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Phil The Thrill

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Everything posted by Phil The Thrill

  1. Again, you are overanalyzing this game. Losing to NE will have no effect, other than it will disappoint fans who want the satisfaction of beating the Patriots in a meaningless end of the season game Sour grapes....or reality. A win or loss was unlikely going to chance their playoff standing either way
  2. You seem to be conflating the players and the fans. The majority of players on this team are new. They don’t have a long history of losing to the Patriots. The fans do! That’s why I don’t think the game will have effect one way or another. They had a 92% chance of being the 5 seed either way. I don’t see a win versus NE suddenly propelling this team to start dominating in the playoffs. I also don’t see a loss hurt their chances of winning a playoff game either ??? This is funny
  3. Good thing players and coaches know this. Fans do not. Some argued with me, that a win versus the Patriots would propel the team to new heights
  4. Nope I get that you wanted a win and are disappointing. But that’s the effect that losing this game has on some fans. I don’t think it has the same effect on players. A loss wasn’t going to haunt them and a win wasn’t going to propel the team to a Super Bowl. They are a confident bunch on the rise and 1 loss isn’t going to change that
  5. Id rather win games when it matters (I.e Playoffs) than win a meaningless regular season game in Week 16
  6. Like someone else pointed out, this team is going to have a window where they can compete but it might only be 2-3 years. If the team feels Josh isn’t making enough progress toward the end of his deal, I can see them being in another QB like a Tennessee did with Tannehill. Then all bets are off. But at some point, Josh is going to need to step up
  7. Probably not but In the scenario you mentioned, let’s hope it does Sure but that isn’t how the NFL works. Teams go up and down given the matchup and different circumstances of the games. Today was a little step down but not as bad as some are making it out to be.
  8. Thats what fans think. The Bills should be able to win if the offense scores 17 pts
  9. This is a very good point and one that a lot of fans don’t want to acknowledge. Allen does need to be better - he can’t miss Dawson Knox in the endzone at the end of the game. The Bills organization is better that he will continue to improve,m. Only time will tell but I do think that with better QB play this is a different team
  10. Yeah but expectations also have to be grounded in reality Well said, and I referenced this in my thread too. I think this loss was more about building confidence in the fans than building confidence in the players. That’s why I have no doubt that once the playoffs begin, this game is already out of our players minds Is 1 win really going to matter though? He’s dominated all of the AFCE. Who cares about “1 last win?”
  11. Nope it was a matter of good film study by NE. They replicated what Philly did with 21 personnel and had some success. Also they won in the trenches. No big deal - the Bills will get another shot at the playoffs and we’ll forget about this game soon enough
  12. Sorry dude. That really sucks and yes those fans are MASSholes
  13. “In order to take a step and show that we're really ready to compete with anyone, we need to be able to beat the Pats on their home ground“ Hmmm I don’t agree with this at all. At least not with the players. Maybe this is in the case in the fan base. They needed to feel that this team can compete. But I think that this has zero effect on the players and they aren’t thinking like this. Do you really think that there would be any “carry over” from week to week? Because I don’t. They very easily could have won versus NE and then lost in the Wildcard round (and vice versa). This game is an afterthought by then. Houston beat New England and than got smoked by Denver a few weeks later and barely beat Tampa Bay today. Are we going to look back at week 16 and say “if they only would have won in New England....”. HELL NO. Dont take my word for it - take a players words. Does this sound like someone who feels his team can’t compete?
  14. This was the same idea is a post that I wrote. Some fans are acting like because the Bills didn’t win today that it’s a future predictor of their success in the playoffs. It means nothing. The Giants lost to the Patriots in Week 17 and then beat them in the Super Bowl. Even old man Rex Ryan beat New England in the playoffs after losing TWICE in the regular season. Its a new season once playoffs start, so fans need to stop crying and get ready for the Buffalo Stampede!!!!!!
  15. I think you are onto something. Also Josh was able to show he can hit the long ball on tape which is going to be important. Im sure they want to win but I also think they know the situation.
  16. No it was about YOU receiving a swirly. Not the players. I don’t think that a win makes this team any more confident in the Wildcard round. They already know they can beat any team in any stadium. Read these comments from players in the locker room. Doesn’t really seem like they are very down: Not really.... the players aren’t crying the locker room like fans are on Twitter. They are very confident
  17. Chandler for the win! Might as well shut this thread down, after that comment!
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