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Everything posted by gonzo1105

  1. One thing that I think is overlooked is Jaquan Johnson is from Miami, played his college ball in Miami, and will have a ton of family at the stadium today rooting him on in addition to Tom’s of Bills fans. He is gonna wanna show out big time against his hometown team.
  2. I actually agree with you a bit here. I think Hyde's injury actually makes it more likely they re-sign Poyer and release Hyde by giving Poyer his money. I would think if you see Johnson play well, he will be getting a contract extension soon.
  3. It’s Poyer, Johnson, Hamlin, and Cam Lewis. Johnson, Hamlin, and Lewis have been in this system awhile so I see them giving their guys a shot first before considering a different move
  4. While unfortunate, Jaquan Johnson has been here for 4 years. If we think he is an eventual replacement for either Poyer or Hyde now I’d his time to show it. He’s also a FA so he has a lot to gain now with the Bills or someone else
  5. I would prefer to sit in my seat as I like to enjoy and analyze the game more than be a drunken fool who has no clue what's going on. I do not mind standing even though my preference is to sit down so I have no issue most of the time. The exception is when everyone else is sitting down(very rare) and there are 3 or 4 people who don't realize everyone else is sitting and block my view. This happened last game in the late 3rd/early 4th when the Bills blew the doors off the Titans and the game was already in hand. The other thing that irritates me that an earlier poster said was the people constantly going to the bathroom/needing to get beer/then a snack, back to the bathroom cause their drunk and need to piss every 20 mins.
  6. We were up 24-7 at that time midway through the 3rd quarter. If we had no gotten that 4th and 1(a solid likelihood with our short yardage yesterday), we could have let the Titans back in the game by giving them a short field to make it 24-14 in the 3rd. We ended up punting, and it benefitted us after the fumble by getting an extra 3 points regardless.
  7. He has played well in the first two games. He was better against the Rams than the Titans but solid in both imo
  8. Nope, Benford and Elam with Siran Neal as the backup until Tre and/or Dane return
  9. We put up 34 offensively and I still think we left a ton on the table. I mean did Buffalo not want Allen to run at all? How many 3rd and 1s did we fail on. Get under center and sneak the ball. We living off of trauma last year of not getting a QB sneak against the Titans
  10. A lot of supposed top AFC teams losing or barely hanging on this week
  11. I’m still not worried it just goes to show you that the AFC North might not be very good. I mean if the Bengals lose to the Cowboys that would be a disastrous day for that division
  12. The biggest difference between Allen and Herbert is the clutch gene but I will also say that Brandon Staley holds this Chargers team back. Every time I watch them, I never think they reach their potential. I feel like the Chargers should be winning comfortably and their down 7 with 5 mins left
  13. If one of them is out i'm not too worried about it. Obviously going from Ed Oliver to Brandin Bryant is a drop but Bryant is a an NFL quality player at this time. I worry about it more if both of them are out and we have to rely on someone else on the depth chart or practice squad.
  14. After week 1 we’re getting mad cause we’re listed as 2nd on ESPN. They beat the Patriots a Divisional, conference opponent, whereas we beat the Rams a Non divisional, non conference opponent
  15. Man there were a lot of exciting games this Sunday but that was a terrible Sunday night game. Borrring
  16. Not the best but he might be the flashiest one of the group
  17. Don't forget Daquan Jones is at DT as well so he might be able to give some insight into the Titans defense, in particular things they like to do in their front 7.
  18. The only negative besides the Turnovers by Josh was he looked slower running this year. Maybe its just me but he didn't seem like he had the same burst or maybe the Rams have a faster than average defense. Not a complaint but something I think I observed.
  19. Yup visiting should be for AFC Championship and SB that’s it. It’s a regular season win in week 1.
  20. I didn’t like the pick when they drafted him. I thought he was overrated coming out. You can check my history if you don’t believe it. He got burnt way too much his senior year of college, was incredibly grabby, and not a great tackler. I hope the guy is successful, I really do but have a 6th round FCS corner starting over you isn’t a great sign
  21. Someone on twitter mentioned it but this was a perfect week 1 game. We were dominate, people will say great things this week still about the Bills, and they were incredibly sloppy so McDermott can preach how bad they were despite winning by 21.
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