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Everything posted by No_Matter_What

  1. Guys thank you for your posts, @beebe thank you for the thread. Being not from US, my only chance to "meet" with Chiefs fans was chiefsplanet, and as many have stated that is the worst fan forum I've ever seen (and I lurk quite a lot of others occasionally). Judging just from that web, I really thought that Chiefs fans were a bunch of arrogant, entitled and generally not good people. That was additional reason for me to hate this loss - I hate the arrogance of those fans that comes with it. I know that I shouldn't care, but unfortunately I do. But you made me feel much better about it, finding out that most Chiefs fans are nice people. Oh and I decided not to go to chiefsplanet anymore, lol.
  2. That would be fine with me. Tough AFC West could help us finish ahead of Kansas next year... EDIT: @CorkScrewHill @Billznut great minds...
  3. Not true and also not possible under current scheduling format. 3 years in row is max and that's what happened with Titans.
  4. Well I anticipate (and hope for) something totally different. I liked Cole and he was great for us but I'd move on. Get younger and faster (and/or cheaper).
  5. Why would he leave to work with much lesser QB, whoever it will be?
  6. I miss wait and see option. I would love to know if Beane would miss that option in the poll too lol
  7. Let's hope its actually Bills at Rams season opener. EDIT: Or Bills at Bengals lol.
  8. I didn't read the whole thread, so apologize if this was already posted. I am sure there are plenty of ways how to improve current rules, which are clearly not fair. But if NFL is lazy to adopt something more complicated, I really like what I read from Adam Schein on nfl.com today - just get rid of cointoss, and add overtime possession into the initial pregame coinflip. Whoever gets the ball in second half (or first, for that matter), gets it in the overtime. It is still not 100% fair, but at least you know what happens when overtime comes and you can adjust your strategy. But like I said, I am sure there are still much better ways how to solve this.
  9. A tear? I shed many of them, after the game and couple times on Monday.
  10. I don't know which one of your posts to quote but you are essentially saying the same all the time and it does not make sense. What does not being "good enough" means in your book? What I see is a regime which came after 20 years of mediocrity and built a powerhouse. We were in PO 4 of last 5 seasons, last two we were without doubt a top 4 team in the league, and we just lost in brutal fashion to a team which is now the biggest favorite to win it all. We are a great team, we just were (so far) not good/lucky enough to win it all. But we are, and with this regime most likely will be, in contention for the next decade. I don't understand how that is not "good enough" for any fan. It can only be not good enough for fans who "expect" us to win SB each year, which is quite silly as perfectly described by @BullBuchanan. There are 32 teams in the league, no matter how good GM is, there is no way whatsoever how to build a team that has more than 20% chance to win it all (and I think I am being generous here). As for drafting, you keep saying how Beane is again not "good enough". Can you please have a look at other teams, and list 5 GMS who have drafted better last 4 years or so? You do realize that nobody hits on all of their picks? He missed some, everybody does. But he drafted Allen, Edmunds, Phillips, T.Johnson, Oliver, Knox, Singletary, Davis, Bass, Rousseau, Brown, etc. You might not agree that he hit on all of them, but the fact is that they - together with guys from 2017 draft which were all extended by Beane and some notable free agents signed by or traded for by Beane (Diggs, Morse, Williams, Bates, Addison) - create the core of team which owns the division and is 34-15 over last 3 seasons (I think its 4th best record but I need to double check). Oh and by the way, we are one of only 4 teams in the league who went into the playoffs for the last 3 years. And even if there were let's say 3-4 teams who draft better or even have better GMS overall - do you really want fire Beane because of that and try to find somebody better? Because that is what you say when you claim that we "should be striving for elite". That makes no sense. You have a top 5 guy and you want better? Really? And finally, like @Alphadawg7 has written - if not for 13 second mental breakdown of defensive coaches, right now we would be getting ready for AFCCG at home vs Bengals as huge favorites. That is the team Beane built. How is that not good enough? I have no problem to point out Beane's mistakes, he certainly made a few. But overall he is a great GM and saying anything else at this point seems rather weird to me.
  11. Oh and while we are talking about narratives - so its edge rusher now huh? 6-8 weeks ago this board was full of people claiming that OL is the major problem, and how everybody except Beane knew it from the beginning. Now I count almost zero posts talking about OL, and suddenly we are back talking about edge rushers and CB2. I am not saying Beane did everything right. My point is that people are moving goalposts after every single game and blame him for underestimating just about every unit, depending on the outcome of each specific game. He is not playing Madden unfortunately.
  12. We were literally 10 seconds away from everybody saying how it actually DID WORK. And now your conclusion is that Chiefs were aggressive and it paid of and we've done everything wrong. Funny (actually not funny obviously) how 10 seconds change whole narrative for so many people. Melvin Ingram was a non-factor today. Orlando Brown didn't make a difference today. This wasn't about what we and Chiefs have done in the offseason. This was about our tackling, our bad coaching last 13 seconds and sick abilities of Mahomes, Hill and Kelce.
  13. And another one - people bashing Daboll routinely and wanting him to be gone all season will be severaly dissapointed next season, when they find out that things may actually be much worse and Daboll as OC was never a problem here.
  14. Hot take? I'll sure have one. I will be actively rooting for us to LOSE against Chiefs in the regular season, provided that it is so late in the season that either (i) we are locked for 1st round bye or close enough or (ii) we don't have a chance to finish ahead of them. We are not likely to beat them twice a year so lets take a loss in regular season next time.
  15. This 100%. I'll just add (not that it is needed) that those 13 second are on coaching. What we have done was good if they needed a TD, but horrible when preventing FG. I am no expert, but if Hill and Kelce are so wide open twice AFTER we took TOs in both situations (?), then something is fundamentaly wrong with playcalling.
  16. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Did you watch the game? Do you really claim that Mahomes is better because Chiefs have won the game?
  17. I just came to post this. There is a poster on this board who said before the season that he talked to Morse's relative and that this would be his final season in NFL. I don't take it for granted but it makes sense to me, and OPs observations seem to confirm it. If he retires I want to say thank you for what he has done here. He was one of the best Beane's FA signings, and very underrated one.
  18. "Cursed" is little silly imo, like @RobbRiddick said above many franchises may feel cursed then. But ATM I do share some fear how do we recover from this. It was just brutal, and it will definitely stay in heads of the players. It was just like losing SB and we all now what happened to Seahawks or Falcons (to name a few who lost in similar fashion recently). I just hope that Josh is what we all hope he is and he comes even stronger out of this. I am sure I wouldn't, but we are talking Josh Allen here.
  19. The only thing worse than our loss tonight is the amount of stupid takes coming after it.
  20. I agree, but Mahomes is still incredible. You just cannot say Allen is much better imo.
  21. No offense, but did you actually watch the game? The other guy is just as good. They are 1A and 1B in whatever order and after them its not close.
  22. What a nonsense. We just lost best game of the season between 2 of 3 best teams in the league in crazy fashion. We are not paper tigers, we were unlucky AF.
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