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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. I don’t know the context of the use of the word but it’s a common term 🤷‍♂️
  2. Offense….defense…. that’s how those words are spelled (apologies to anyone overseas)
  3. Being devil’s advocate, I think they’re trying to learn how to play a more sustainable style on offense and it’s proving difficult. I am for this philosophical change on offense, in theory, but the play selection and execution doesn’t seem to jive so far.
  4. Because the scheme doesn’t work and requires improv hero plays to bail it out.
  5. I was hoping this team would improve this year but I think the staff has plateaued and a regression/stagnation is happening.
  6. This is where the defense has been giving up long runs 🤞
  7. Probably need to be done for the year, this is not enjoyable.
  8. These guys have been unwatchable for a month
  9. If this is going to be a loss let it be a blowout
  10. The bills can not easily lose this game, they will have to beat themselves.
  11. Combined 10-36 on 3rd and 4th down for the game
  12. Ooooo a rare angry Derek after a failed fourth down conversion
  13. Derek carr is great….at looking pissed as he walks off the field….after another failed third down conversion
  14. Can you get a roughing penalty for hitting your teammate 🤔
  15. We can count on the nfl to clearly define what constitutes a hip drop tackle and the officials to objectively enforce it.
  16. Age doesn’t seem to have brought him wisdom or perspective yet. I like him as a player and small doses off the field but I’m sure he/his personality would be hard to be around for more than that.
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