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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. For those that want Oliver to play DE, look at JPP. That is a real DE. Tall and Frazier long arms. Bills desperately need a guy like that.
  2. All that talk about Wilson never getting a vote. And then it happens again in a year where he was the favorite to win it for at least half the season.
  3. Lol he was my scapegoat for 2020 too. Hope he proves me an idiot and has a great 2021 in what will be a contract year for him. Its a very good academic school. Maybe that is the draw. Maybe he is a better recruiter than a coach. Maybe he just likes the college atmosphere better than the NFL. Could be lots of reasons.
  4. Two time SB winning coach. Long overdue. Good for him.
  5. Covering a TE in the zone at the MLB spot is entirely different than on the edge. It's not even comparable. Edmunds would be a terror at OLB. Every bit as good as KJ Wright in Seattle and probably even much better.
  6. Brown has great hands and is a very good WR. He has speed that Davis does not. They should keep him and try to redo his contract. This is a passing offense and they need all the playmaker they can find. Get another TE in the draft or FA. Brown should know if he gets cut he probably takes a big pay cut. Bills can't replace his skill set easily. In a perfect world he restructures his deal gets his guaranteed income this year and the Bills get some cap relief. Jefferson, Addison, Roberts, Klein, Murphy, Mantekevich, and Butler are the dead weight that the team needs to release or not re-sign.
  7. It's why the signing bonus is what is most important on a player's second and third deal. That is the difference between NFL nad MLB/NBA contracts. NFL players can get cut anytime no matter what their contract says. If they retire unexpectedly that's when the teams may try to get some of the bonus back. But it is a sunk cost for the team.
  8. 2 year deal fully guaranteed. Maybe that gets him to sign a slightly below market rate deal. If Bills lose him and Milano they need to trade out of the first round and pick up a player or more picks to fill a few more holes. Milano and Williams deals should be 4th round comp picks at the worst.
  9. No tender. Ok to bring him back on a small 2 year deal. Otherwise let him walk. Doing better is playing Ford at guard
  10. I'm a huge critic of Edmunds but he is a 3 year starter so it's fair to say he is a hit. Is he a star? No. I actually think he is a very poor MLB, but there are other first rounders that wash out of the league in three years or never start. Any draft that brings a HOF talent is far better than 2018 or any draft regardless of the rest of the draftees. Only time will tell on 2018.
  11. My thoughts about Edmunds have been well documented. Edmunds is a bottom 10 middle linebacker. His age is no longer an excuse. He is a 3 year starter in the NFL. He is not going to get any better reading defenses and making impact plays. Either he is not smart enough to play the position or he just lacks instincts. I don't care that he lines up the defense. Anyone can do that. I can't recall a single impact play from 2020 made by Edmunds. I still believe he would be a star at OLB. I don't know and in fact I doubt McD will move him to OLB though. Hope I am wrong.
  12. I'd be willing to keep him on a 3 - 4 year deal. I'd prefer signing him instead of tendering a one year offer. I would rather lock him up for a few years and spread out the cap hit. Bass is still cheap. So spending some money on the punter is fine. I'd favor spending on Bojo and letting Roberts walk. At some point these threads have to be about who you let go to make room for keeping guys. I like Roberts but any UDFA can do what he does. They will not be able to afford Roberts as a 6th WR next year.
  13. Oliver is 6'1". He is not a DE. Could he get a few DE snaps from time to time? Sure I'd have no issue with that especially if they went with a heavy package of Starr and Harrison at DT. But he is not an everyday DE. They need to draft a future DE. Epenesa has the height and I like that they asked him to cut weight. He should be at worst an upgrade over Murphy and a youngerand probably better version of Addison. The free agents Beane brought in last year for the DL were mostly awful. Starr coming back will help. Beane needs to cut his losses with Addison, Butler, and Jefferson (are least two of the three).
  14. Because he is not that good and they will need the cap space this year and next.
  15. Why do you say it costs next to nothing? The lowest RFA amount is $2.13 million and that is just the right of first refusal without draft pick compensation. Last year he made $750K so that is a almost a 200% raise. He was undrafted so they can't use the original round tender. The second and first round tenders are $3.2M and $4.6M respectively. So this decision is not as easy as it seems. I think Levi is a good player and equal to or better than Norman. I would tender an offer at the second round $3.2M amount. If someone matched I'd take the second round pick and let Levi go. I would be fine if he played 2021 on a one year deal at $3.2M
  16. Everything is relative. In general first round picks are more likely to succeed but not by much over later rounds. It's still a lottery though. Therefore if you trade a first rounder that may or may not work out for a known quantity that can be a good move. The other benefit of the first round is the 5th year option.
  17. I've said for as few weeks it is time to cut Morse. This is what I would like to see: Bring back Feliciano to play C; Ford starts at Guard; bring back Williams at RT;trade out of 30 into first part of the second round picking up an extra third round pick; draft true center, edge, TE, and MLB with their first four picks; and lastly move Edmunds to OLB
  18. Man to man coverage with a DB. The old argument was DBs were too small to cover TE's. That is non-sense. Modern TE's like Kelce and Gronk are the biggest players on the field. LB's don't have the size or the speed to cover them. At least a DB can keep up with them. Revis said the only way to stop Gronk was to cover him with a DB.
  19. 1. Cut Morse 2. Bring back Feliciano at C and Williams at OT 3. Ford at LG 4. Boetgger at RG 5. Moss is the starter with 65% of the snaps; Singletary gets 30% 6. Draft a pass catching RB in the 4th round 7. Draft the long term replacement at C in round 1-3
  20. I don't recall another trade with a first rounder two years off. Using a discounted value for the future picks, it's closer to a 3rd, and two second round picks this year. That's still a lot but they also rid themselves of Goff's contract.
  21. I'm no oline expert but I think you have that completely backwards. Spain was very good in pass protection. Did not give up one sack in 2019. He was marginal in the run game. Let's s hope so. I've criticized Oliver but never once was ready to call him a bust DT takes a long time to develop. He's the least of the problems on DL. Get Star back and add two edge players in the draft. Harrison and Zimmer can be your rotation DTs. That would be a nice combination of veterans and youth on the DL.
  22. I'm fine with all of them except Hughes and Hyde. If they let Hughes along with the others go they will have no less than 3 or four DL to replace. That is not going to happen. The DL is already a weak unit and it's not because of Hughes. I think they can get one more productive year out of him. My hope would be they restructure Hughes, Brown, and keep Hyde. Cut all the rest.
  23. My favorite player back in the day was Thurman Thomas. I still think a pass catching RB can be an elite weapon in 2020 but I belvie the league has moved on to elite TEs. An elite TE creates nightmare matchup problems. My hope is that it would be Knox and he may still be that guy. They have to add another TE and it will be up to Beane to decide if it is a veteran or a rookie.
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