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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Has definitely earned it thus far! However, what would Hoodie do? One of the sneaky secrets he’s developed to sustained success over there is knowing when to let an established veteran walk before their play noticeably deteriorates on the field—Lawyer Milloy, Bledsoe come to mind or even Solder this year, among other examples. Would we live to regret an extension if his play catches up to his age/road miles? Look, I love the guy, his heart, enthusiasm, leadership etc., but I do worry about his age, call me crazy. Maybe a short term deal with a club option and continue to develop depth behind him JIC?
  2. Mahomes still has enough other options to avoid having to throw it KB’s way, fortunately for KC fans...even if he signs there. However, it will also allow D coordinators to account for one less route runner ?
  3. There was a stretch this year where I basically dreaded game day rolling around (rhymes with “elbow injury”) and lest we forget, were on pace to put up historically bad O numbers, with hand wringing on this site reaching a fever pitch. The layoff did him good though, and I couldn’t be happier we have him over the other Josh right now. (I know, still early, but this guy can ball, that’s getting more obvious by the week)
  4. I’ll be surprised if he comes back next year, but KB/Holmes were on an island in terms of the level of stink. You can only trim so much fat at a time, even Weight Watchers will tell you that. Spotlight now squarely on Clay however, no doubt about that.
  5. Good question, not sure if there’s a best or right answer honestly.
  6. Qualifier using the Community Rep rating instead might be a better choice?
  7. Hey, you’re not helping (and I realize I’m not either) ?
  8. Having grown up in the area, I can personally vouch for the 75-25 split, decent to extreme crazy jerks ratio. Have had enough experiences with both. Drunk Stiller who stole my Bills hat in 1993 during MNF at 3 rivers stadium, while sucker punching my Steeler fan buddy, is still on my list of things to do.
  9. “When things are no longer right...we move forward...in the best interests of our football team.” —McD. I’ll go full clappy ?? to that any day of the week.
  10. Am starting to think that his time on the bench with the elbow mid-season was the best thing that could've happened to him--his play seems to be markedly better overall since coming back, and having the ability/time to "process" what he needed to take away as lessons from his first couple starts, together with watching other more veteran QB's like Barkley & Anderson go through game prep seems to have made a real impact. Hopefully the same can't be said for Darnold this week.
  11. Fitting to be a "captain" of the conference that he owned once upon a time. Here's to hoping 25 years from now JA receives similar accolades in retirement...
  12. You just made my day Shady posting this—best of luck to him post-surgery recovery, hope he bounces back the way he would want to, and kudos to the NFL with getting something right this week
  13. He definitely never disappointed with anything in the off-season, camp, preseason, lol. That alone would be worth bringing him in for with somebody who needs another body to take training camp reps
  14. I've never been a big fan of Rodak, but I do appreciate his article here, attempting to put NP in some other perspective, through the eyes of a former signal caller with worse INT % who ended up a success otherwise in life. I don't wish NP any further ill will, and hope he can track a similar story outside of the NFL. Didn't see it posted anywhere else yet here, so enjoy: http://www.espn.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/32643/ex-bills-qb-nathan-peterman-no-failure-to-1970s-counterpart
  15. Nothing beats the smell of a real tree when it's first brought in, but it seems like the branches start sagging 2 days in and then the cat (don't start giving me grief on that) wants to chew the branches and drink the nasty tree water with predictable results...but I digress. Definitely getting way too pricey either way. But tradition must be upheld!
  16. Ice bowl, this move had to happen for your team--plus it gives you a head start on everyone else (minus Cleveland of course, but they aren't up to your level yet of job attractiveness despite QB up and coming) and allows McCarthy to interview that much quicker elsewhere as well. He won't have a problem finding a new gig. I have little doubt you will bounce back fairly rapidly with the time Aaron has left.
  17. It is definitely slowing traffic down accordingly on other threads...I vote we get a new "like" option identifying it as a troll post, with a corresponding slide down the community rep rating standings.
  18. If nothing else, it places a certain segment of zebra clowns on notice (I still believe most try to do their jobs as fairly as possible, but...) that Hughes will call 'em like he sees it back. In this case, well deserved. The NFL has enough to worry about on its plate right now in terms of PR disasters (domestic abusers, attendance, lingering anthem, Kaep) to also let its officiating no longer be above reasonable reproach. Expect quick/decisive action?
  19. OP, this is the most intellectually vacant thread that you've posted since yesterday, and has so little grasp on reality at OBD, that how can it be anything other than a troll train careening off the tracks? All aboooooooaaaarrrrrdddd!!
  20. Ummm...so we could have kept his useless behind on the roster taking up space and paying him to do so, or we could cut bait like we did, free up the roster spot/reps to a more deserving talent, and possibly still have to pay balance of this K for this season IF no one else takes a flyer on him in the meantime. Where are we not supposed to give credit for cleaning up this flotsam again?
  21. QB lists are always so subjective anymore, given the different rules, eras, etc. to compare across generations, but as a Bills fan, I think it's hard to keep him off of a top 10 list, if we are going by what he meant to the team and ability to lead it to W's consistently, along with being the franchise leader in basically all statistical categories, and being a 1st ballot HOFer. Agreed that his stats are by no means astronomical, especially today, but he also sloughed off 2 years in his prime in the USFL that should've been in a Bills uni. Regardless, I do hope Allen takes the torch from Kelly and runs with it to places we've never seen, like a SB title. Nothing would make me happier, and that's coming from the biggest Kelly homer out there. (Seriously, I challenge anyone to lay claim to being a bigger Kelly fanboy than me, lol). And also to his credit, I'd bet anything that Kelly also wants the Bills to find unrivaled success with Allen at the helm beyond what he gave the franchise.
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