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  1. Easier said then done but try to cherish every day. Just don’t know what can happen next. Out of nowhere my wife had a subarachnoid hemorrhage when she was 47. She was healthy as a horse. Luckily she came through it eventually without issues other than low energy in the evening. Very nice to see Kim out and about!
  2. Diggs disappeared during playoff time. If he was upset that the Bills weren’t going to win a SB he should start by looking in the mirror. I’m not a Diggs hater. Appreciate what he did for us. Elevated this franchise. But the experiment is over and time to try something new.
  3. Is it just me or does Mara have a health issue related to his neck? Seems like he can’t turn his head. Not trying to be mean or anything. Just curious.
  4. Seeing the graphic it is hard to believe the Bills are the 4th most recent sale. Seems like such a long time ago. And two of the owners after the Bills were forced to sell. If not, those two guys would probably still be there. Jerry Jones got the steal of the century when he bought the Cowboys.
  5. To be super clear I’m kidding around. I’m from a seriously depressed small town in upstate NY so I have no right to pick on any place in the region. Well, I kind of do since I’m from the area. I was just piling on the presumed joke of the original poster about SYR. I’m proud to be from upstate NY and would live anywhere there a million times over than America’s trash can. Go Bills!
  6. Drought era Bills in this era would probably trade for Dak and give him that contract.
  7. Very gross. Are there not any hot 40 year old women out there he could choose at least? C’mon, Brady’s ex is on the market.
  8. When God was handing out legs, Keon was first in line. But they made him hold the door.
  9. I prefer they stick to the basics. This trend of the NFL drifting towards MACtion Tuesday night football costumes is a bad direction in my opinion. NBA has gotten out of hand with the myriad of uniforms they trot out. It’s hard to tell who is playing at first. I like that teams are instantly recognizable in the NFL.
  10. Maybe Beane tried but Von preferred LA. Who knows what went on behind the scenes.
  11. I think there is some conspiracy group that believes birds are mechanical spies invading our privacy, watching us like big brother, or something. I wonder if that is it.
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