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Everything posted by Tanoros

  1. I thought this exact thing live watching the game. Herbert isn’t quite at that level yet.
  2. Drafting for, “need” can be hard to understand, because all teams do NEED to fill specific roles each season. I think the Raiders are a great example of drafting for need rather than BPA. Think of last years o-line pick in the first. They needed o-line help, but the value wasn’t there in the first, yet the Raiders still took a guy, rather than trading down or taking a better player at a different position. Beane will move up or down, to better align the value with the pick. He generally goes up and gets the guys he wants, or trades down when there isn’t a specific person he wants, but there is a strong possibility of a guy he likes drilling to him (example, he has 6 guys draftable, but doesn’t need any of them, he moves down 4 spots and atleast 2 should be available). I really enjoy Beane as GM. Between his in season trades, contract extensions, drafting, and the wizardry!
  3. Any given Sunday and all, but this Bills team is WAY better than the Dolphins. If Tua can’t throw deep, I Imagine the Bills win by 10+.
  4. It’s worse than that though. The Broncos could have took a timeout (they had 3, or maybe 2 min) and had 40+ seconds on the clock and 4th and 5. They should have gone for the first down for sure, I can’t believe they didn’t.
  5. I haven’t paid for their extra content, and the video posted isn’t of the critical nature. But they routinely do point out the negative, and the plays that didn’t work when dissecting film. Usually that’s in their more complete game analysis.
  6. As bad as his take was, he was trying to say Allens command of the offense was such that he, “has it” now or aka he can potty now. Horrible I know, but this was the take in full context.
  7. It was just one week, I’d venture to guess there will be some minor changes from week to week. This last game, Davis had nearly all of the offensive snaps (he sat out 2, one being the kneel down). Certainly an injury could have cost them, but it also seems the Bills were prepared to keep Davis in all game, while rotating, Diggs, McKenzie, Crowder, and a little Kumrow sprinkled in. Diggs had around 65% of the snaps, down a bit from last seasons use. Let’s see how the next couple of weeks shake out. Shakir looked very good in pre season, I have to imagine he won’t be inactive all the time even without injuries to the wr group. Miss might be a better pass blocker, but Singletary isn’t bad at that at all. I didn’t see last years pass blocking metrics, but Moss’s rookie year he was ranked number 1, while Singletary was top 5. So it’s really splitting hairs to keep Moss around because he is a better pass blocker. I will say this about Moss, even though his numbers from game 1 aren’t great, he looked better than last year. There are a few runs where he looked dead to rights in the backfield and worked some magic just to make it a couple yard game, so he can’t be judged on numbers alone. We honestly need Cook to step up and prove he can be relied upon, because having all 3 active each week isn’t what we need in the long run. Moss and Singletary are too redundant.
  8. When I’ve listened to Cook, I didn’t get that impression at all. He came across as quiet, shy, and didn’t elaborate too much. I don’t think he has found his comfort zone talking in front of cameras yet, but that was my impression.
  9. I was much younger, but I seem to recall Moulds was a good hand catcher? Anyone have memories of Moulds catching abilities?
  10. Yeah, Huntley isn’t a star. The point I was trying to make is, Huntley could lead a good team. He’s definitely serviceable, but the AFC is ago stacked at QB, you pretty much need a star QB.
  11. I too like the strategy, but remember, “13 seconds”, we took timeouts before each of those plays 🤦‍♂️
  12. 1-3 yes, but that squad was so banged up last year, it’s hard to use it as an example. Lamar is certainly better than Huntley, but Huntley did look serviceable in my opinion, and he’s the perfect backup to Lamar.
  13. Part of the high touch count is two fold. One the Rams were forcing Allen to the take the underneath stuff (granted Singletary could have been in over Moss), and secondly, Cook’s fumble most certainly cost him reps this game. I agree Moss didint look overly special, I would have liked to see more Singletary, but I don’t think the Bills are game planning to give Moss 20% plus of the offenses touches, things happen and Allen took what was available most of the night. Context really does matter when discussing numbers such as you are.
  14. I haven’t cut my hair since the start of the 2021 playoffs (normally it’s every 3 weeks) and the Bills retained their 2021 playoff magic. You can thank me later 😎.
