecutorial resources). Why do you think Amazon sells so many Fire Sticks? They know damn well what most people are doing with them or they’d manufacture them with safeguards to stop it.
  8. NFLN mentioned Elway spent a lot of time with Josh Allen and if Denver is targeting QB that means 3 QBs in top 3 picks which means Giants could get Chubb or Barkley at 5 which is what they want at 2. So trade makes sense for them based on flow of top 3 picks.
  9. Which GM made that trade and played a pivotal role (though not officially GM) in the Sheppard for Hughes trade?
  10. Thank you for setting the record straight. Enough with the Whaley blame game. He never had a real chance to run the team (FO never gave him a chance--Rex was the icing on the cake).
  11. Fine with trade and knew there’d be growing pains. But, one thing that bugs me is the 20/20 hindsight about his extension. At the time it wa clearly a BIG signing. However, it wasn’t viewed as being a Dan Snyder-esque folly, though there were concerns about his brief suspension, based on his performance to date at the time, comimg off a 10 sack 1st team All Pro season, the deal was seen as a contract in line with the natural progression for a player who the experts believed Dareus was, a talented young DT who would be a force for years to come (and it was the first big DT contract post-Suh). While some may have expressed concerns, it was not viewed as it is now with the always perfect 20/20 hindsight. Clearly, turned out wrong but Whaley was in line with the view of the majority when he made the deal. Found some articles from 2015 about the extension: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000525009/article/marcell-dareus-bills-reach-sixyear-100m-extension http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/10/bills-marcell-dareus-agree-to-six-year-contract-extension/ https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/9/10/9114609/marcell-dareus-contract-extension-buffalo-bills-pass-rush
  12. Amen! Can't ignore the impact of pressure--look at the annointed one in NE and you'll see a common denominator with most of his losses ... pressure followed by more pressure. And, Denison did nothing in the second half to to help him. Anyone who can't give TT a pass for last night with what he was subjected has no credibility. He's not the future of our franchise but give the guy a friggin' break. Lucky he's not on the IR--I almost felt as sorry for TT as I did for Tuel that night in Cleveland!
  13. It took them over five years or so but the Bills finally got the wide receiver Buddy Nix was looking for ... one “who is open when he’s not open” (and this one actually has the potential to be a good one if he can stay healthy and has the drive to be successful (something the guy we just traded didn’t seem to have!). ***excuse me if I’m repeating anyone but I didn’t have time to read 57 pages!
  14. Russell Wilson was drafted in the 3rd round with the 12th pick (the 75th overall of the 2012 NFL Draft). Many folks here were very upset the Bills missed out on him for TJ Graham. I wouldn’t get too excited about a 6th round pick. As many have opined, I think this is a clear “addition by subtraction” move—FO must have felt like he was such a cancer in the locker room that it was worth the $14 million hit next year. And, his conduct didn’t make anyone too comfortable with the potential suspension for his next screw up. Wasted potential (should have had a tremendous career with his talent but that’s where it looks like he’s headed).
  15. I went cold turkey after the purge but I relapsed and if he keeps it up, I might believe in The Process as my higher power!
  16. It is sad, I used to come here for educated opinions and mature debates on differing opinions--now it's angry personal attacks. As much as I used to enjoy the off-season and TBD, baseball season has me now (poor Mets but look at those Yanks!).
  17. Thanks for sharing this wealth of information and insight. I'm really even more excited now about McD after hearing what you had to say--he's like the anti-Rex!! Seems like the kind of guy we need here--change culture in locker room (if we could only do that with entire FO!). However, I'm not as optimistic about Beane but I hope it's much ado about nothing because I think the roster is close if everyone is healthy and plays up to McD's standards (which I was delighted to hear about). Hope I'm wrong about Beane even though his role is really to be McD's man--which is fine--speak with one voice... However, as far as Beane's past "success"--I just don't see it. Here's the results of the draft boards Beane was credited with being heavily involved in setting (our recent failed drafts have been heavily affected by injuries--even Sammy, what if he'd been 100% healthy for his entire career?): http://www.panthers.com/team/history/college-draft-history.html And, as for Beane's off-season moves (FA, trades, etc.) they're much less impressive than what we've accomplished of late (drop down and search by year): http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/transactions/_/name/car/carolina-panthers Hope my concerns are entirely baseless because like everyone else, I want to root for a winner again--waited way too long to get to the SB years--and this wait has been even more painful. Thanks again for the insight!!
