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Everything posted by gonzo1105

  1. This is the new age of offense in the game of football. I tried to say this numerous times when people were pining for a guy who was a traditional X and noted that many NFL teams don't have a traditional Z,X,Y,F anymore in their Wide Receiver rooms. I expect Coleman to line up inside and outside as well as the rest of the guys. Obviously Samuel will do both and be in the backfield. The game of football is now about as many offensive packages as possible to make defenses have to prepare in a short period of time.
  2. Day 1 only but I will toot my horn a bit. I was one of the few who vouched for Coleman before the draft and it looks like the connection is good between Allen and him. I had Ray Davis as my RB 1 in the draft in an albeit down year for backs and vouched for him when everyone was calling him old slow and another wasted RB pick. Carter was panned by most of this board as a reach and I argued the Bills picked him right where I had him in their rankings. On the flip side Bishop was my # 1 Safety and appears Coach wasn’t thrilled about his lack of conditioning. Will be interesting to see as camp goes along how things work out. Usually D is ahead of O but with Allen and the new schemes and motions I wonder if the offense ate because the Bills D hasn’t seen it before and obviously the Bills O is familiar with McDermotts scheme. Also makes sense because Bills D is probably working on base packages
  3. Joint practices to me are dumb due to the fact that they always lead to unnecessary hits and fights that break out at these things. Hopefully McDermott and Tomlin's relationship together will keep this from getting out of hand.
  4. I mean he's originally from Miami so of course he is going to believe that. Its all about where you grew up holding a special place for each individual. Buffalo isn't for him like most of Miami is for Buffalonians.
  5. Man some of you guys are high strung for a mini camp practice based on a few tidbits
  6. It’s not that hard, make more plays in the clutch. Offense, Defense, and STs. That has been the difference
  7. Jason Kelce has readily admitted that Center is the easiest position on the Oline. McGovern will be fine if that is the route they decide to go. It’s going to be interesting to see how the back end of the OL group shakes out. That’s more what I’m interested in
  8. Shorter/Shavers over Hamler due to STs Either Claypool or Hamler or both will be on PS in case of WR injuries
  9. Locks: Coleman Shakir Samuel MVS Hollins is pretty much a lock for ST Going to be quite the battle for the 6th and last spot. You would think Shorter has the inside track there because of STs A vet on the PS for injuries. That’s kind of how I see this playing out
  10. Gotta think one of the Punters is gonna be let go after the first mini camp. Def need to hold that open for a CB
  11. The Bills didn't keep 5 safeties on the roster last year, Cam Lewis is firstly a nickle back who can play safety. They kept 4 with Lewis as position flex. This year they drafted a backup nickle in Hardy who is going to return punts. That means that Lewis likely going to continue to do both and be the 4th safety this year. Hamlin isn't making the team without an injury.
  12. He was inactive the vast majority of the season. That’s about as useless as you can get without being cut. He’s behind Cam Lewis that was proven last year as well as Rapp. He’ll be behind Bishop and Edwards.
  13. The Bills are cutting Hamlin pending injuries in preseason. It will be Rapp, Edwards, Bishop, Lewis and maybe another vet like Hyde before Hamlin
  14. I said this when someone brought up if we got screwed out of Legette when we traded down. Morgan and Beane are friends and former co workers. He knew who Carolina wanted and Legette spilled the beans. He also knew that NE wanted a WR so it made sense to call Carolina on a lot of fronts. Calls Morgan to let them know they are offering X and they are considering it and if they want to guarantee themselves Legette throw me a bone to move down one spot and we can both get our guys.
  15. It sounds like in every presser that Beane is giving Hyde space but if he tells them he wants to play they’d bring him back
  16. Carter has played the 1 Tech and could grow into that position. I expect him to also get reps there as well in camp
  17. Smoot is actually the best signing out of the 3 imo
  18. Misses his holes way too much and tries to bounce it but doesn’t have the speed to get around the corner
  19. Im guessing we’re keeping 6 LBs like usual. We know they Milano, Bernard, and Williams are locks Beyond that we have Ulofoshio who we drafted in the 5th and is likely to make it for STs Jones seems to have the inside track at Mike backup Morrow and Spector battling for the last spot
  20. I didn’t say we were going to get rid of him but look at the escalation of salaries for RTs. You’re looking at between 15-20 Mill AAV for Brown.
  21. The playoffs and see what happens. Transition doesn’t mean they have plans of losing more games. I don’t know why this is even a thing to discuss. We are only rebuilding in the sense of going from veterans to young . The goal is still the SB
  22. A couple of years out? LT- Dawkins LG- McGovern C- Van Pran RG- Torrence RT- Who knows (I think Spencer Brown gets transition tagged then is traded or gone)
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