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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. Everyone did the exact right thing at the end of the half.
  2. Field position if they miss a long field goal
  3. 3rd and 2 and they didn’t throw it incomplete into the end zone?
  4. Lol. This team is hard to watch this year.
  5. Rousseau must’ve said something racist…
  6. Hopefully Tampa feels like they have to abandon the run
  7. Defense feels very Frazier era, but with all the injuries what do you expect
  8. If Tampa refuses to run it would be a good thing
  9. This seems like one of the 3-4 games a year where Phillips makes a timely play or two
  10. I think there’s been a change in the philosophy of the offense this year.
  11. No one questions Josh’s ability to throw the football but if you look at how he often delivers the ball it reveals a part of his game that needs to improve. He throws line drive/dart/bullet passes when an earlier throw would allow him to put some air under the ball and be a more receiver-friendly pass. for this to happen josh has to be able to anticipate what’s going to happen. we all know josh can play a certain style of football and have success, the issue with that style is it’s not sustainable. I don’t think he’s way off and hopefully we’re just living through some growing pains.
  12. Or it’s a totally acceptable thing for a head coach (or any coach or trainer) to tell a player at ANY level of football
  13. The offense is struggling for many reasons and when that happens we simplify and use the shorthand of saying the quarterback and or the offensive coordinator is the problem. I see it as a package deal, the oc and the qb, they go together. ultimately, whatever they’re doing isn’t working. That’s the issue…it’s not working. I tend to lay more blame on josh than others are comfortable with. I do this because he is the leader. As his compensation demonstrates, HE IS the boss on offense.
  14. I get that you associate that word with hippies and crystals but it just means parts relative to the whole 🤷‍♂️
  15. I don’t know the context of the use of the word but it’s a common term 🤷‍♂️
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