  18. . And in the 2017-2018 offseason, they would be excited about the pontentisl impact he'd have on the D. On a different note, heard one of the big guys on Sirius NFLN (not Gil Brandt but in that league) talking about how Saban's program takes a toll on all his players (Ragland hits close to home 😉).
  19. Looks like they didn't want to pay him when an escalator clause in the CBA more than doubled his salary from about $800K to $1.9 million (there are other FA safeties they apparently like better for the money): http://www.espn.com/blog/carolina-panthers/post/_/id/24824/escalator-clause-gives-panthers-safety-tre-boston-huge-bump-in-salary Here's a list of currently available FAs at safety (notice something, other than where Boston is listed and it wasn't in alphabetical order--it's a stroll through our esteemed franchise's history): http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/free-agents/safety/available/
  20. My concern, like many others, is whether or not a top candidate for GM, which is what we all want and deserve, will want to walk into a situation in which he is knowingly taking a back seat to a HC (it's hard enough to sell the job to begin with after the way things have been up here for the past two decades). Being entirely objective, that's my biggest concern with having McD, or any coach without a legacy of winning, respect and experience, making the final calls--put yourself in the shoes of a potential GM candidate--do you want the current situation with the Bills to be your (first) GM gig? We probably wind up on the outside looking inside when it comes to the next anointed genius GMs (hopefully, none of this will have any bearing on how well McD will be as the HC--I hope he's the second coming of Vince Lombardi but I don't see any future Paul Browns coming aboard this ship!).
  21. Not sure if anyone has already posted a link to this December '16 article from Albert Breer on the "short list of GMs for 2017"--came across it as I'm trying to educate myself on who the most well-respected top candidates are for a new GM gig. I apologize if someone has already posted the link and if any candidates are gone: http://mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2016/12/15/nfl-general-manager-candidates-2017
  22. The Pegulas did Whaley a favor--he never had a real opportunity to do the job the right way--he was always trying to put out a house fire with a cup of water. I'm sure he'll land on his feet and will hopefully get a chance to be a GM again and to be a GM who actually gets to do the job his way (and has the dumb luck to be in a position to draft a franchise QB instead of a being a stand up guy and backing Buddy's legacy QB). And, this wasn't a house cleaning--look a little higher up the food chain and you'll notice some people still around who, unlike Whaley, have been here for a lot more of the losing than Whaley. Also, for those who are so enamored by the prospect of Brandon Beane taking over--take a look at the Panthers' drafts during the last few years, with draft boards he was credited with being heavily involved in setting, and tell me what you think of them: http://www.panthers.com/team/history/college-draft-history.html#2012 And, take a look at his off-season moves in FA, via trade, etc, and tell me how you they stack up compared to Sheppard for Hughes; (used up) Kiko for (HOF) Shady trades or Gillislee/Zach Brown/Lorax signings (use the drop down tab to change the seasons to review Panthers' transactions): http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/transactions/_/name/car/carolina-panthers Here are some examples from the Panthers own PR machine that tout Beane's best known accomplishments (circa 2015 but look for yourself at last year and this year's moves--equally unimpressive): "Beane has also been responsible for directing portions of the NFL Draft, including executing trades that netted cornerback Bene Benwikere, wide receiver Devin Funchess and offensive tackle Daryl Williams in the past two years. Beane has played a role in putting together the team's draft board over the past four seasons and participated in the evaluation of collegiate prospects in preparation for the draft." And with this said, I turn the page. As a Bills' fan, my loyalty to the team is greater than my loyalty to any one person in the organization. I wish McD all of the luck on the world and hope he is the first man in years to be left alone to build a team.
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