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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Sadly you are evidently unable to see it...
  2. Like lynching and burning people , shooting a jogger in the park. It is OUR society, inaction is the same as condoning.
  3. So your okay with how your society has acted and is still acting? Me thinks more than one mirror is in order... So you are not part of society then?
  4. Its about facing the reality of our actions, are you good with never addressing the wrongs done and that are continuing to be done?
  5. All of which is true, the world is all shades of grey, those same people, (my relatives), who fought to end slavery also perpetuated through action or inaction abusive behavior towards Black Americans that continues to this very minute. Like it or not it is true.
  6. Owe me? You make the sounds of a person who knows better...
  7. Good to see you acknowledge the point. Where did I do that?
  8. Ed should have his lawyer show this video before the punishment is decided, and point out that purposefully injuring an opponent after the play is dead and said player is out of bounds is a one game penalty by league standards, just a thought.
  9. The biggest assault is the theft of wealth from the overt slavery era onwards to this very day. White America brewed this problem, and has never come to grips with it because acknowledging it shows us to be who we really are. Its in the history books, it’s in the financial record of our country, it can not be denied except by a willfully ignorant person, who knowingly or not is perpetuating racism.
  10. Maybe the long and continued history of white Americans abusive behavior towards Black Americans has something to do with it...,when was the last time a white man was shot for jogging in a park, and the authorities did nothing about it until they were in effect shamed into action. Racism is still alive on a violent level, and is currently flourishing in America, our country has taken a huge step backwards since don don made it to the White House, he too has a long history of abusive behavior towards Black Americans, both he and his father. Like it or not these things are happening and CK was absolutely right in taking a knee during the national anthem to make the point.
  11. I understand the CBA limits, I still would not be surprised if something like a a modification to the playbook, Emailed to their I pads without incriminating verbiage etc etc...
  12. I’ll bet SM is running practices thru Webb, and giving them specific things to work on, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  13. The other three cops helped murder an unarmed American citizen and should be charged as such, we as a society need to hold the perpetrators of crimes responsible regardless if they happen to be the police or not, police killing unarmed citizens has to stop or our country is no better than any other tin horn dictatorship that murders their citizens. Enough already America!
  14. Much truth here, but it looks more and more like Dak has plateaued/peaked, with all the talent on that team he hasn’t been able to bring home the bacon ? jmo at this time. I reserve the right to be wrong in the future ?
  15. This would be an excellent learning tool for QBs and as well receivers, it would be hands on with out being hands on as it were, and may have a significant impact on shortening the learning curve for both. It would be cool if something like this is already be in a work up stage.
  16. PFF is less than worthless, don’t click on their ? site. They don’t deserve your patronage.
  17. Americans love to worry about all sorts of silly ?, mostly about security issues, I never really noticed until I spent time In other countries, it’s like we as a people need to worry about everything, it would be comical if it wasn’t so sad. Go Bills!!!
  18. He might ask him to be on his next rap LP, ya never know, ?
  19. It’s the #1 skill of all receivers, if ya can’t catch the damn ball, then wtf good are ya
  20. I’ll bet you chuckled to yourself when you typed that... ?
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