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Everything posted by gonzo1105

  1. i think Garrett McGhin was with us too. I don’t know why I’m looking so deep into this but it appears Jarron Jones was with us for a cup of tea as well
  2. the problem is it’s not just the HC. The whole organization is putting in that time. You think low level quality control guy is going home if McDermott is there. You think the assistants are going home if McDermott is there. Highly unlikely
  3. I actually think it’s completely unnecessary to be honest. This is also coming from a guy who worked in a D1 program in a similar culture. I get that you want every detail installed but these guys get in at 6 AM and most don’t leave until 10 PM. That’s ridiculous in my opinion. If you have a great team, your going to have a great team. Their going to win. If you lack talent it doesn’t matter how many hours you review tape, your still going to lose more often than not. Arians, who won a SB, is the complete opposite. Go home see your kids games etc. Prep is important no doubt but having meetings after meetings people are running at a very low concentration level. We all know it we do it in our fields everyday
  4. Back in that era it probably would have been more like 9,000 yards than 11,000 teams still ran the ball quite a bit. I also tend to agree that Kelly is severely overrated by Bills fans. Good QB on a great team.
  5. I think I need some Peterman Can!!
  6. Man backup QBs just have a way of sticking in the league. Hell prob have a 10 year career of being below average, save his body, and have a comfortable nest egg to fall back on
  7. Russell Wilson is so overrated imo. He was good for like a 3 year stretch. He always starts out well and then he fades down the stretch. Broncos probably have the best overall roster in the AFC West but I bet they still finish 3rd
  8. Boy I wonder if Elam will win on a Bills message board lol
  9. He looked faster in his earlier clips. Kind of looked like he lumbers more in the later clips. Prob my imagination
  10. I would think the biggest reason is in last years draft they took Landon Dickerson with G/C flexibility and this year they took Cam Jurgens who also has G/C position flexibility. Both of those guys were 2nd rounders. They still have Jason Kielce at Center, Isaac Seumalo who was the starter at G before he got hurt, and then a bunch of other guys like Jack Driscoll who also played G. He has an incumbent starter and 2 high draft picks ahead of him there and his biggest asset of versatility is undercut because they have two other guys who can do that. He signed his tender last week, the Eagles prob wanted to give him an opportunity to latch on someplace else
  11. My argument was multi fold. He’s young (23), he has starting experience(17 starts), he has position flexibility to Center which to me is actually way more important since Greg Mancz isn’t good, and Ryan Bates is the next best option. His RAS score isn’t great from college but he has improved his athleticism, comes from a pretty good NFL team that knows how to develop o lineman, and the Bills resigned Bobby hart and drafted Luke Tenuta who also have poor athleticism traits. I suspect the Bills won’t get him cause someone is going to offer him a better chance to start than we can offer.
  12. Boy tough crowd today. 23 year old guard with 17 starts on a good offensive line in Philly. If he was 30 I would have not even posted but guys his age with starts don’t come on the market often. I tried to find a place in a current thread and couldn’t really find one
  13. This is a guy that I hope Beane goes after. Right up the Bills alley too. Need a Guard who can compete for a starting job or replace Saffold in a year. Only 23 years old. Think he got caught up in the Eagles interior o-line numbers game after the draft. I would actually offer him a 3 year deal and let him compete. He can also play Center
  14. It’s not a back injury it’s a spine injury. A very serious one. It’s so easy to find quality WRs now so why risk it with a guy who has serious serious Medicals
  15. I think it’s pretty obvious that the Bills thought a lot of their Oline struggles were due to Bobby Johnson. They fully believe Kromer can make this group a lot better than they were. I would expect another vet Guard/Center to be signed
  16. Saffold and Bates as starters, Ford, Q-Berry as backups with Boettger starting the year on PUP. My guess is you have: OT- Dawkins, Brown, Q-Berry, Doyle OG- Saffold, Bates, Ford, Q-Berry OC- Morse, Mancz PUP-Boettger My biggest concern is actually Center. If Morse goes down does Mancz come in or does Bates go to Center and Q-Berry comes in at Guard
  17. ok just cause you read a report isn’t true . I’m sure they have the intentions of playing Shakir at both. Not gonna have 3 slot only guys. Their gonna try him outside
  18. Good pick by the Bears. Huge fan of Carter. Has a legit to start in a couple of years
  19. Yes usually GMs are on the phone with guys in the 7th putting out their pitches in case they don’t get drafted . Talking signing bonus years etc
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