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Everything posted by BigAl2526

  1. Pillips' main problem with Arizona was his inability to stay healthy. He signed a 3 year deal worth about $10 million per hear but was healthy for a little more than half his games his first 2 years of that contract. When he played for the Bills, he was somewhat disruptive in pass defense, but didn't always play with good discipline in run defense. That led to t he Bills giving up some big plays. I think his new contract with the Bills makes him a good value. I think Frazier will probably limit him to mostly passing situations if he can, but the Bills will need to be wary of opponents running the ball on 3rd and long with Phillips in the lineup.
  2. The problem is, "most qualified" is a fairly subjective assessment, and for a long time, experience has been a critical factor. If the white guys are always going to have the most experience because NFL teams have been hiring white guys since just about forever, how are the minority coach wannabes ever going to get the experience to compete on a level playing field. It is not a level playing field at the present time because of the experience factor. How do you level it without rule changes like this one?
  3. Seems to be a good rule change. I'm not sure that any set of overtime rules can be perfectly fair, short of having a full 15 minute overtime period, but this may be better for the playoffs. I don't concern myself much with "woulda, coulda, shoulda." If this is such an obvious improvement in the overtime rules, why didn't Buffalo propose it a few years ago? The answer: NFL rules changes are almost always reactionary. It never anticipates a problem cropping up sometime in the future. Since that is the case, why worry about it? Just keep tweaking the rules as it seems appropriate, and hopefully as the NFL evolves it will become more fair over time. Use the past as a tool to inform a better future rather than fretting about stuff in the past we cant change.
  4. My brother once was anxious about the possibilities of gaining admission to the medical school of his choice because they had a quota system in place to ensure they had at least a minimum number of minority students. It would be possible that minority applicants with a lower GPA than my brother would gain admission and my brother wouldn't. We, his family, wrestled with those same thoughts. By the way, he was admitted and had a 35 year career as a doctor, from which he recently retired. In a perfect world hiring and admission to college and anything else that is supposedly based on merit really was. Even in the NFL where there is such a strong minority presence overall, there are still areas where minorities are under represented. There are plenty of minority coaching candidates with high levels of innate ability and potential for greatness, but as in every area where systemic racism has been in place from the beginning, there tends to be a disparity in the level of experience. There is an old tradition in the NFL of being a "good old boys" society in the realm of coaching. It's not conscious racism per se. People just hire the people they know. The coaches with experience tend to get recycled over and over again and because there are still a lot more white coaches with years of experience, they tend to get hired when there is an opening. They are mostly white. While it might be argued that mandating a hiring be a minority is a case of two wrongs to attempt a "right" outcome, nobody has come up with a better way to start breaking down a system that has lasted since the beginning of the league which limits the opportunities of minorities in coaching.
  5. No, you don't guarantee a guy is going to start, but at the same time, Buffalo didn't match Minnesota's offer because they think Bates is an OK backup. They think he has starter ability, and he showed it on the field last season. That thinking will reflect in their draft strategy. I fully expect Buffalo to draft a guard/center prospect, most likely on day 2 of the draft, but the signing of Ryan Bates makes it significantly less likely in round 1.
  6. Never say never, but it's not going to happen too often, and I wouldn't be inclined to do so this year, If I were Brandon Beane. He's paying Bates starter money now, if not high end starter money, and Roger Saffold didn't sign with the Bills to warm the bench. That means they guy you draft is likely at best competition to start rather than an assumed front line player.
  7. Guice has been accused multiple times of violent behavior toward women, He was charged with violence against his girlfriend, and later those charges were dropped, the last of them in January 2021. I wouldn't rule out signing him completely, but I would be extremely slow and cautious about making that decision and do all kinds of due diligence to discover how he is handling himself in relationships now. I believe people can change, but in Guice's case, it's more than one woman and more than one occasion. When it's a pattern like that, I'm more wary of it resurfacing, and I'd want some fairly strong reassurance he's past it.