  15. Perhaps Settle and Jones contributed to the whole d-line containing the run more? Star wasn’t doing enough while hear, and Phillips isn’t known to be a run stopper. The whole d-line looks better and obviously Miller is a big part of that, but so are Settle, Jones, Phillips. It’s hard to give the credit to one guy, especially when the whole d-line produced last night. We need to see more over the next weeks to really begin to understand who are the true game wreckers outside of Miller. With all that being said, it’s sure nice having Phillips back! The rb didn’t want anything to do with Phillips and just moved out of the way 😂
  16. The NFC isn’t nearly as strong as the AFC and the Rams have great talent on their team, add that it’s the first game of the season, they will be fine, barring major injury, the Rams are guaranteed playoff team. The Bills are damn good, and Allen was basically his 2021 playoff version, which is damn near unstoppable. Then add to the number 1 defense a true game changing pass rusher, it’s no wonder the Rams struggled. Any team in the league would struggle against the Bills playing the way the Bills did. Rams division is tough sure, but Murray has shown he can be trusted for a full season, and Lance is no guarantee, while Jimmy G. is limited if they end up going that route. Donald was kept in check tonight, I don’t think that happens most games, he’s a game wrecker. Your reaction feels very similar to many peoples reaction after our opening loss to the Stealers last year. The season is long, there are ebbs and flows, and the Rams are very talented. Do you think they will have a Super Bowl hangover and not be as hungry this year? Why do you feel the Rams will be so much worse? In addition, who would you rank above them in the NFC? Packers (new wr’s) Bucs (banged up o-line) Eagles (young developing Hurts, but not a lot of weaknesses) Any one of those 3 have potential issues that may arise as well.
  17. Yet, the other stats still stand and thus the record. Pretty cool especially when considering we’ve barely punted the last handful of games.
  18. The other way to look at this win is, we played a good team in the defending super bowl champs, while overcoming many turnovers that when cleansed up, this team is VERY scary! I mean, we do don’t punt and we hand a 90% conversion rate on third down. Do you honestly think they will keep turning the ball over so much?
  19. Before the start of regular season I’m like a kid before Christmas, I can hardly sleep (fortunately I’m on the west coast). I’m like that every year for the start of the season. But for big games, I usually get excited a couple days before and playoffs, I’m excited the whole week before. Thursday can’t get here soon enough!
  20. Don’t know if you meant it to sound that way, but we will NOT be starting two rookie cb’s (baring injury). Only 1 will be starting opposite Dane, and I’m sure they will be rotated early and the better will get the majority of snaps (which is even better than having just 1). Besides the one rookie cb starting, we have Poyer, Hyde, Johnson, and Dane. That’s not a bad secondary by any means, and statements like yours greatly over exaggerate the status of our secondary. I’m sure Josh’s planned runs will be limited this year, but I also don’t think they will dial it back while in the redzone during meaningful parts of games (so not when we are blowing a team out). Josh’s running (both called and scrambles) in the redzone is a such a weapon making our redzone offense so potent.
  21. Last year was the first time Russ missed time due to injury and it was a finger or thumb. He honestly hasn’t been very injury prone, and he doesn’t scramble like he used to. There isn’t any indication that he is about to fall off of the cliff anytime soon, especially considering the recent trend of QB longevity, which can most likely be attributed to the protections qb’s have had the last handful of years.
  22. The Athletic is hands down the best sports writing service around. Just saying. It’s worth the subscription.
  23. The helmet makes it different. I believe the Bills FO would do something if even Allen was bashing people with a helmet (rightfully so in my opinion, you can’t tolerate that behavior).
  24. Beane and the staff also have much more inside knowledge than us. They see the players day in and out, and they clearly felt comfortable with Jackson. Is it so crazy to expect a 1st round rookie to start week 1? It appears the coaching staff has more faith in Jackson and a rookie 1st round (maybe 6th if Benford pans out) over Jackson and Wallace. Would you be so worried if we had Jackson and Wallace to start the season? I’m sure you wouldn’t, and the staff clearly felt more comfortable moving in a different direction. Add to that, the FO hasn’t brought a veteran in yet, which further illustrates that they are comfortable with what they have. Not saying it’s the right choice. But you are legitimately complaining about a 1st round rookie starting week 1? Why? The expectation is that first round rookies start right away. I’m sure there will be some lessons learned for the rook, but that’s to be expected, but I’m also sure, they Bills defense will be very good and the rookie CB will not hold the defense back.
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