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Phil The Thrill

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Everything posted by Phil The Thrill

  1. Yeah but that’s they type of fiery/slightly unprofessional personality that comes with Baker. They knew it when they drafted him. The problem is, there’s no leadership or “culture” to make sure he stays in line. If Haslam is going to turn things around, he needs to bring in a strong leader to fix things around there. I would not hire another inexperienced 1st year coach. I also think he needs to clean up the front office,
  2. KC seems to me like the team that is peaking at the right moment. Offense always has been good and it looks like Spags is finally getting the defense in order. Out of all the teams in the AFC, I feel they are most dangerous. Both Baltimore and SF strike me as really good teams that are prime for an upset. Baltimore especially has been very good winning close games against good football teams. It makes you wonder how long they can keep that up for. I’ll say Buffalo 21, New Orleans 20 ? or New Orleans 31 KC 24 * Drew Brees retires as Super Bowl MVP The Packers just don’t look right on offense. Not sure I’d put them in the SB Tennessee!?!? Now this a hot take.
  3. They put Isaiah Mczkenzie on the field for a few snaps at CB. That can’t happen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the team sign Captain Munnerlyn until Wallace can return
  4. Yeah because Daboll couldn’t hit Dawson Knox in the endzone
  5. This is nothing new. We saw this countless times in Buffalo. Brandon Marshall was great at abusing Stephon and Ron Darby. Their coverage was good but the bigger receiver just outmuscled him.
  6. Yeah I think so. Marvin said something on IG about that. Doesn’t make it any easier
  7. Do they really want to play the Bills? Or are they just being smart and sitting their players in a meaningless game? They get a home game either way.
  8. That’s what Mike McCarthy is trying for. There is a lot of McDermott in Rivera (Or vice versa). Ron just needs to find a good OC and I think he’ll be ok. Great defensive mind and a great leader
  9. These examples aren’t really on the same level - one was a bar fight and the other was a burglary. They also happened years ago and neither was near as high-profile as Hunt. It’s also the type of the incident and the fact that it was captured on camera. It’s not just as accusation, you can literally see Hunt kick the female in the head. Domestic violence is currently a talking point in sports (and society) today. Right or wrong, people seem to be more forgiving over other negative incidents than they are with domestic violence. I don’t believe Kim would over rule them, but I also don’t think that as an organization, the Bills are interested in onboarding a player with that kind of background.
  10. LOL if he does sign we need a Cryin’ Murphy meme (like the crying Jordan meme) But like I said earlier, I don’t think this organization wants a guy who’s known best for kicking a woman. You mention Shady - the difference is that Shady was already a Bill when McDermott took over. The domestic abuse allegations were just that...allegations. They were kind of stuck with him but I do believe they would have cut ties if they needed to.
  11. It’s fair to say that his play in Baltimore exceeds what he’s done over the past few years. He fits in really well on the Ravens defense.
  12. Limited maybe.... but in 3 off seasons, they have yet to take a chance on a player that had as ugly of an incident as Kareem Hunt. I can’t think of one player that this regime has been comfortable in taking a chance one. To complicate matters this teams owner is a female. I’m not thinking that signing a player who is probably best known for kicking a woman on camera, is the a good look for the Bills. I think there’s a very little chance of this happening.
  13. When is that last time this Bills administration has taken a chance on a player with as high of a negative profile as Hunt? Granted, they could say the incident happened a while ago, he served his punishment, has made amends etc. But it seems to me that they typically stay away from these types of players.
  14. Firing Dorsey and Kitchens would be the best move the franchise could make. Kitchens needs to be fired. But you don’t want Dorsey to hire a new coach.
  15. To add an additional layer, it was rumored that when Pegula took over he knew there were some issues in the front office. According to Vic Carucci (who is close with Polian), Terry planned to hire Bill Polian as a Football czar. He had been taking with him for months. The rumor is that Polian had begun brainstorming a plan, and it involved Doug Marrone as HC and Kyle Orton as short term QB. But when Polian made it as a HOF finalist, Marrone quit, and Orton retired, his football czar backed out. It really left Terry in a bad situation and he ended up trusting the very same people that he was trying to replace. The result was Rex Ryan.
  16. LOL that’s right. I forgot about that. Someone asked Benjamin Albright on Twitter that question. He said it’s fairly common to let coaches know they will be fired on Black Monday ahead of time. It gives them a chance to say goodbye to players etc.
  17. Imagine that. “Doug you’re fired. Now let’s try to get a win on Sunday”
  18. St Doug! I don’t have the hatred toward Doug anymore that a lot of Bills fans still do. The way he left the Bills was kind of BS, but I think he would admit that too. I also think the way he handled the situation after the departure sucked too. I got the impression that his super agent thought the market would be a lot stronger for him. Also he was unhappy in Buffalo and thought he’d have a chance at his dream gig with NYJ. As a coach, I think he’s average at best. Ironically with his background on offense, his teams have failed to do anything other than “ground and pound.” That was his main downfall on Jacksonville, though the QB situation unfortunately dictated this, during this season.
  19. True but in reading his Twitter timeline there was an IP attorney who questioned whether the Bills usage of his image in an advertisement can be considered “commercial.” So for instance, it’s one thing for ESPN or whatever media entity to air the footage. What you probably can’t do, is to use the footage in commercial media or advertising. So for instance, Russell Salvatore probably couldn’t use the video Or Miller’s image to promote his “Dallas is Going Down” pasta dish. The question is whether the Bills using his image is a re-publication of new media and whether their usage is commercial. But then again, I can’t see the Bills legal staff being so sloppy to miss something like this easy, so I’m sure there’s a lot more to it and if I were a betting man, I’d double down on the Bills
  20. Sorry but Jeff Wright was NOT good. He’s make a few nice plays but he was not a good NT. Its no surprise that the Bills consistently got blown off the ball by bigger OL’s in the Super Bowl. Wright was a big part of that
  21. Haha big omission. I was thinking he did that in 6 games
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