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Everything posted by LewPort71

  1. After reading this thread I suggested to Mrs. Lew that we have B L T's with a fried egg on them .. And the eggs to be cooked in the bacon drippings.. ummm good. yeah, with the retirement thing, dinners are more planned than in the past.
  2. Same here. I have gone "Wild and Woolly" in West by God Virginia
  3. I retired from work. and it was planned regardless of the pandemic issue
  4. 6 weeks in. I have done the morning walking and a bunch of yard work. We were supposed to go on an Alaska cruise in two weeks, but that got nuked. We did go to Michigan to see my sister for the Fourth. Fireworks were canceled except in neighborhood driveways and some of them were great. We just got our SS checks, so we thank all of you workers who contribute to the SS fund.
  5. With the COVID situation the local paper has stopped printing SAT and then MON editions. No electronic editions on these days either. Paper has one section instead of 2 and several staff are furloughed. One of my golfing buddies is the ONLY photographer left on the staff. He says the only thing keeping the paper afloat is the subscriptions by the AARP+ age group.
  6. Mrs. Lew says I have to add the following: Last of the Mohicans
  7. Ozzie Osbourne... frills
  8. I got a suit for HS graduation from the Kleinhan's clothing store in Buffalo oh so many years (decades) ago. I still have the wood coat hanger but the suit has mysteriously shrunk over the years. I erroneously wore a suit on my first day at work way back when and 45 years later my last day in the lab was in a tee shirt and jeans.
  9. Growing up and shopping at Loblaws or Tops we alway returned the carts to the store. It was something that you just did. Here IN WV most peeps place their "buggies" in the corral after unloading the 8 6-packs of Mt. Dew. I used to return the buggies to the store but now with the sanitizing process I place buggies to the corral.
  10. Jack Whittaker was wealthy before he won the powerball. He was a very successful contractor. Roch Bob is correct in that Jack lived like he had before. Multiple DUI's and robberies always made me wonder Why didnt he hire a chauffer/body guard . He did many charitable activities in WV.
  11. RIP. The Russians are Coming is a classic.
  12. The human gene pool needs a bunch of bleach. "oft arrested"
  13. Toublesome Stromboli shortage >>> toilet paper shortage It has been several years since Mrs. Lew and I attended the tailgate at Hammers for the home opener and she still raves about the stromboli !
  14. The future Mrs. Lew and I saw this at Grand Central Mall near Parkersburg WV. She got her ears pierced at a kiosk place in the mall. The lady did the piercing and said to come back in two hours. We saw Jaws and my much better half to be came home with pierced ears.
  15. Coach Jerry Glanville once said he cried 2 times in his life. The first was when he was hired to coach in Buffalo. The second time was when he left Buffalo for another coaching position.
  16. Ding..ding..ding...winner RIP Vera Lynn 103 years young
  17. And Pink Floyd sang about her in The Wall.
  18. I dont know about the other two, but I was able to see Luther Allison 2X in concert in the 1970's. Absolutely incredible. The first time he was the warmup form the Allman Brothers. ( side note, this concert was one week before Duane's death) Luther came back the following the year as the headliner. Saying guitarist X is the best of all time is silly. Just enjoy their immense talent
  19. Its been two weeks and a couple of days. Mrs. Lew and I drove (combined) 800 miles a week to work, so we are now driving about 80 miles a week. Less CO2 emissions. Our coffee consumption has dramatically increased as we used to enjoy the coffee from our work places. I have been taking a 30 minute hike each day in our neighborhood listening to Golic and Wingo on the XM app. I have to find one of those arm wrap phone holders. We are watching our grandson about every day as his parent's work schedules have picked up. The lawn and our neighbor's lawns look great. There are about a billion YouTube videos. I have seen 4.2 million of them. We had joined a gym in late January and they are finally opening up. Just not the 24 hour schedule they used to have.
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