  8. Boettger injured his Achilles in game 16 this past season. He's probably not going to be available at the start of the season, and if he is, the Bills can't count on him being very effective. I think, if the Bills don't trust Cody Ford, they might want a little more quality competition at the guard position.
  9. Seven CBs and punter. Buffalo still has 8 picks - 2 picks in round 6.
  10. I agree that you're always looking for players to fill the back end of a roster. I don't think Jaquan Johnson is ever going to start for the Bills. He'll always be a depth player and special teamer. If you find you need a safety and you're in the second half of the draft, the best player you can get for your needs might be an undersized safety with limited athleticism, but great instinct and football intelligence. I don't know that you want to draft that guy the year before you need him. If you're drafting a late round safety this year to fill an anticipated vacancy next year, I think you're better off looking more at physical traits and potential, as long as the player has a great attitude and appears to be able to learn.
  11. The Bills already have an undersized safety with limited athleticism on the roster in Jaquan Johnson. I don't see much point in drafting another one. I could see drafting a guy that they might develop into an eventual starter, even if they have a guy like that on the roster, assuming he's the best player available.
  12. With a few exceptions, the overall trend in the league is for teams to try and develop explosive passing offenses like Kansas City and Buffalo possess. If Buffalo can develop an effective defense against that kind of explosiveness, and defend the run better too, it will benefit them regardless of who the opponent is.
  13. Here's are some links: Tariq Castro-Fields CB Penn State | NFL Draft Profile & Scouting Report (nfldraftbuzz.com) Tariq Castro-Fields CB Penn State - Draft Player Profile | The Draft Network Tariq Castro-Fields Draft and Combine Prospect Profile | NFL.com I'm not saying the Bills shouldn't draft him. I'm just pointing out that some observers think he heeds work, some more than others.
  14. Scouting reports suggest he needs lots of coaching. He's undisciplined, gives up big plays and is a terrible tackler. I wouldn't say don't draft him, but know you're going to have to do a terrific coaching job to turn him into a solid pro, and it's probably not happening in his rookie year.
  15. Maybe a general observation about the anxiety and uncertainty with the roster adjustments that happen this time of year.
  16. Don't know that Kyler Gordon will be available in round 3. I think Velus Jones might be available later.
  17. I'm assuming Tre White will be fine. The need for another quality cornerback has nothing to do with his health. It is all about the Bills decision not to try and re-sign Levi Wallace. Jackson is a good depth cornerback but he's not someone you depend on as a starter.
  18. It depends on what you're expecting from them. They actually do two things. The help rabid fans familiarize themselves with prospects. And they have entertainment value. There is no mock draft that can unequivocally predict what a given team is going to do with its first round pick let alone the other six rounds of the draft
  19. I think no news with regards to Bates is probably good news. It may be he was hoping too be blown away by an offer, but hasn't been. If he can only get a contract close to the tender offer, he might choose to stick with the Bills for a year and take the chance he could get a Super Bowl ring.
  20. There is enough of a chance Olave could slip to do a thorough evaluation. The odds are he'll be gone though. If he's there at 22 or 23 and that's the guy Beane wants, he could possibly make a trade at that point.
  21. Cornerback is probably the most likely. If the Bates gets an offer the Bills decline to match, it would create a need at guard as acute as the need for cornerback. While cornerback is the most acute need the Bills have at the moment, they could probably pick up a cornerback in round 2 with starting potential, but they do need to give it serious attention in any case.
  22. They're going all out, shooting for a wild card spot.
  23. I think Spencer Brown is the answer at right tackle, and I think the Bills agree. Tommy Doyle is not yet considered a sure thing as a backup swing tackle, but he improved during the season and he's got a chance to develop further. With the money the Bills have spent in other areas of the roster, I just think offensive tackle is an area where they think they can stand pat.
  24. I would be shocked if Beane tried to sign him. If anything, he'll look for a cornerback who can compete to start.
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