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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. You really must not have used the search function to look through too many threads around here before saying that he’s avoided any blame over NP. Just sayin’... Wow...don’t think Teef has ever been accused of that before ???
  2. Nuts!!! One of our best/brightest on D, and now sidelined for the rest of the year—hate it for him, hopefully no complications and he gets back next year 100% where he left off
  3. Ok, great, thanks for that sneaky fact! Only 9 wins in the playoffs. And I’ll be sure to let each of the other HOF QB’s that he beat in the playoffs (combined 0-6 against Kelly) know that they should’ve never lost to him, like Dan Marino (90, 92, 95) John Elway (91), Warren Moon (88) and Joe Montana (93). I guess they just didn’t read your memo in time. I guess all of those national non-Buffalo HOF committee voters just didn’t know enough about Kelly in the playoffs to keep him from getting into the Hall on the 1st ballot. What suckers! I mean, 8 playoffs in 11 seasons, 6 division titles and 4 conference championships in a row are so <yawn>. Thankfully our franchise has done so much better since he played, right? I mean, sure, not even the G.O.A.T with Hoodie has ever won 4 AFC titles in a row (or even 3 in a row) while dominating us over the past 2 decades, but whatever, at least Kelly still sucked in the playoffs. ?
  4. 3 games back and JA already leads the team in rushing? Yeah, I’d say the previous recent abundance of threads questioning whether or not Shady has hit the RB wall or is well on the way to it, unfortunately will probably age well. A finger can definitely be pointed at the Oline along the way, but the eye test has been pretty consistent on him.
  5. What a trail of tears. Thanks for posting this on a Monday, which I now have a case of.
  6. I understand your point to an extent, however, I believe stringing something together at the end of this season could go a long way to building our QB’s overall confidence and momentum, as well as the fact the winning helps support a better overall culture. That said, I also see the merit to obtaining additional draft capital. So I’ll probably end up feeling ok either way, provided JA continues to grow/improve
  7. I have a feeling many of us would suffer a brain flatulent or 2, and get altogether skittish behind that sieve of a line throwing “lookout” blocks all day—as you rightly pointed out earlier they had a dud of a day, especially the interior. How does Mills still collect pay for his game day disappearing act? I definitely agree and today should’ve been a W. But I love that JA hates losing and this will probably motivate him even more to get the little things right that lead to sustained improvement at his position
  8. Well, hopefully those orange slices come packed in a suitable syrup and say “mandarin” on the label? Those are the best and I think the ST players would appreciate your going the extra mile like that your first day on the job ?
  9. He’s had to grow up quickly and become a man among boys on O. And that’s not always going to be a smooth transition, but I’m encouraged so far.
  10. Thanks for posting some great post-game thoughts Virgil, can’t really find much to disagree with this week. I remain very positive as to JA’s development and know he will learn from his mistakes today and build off what he did well. Go Bills!!!!!
  11. Am so ready for FA and the draft so we can finally stock up around JA.
  12. Deja vu from last week...(in the distance I hear “I got you baby” from an old clock radio as Bill Murray gets ready for his repetitive day in Punxsutawney...)?
  13. KB is the grinch that stole Nathan Peterman’s ability to complete a pass. ?
  14. They are a caricature of themselves, you’re absolutely right. I will toast to this nonsense the next time I have a hankering for a good burger and indulge, which if history is any judge, will be within the next 24 hours. Cheers!
  15. What are you talking about 30 years ago? ? it’s called breakfast for dinner on a random Thursday night several times a month in the NHK12 household given our new arrival and both my wife and I still love the stuff. Aldi makes a great knockoff called Fruit Rounds that’s probably even better though.
  16. @Uncle Joe, you’re right, great WWII story for Christmas, but the name of the movie is “A Midnight Clear.” Highly recommend for any history buffs or anyone interested in the human side of the war!
  17. IDK; seems to me like the Bills have been pushing the ball vertically over the past month and other threads here are backing up the notion that Daboll is making a concerted effort to use JA’s skill set in all respects including mid-deep routes. I’d say we’re a lot of things but a short game passing attack or all Shady/Ivory all the time? Not so much. If McD was not on board with that, it wouldn’t be happening. I think the 4 week stretch of truly awfulness while JA was out has tainted a lot of us and the discussion of the O philosophy. But we’ll see what happens the rest of the way.
  18. Was listening to the radio call on Westwood One network on and off in the car while my mother was ferrying me to and from some school activity event of some sort, and thought it was over at half like everyone else, but at some point I became glued in and wouldn’t get out of the car again until final kick in OT, just sitting in our driveway. My non sports aware family never quite understood what I was so excited over that day ?. I distinctly remember the radio national announcers losing their minds in disbelief over what was developing, and at some point during the comeback you just knew fate had decreed that the Bills would pull this off, it seemed like everything that could go right for the Bills did. I also remember the announcers using phrases like, at least the Bills are trying to make it respectable after scoring 2 TDs to get to 35-17...the tone totally changed at 35-24 as I recall, when the amazement really began. I was 14 yrs old at the time Where were you @Ice bowl 67? ?
  19. And 429,000 other Bills fans ?...but seriously, if you were that’s awesome ??
  20. The fan at 5:04 mark has a great newspaper—hope he saved it for the JA run! ??
  21. Norwood was hitting solidly in pregame warmups from 45+ so that was at the outside range yes, but doable. And in terms of clock mgmt, running one more play would have been dicey at best—and too much risk for something bad happening (fumble, INT, penalty, clock runoff in bounds) to chance not getting a kick off at all. You might say Kelly put them in position to win at the end like Allen did just last week when it was all said and done, and it just didn’t work out—it happens. Just hate that in both examples it happened to us. But let’s see how this team responds this week.
  22. This is one of the games that sticks out the most for me during the Bills SB run—set the stage for playoff dominance over the fish, and showed that Kelly was perfectly capable of always going toe to toe with the Dolphin wunderkind at QB when the chips were down, and in fact always bested him in the playoffs. Quick note as to the fair weather team vs snowy Rich stadium issue—Marino like Kelly was born and bred in the QB cradle of western PA where it gets plenty cold and snowy, plus he also played his college ball at Pitt (NP’s alma mater, lol) So the fact is Marino would have played plenty of snow games in his life from the time he started with backyard ball. Not sure it matters all that much but for whatever it’s worth, the conditions on this day would not have fazed Danny anyway. Thanks for sharing this!
  23. My mom still has a crush on Cary Grant—classic definition of a movie star in old Hollywood
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