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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Donuts, I believe the combination of eating a few of your namesakes combined with a lack of caring turned into a volatile mix of lumbering forgetfulness...my question is how long he can fool the Chieftains out west?
  2. They make one of the best breakfast burritos (chix or sausage) I’ve ever had from a fast food place—very substantial and filling, and also like their chix and cheese bfast bagel. Overall a bit pricier than the comp, but the employees seem to actually care and are friendlier than most too for similar establishments
  3. Agreed. But I also feel like the encore being even worse from a numbers scale 20+ years later overshadows the first one to the point that it is naturally focused on less in pop culture. Had it stood alone as a world war, I’m sure it would still get even more attention than it has.
  4. Playing the straight man to Jerry L. Lewis’ character in “at war with the army” for some reason has always stuck in my mind, I think that’s a good example. Lewis played one of the most annoying characters I’ve ever seen on film. Not even sure how I stumbled across that movie years ago. ?
  5. A savant—pretty much any member of the rat pack you could pose the same question about, IMHO. Timeless quality!
  6. Nothing like streaming some pandora in the car with the Christmas channel going in July on a random Tuesday Buffalo_Gal! I hear ya ??
  7. Hard to beat Dean Martin’s baby it’s cold outside, just for kicking back with some eggnog while decorating the tree, although that seems to be quickly getting banned from radio play per another thread; as far as carols go, o holy night is up there for me as well as German carols from that part of my family, like “Leise Rieselt der Schnee.” Classic melodies that always take me back to being a kid and what should be the wonder of the Christmas spirit. Least fav is probably Santa Baby or Blue Christmas
  8. ?of course! The one who hosted that awards show but wasn’t really all that funny—pretty sure that’s the same one. Well, good for her, she’s great all the same.
  9. Saying KB has a “chance to impress” is like saying I have a chance of finding Blackbeard’s long lost pirate treasure in my backyard. Impossible? Mathematically no. But in reality will it ever happen? Well, I’m not renting a bulldozer anytime soon to try my luck.
  10. The only problem will be figuring out how to "trim the fat" off of the route from the field to the bathroom? That will take some effort...
  11. ‘twas another basically balmy day in the A, wait, actually, no, it was surprisingly cold, high of 43, low of 25, and we'd just gotten some rare snow of our own that week, so that was nice! The longer I'm away from my northern roots, the more I miss the stuff, especially this time of year. Go Bills!!!
  12. Sobering reality, thanks for sharing the info. I went in 2010. Should not have a price tag to keep them around and stable, but you never know
  13. Glad to hear you made it through in one piece...
  14. Sounds like a good character building exercise. I hear KB was also scheduled to attend, but well, you know...
  15. The "WE" channel or the Oprah one? There's too many to keep up with...
  16. Got to tour the site while on an anniversary trip to Oahu, and it is nuts how "right there" the ships are under the waterline--you can literally almost see everything it's that low. That and the fuel oil bubbles that periodically come up if you're paying attention. IIRC, the legend is that they will stop leaking oil when the last survivor joins his brothers on the other side. It was a moving and powerful experience, highly recommend.
  17. Can you be more specific? Tried to help you out but every Hallmark Christmas movie had that same script with only the title changed--turns out @buffaloboyinATLwas right! sorry ?
  18. Somewhere Steve Atwater is crying into his Wheaties. Along with Rod Woodson. Methinks the only former D player unconcerned about this attitude would be neon Deion?
  19. @Joeziehmer, where are you and what have you done with @BigDingus??? ?
  20. Given the good history between McD and Reid, am kind of surprised Reid picked him up knowing McD wouldn’t have dropped him this unceremoniously without good cause...but maybe Reid thinks KB can still contribute in a higher octane offense. All I can say is, a drop is still an incomplete pass no matter the octane of the system within which it occurs. Good luck KC. Better your problem now than ours.
  21. Third-world problems! ? Hope they didn’t take this on a contingency fee basis lol
  22. Jimmy, the only NFL team actually located in the State of New York is about to introduce some Jersey boys of yours to a final nail in your HC’s coffin, whose run makes Rexy look like he was Vince Lombardi over there...but thanks for taking the time out of your busy Sopranos binge watching schedule to say hi!
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