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Everything posted by No_Matter_What

  1. Makes you wonder why Beane guaranteed $1.5m to him if I'm not mistaken
  2. If you remove 4 letters from Tannehill and change the order of remaining 5 it becomes Allen. Coincidence? I don't think so!
  3. I didn't see Samuel there at all. Was it reported that he didn't participate?
  4. I said it in another thread - I don't want any of them right now. I'd wait till the trade deadline. See how our offense is doing, and if necessary, trade for someone then. Some teams with bad record might want to trade a player and it will be cheaper than now. Seahawks, Titans, Raiders, Bucs and Rams all seem like a good potential candidates for this (from one OP listed).
  5. After reading your conversation I think it is safe to say that neither of you is a parent of McGovern or Van Pran, you both want the best guy to win a job, but one of you expects that to be Van Pran rather soon, and the other one expect the opposite It will be interesting to see what happens next season for sure.
  6. I think the plan is to wait and see until trade deadline. If there is a need and opportunity, Beane will add WR1 through the trade then. If Seahawks are 3-5 at deadline or so Metcalf can be much cheaper than before the season. Sounds like a good plan to me. Give our current WRs every snap you can until mid season, and the reevaluate.
  7. This refers to Darryl Talley? I've been watching Bills last 8 years only so want to make sure who do you mean.
  8. Nope, he is too slow to get injured Edit: Oops late to the party.
  9. @Richard Noggin @GunnerBill is it me or you both clearly forgot on Smoot? Given his contract (signed AFTER Toohill and draft) and his past production I'd say he is huge favorite to make the roster over both Toohill and Jonathan.
  10. Yeah but it is still wasted $750k if we cut him. If Morrow has no guarantees, and Ulofoshio makes the team, cap hit is $850k. And that's it.
  11. I just saw it on OTC and came to post this. Smoot has $1.75M guaranteed so he is close to lock to make the roster. Claypool and Jones have no real guarantees. Looks good to me. One thing I don't like is $750k guaranteed to Morrow. Seems like a wasted money if he gets released, which seems quite possible to me.
  12. I think we didn't, even though I feel much better about our WR room than average TBD poster. But I'd like to remind everybody that this time last year we had the same conversation about OL and RT in particular, when many thought Beane should've brought serious competition for Brown who was considered a bust. And this suddenly became a non issue after game 4 or so.
  13. Chase Claypool needs to be added to the poll...
  14. You are seeing thing which are not there imo. Claypool signing means that we needed another camp body.
  15. Tell your friend that good ones are not available, and definitely not for vet min.
  16. Week after the draft, after watching Keon, listening to him and reading about him all I can think of is Josh scramble play where he gets close to the sideline and unleashes 30-40 yard bomb to Keon who is "covered" but doesn't care and catches the damn ball for huge gain. Everything won't be perfect but these plays will make up for it. Season can't start soon enough!
  17. Wasn't a glitch. Hollins is no. 671 today, and thus under the line. Yesterday he was no. 670, and therefore over the line - cutoff is 670. So he is really on the edge, and I have no idea when will be real line actually drawn (and I also guess OTC doesn't necessarily have complete and correct data). Anyway, it seems that it might be really close.
  18. Both can be true, but then he either wasn't trying to trade up for Bishop or he was thinking about moving down only in case that Bishop was gone.
  19. Thanks for your thoughts Gunner, appreciated as always. It seems pretty obvious that you didn’t like Ulofoshio pick, you were unusually vocal about it in other threads 😊 Two things. 1. As for WRs, you are the one who says Bills have 100 or so players on their board. So maybe Thrash just wasn’t on their board at all and Washington was rated way lower than Ulofoshio. Then they made the right choice. I don’t want them to take flyer on WR just for the sake of taking flyer (or actually I do want, but not at all costs). 2. I have no idea about the player, but if they think he could for example play Matakevich’s role in ST, and be as good as him, that alone makes him a good pick. We need to fill these roles with cheap rookies and not pay $3M a year for ST players and depth pieces at DL. And if he also becomes solid backup LB, even better. I wanted 2 WRs from this draft just as anybody else. It seems that they felt differently, and apparently it wasn’t their priority. Maybe they really see something in Shorter or Shavers or Hamler we don’t know. I am ready to give them benefit of doubt. Last summer we all thought we are doomed at LB and look how it all changed thanks to Bernard. And apart from not drafting 2 WRs I really like how they filled the holes. I’d prefer more BPA oriented approach, but at least Beane is really good to match value and need.
  20. Sort of random observation but today there has been a big shift in OTC data. Mack Hollins, who was previously way below the threshold, is now listed exactly as cutoff player at 670 (I am not sure, but he was listed as something like 710th or so before). This results in Bills losing 5th round pick for Floyd, and leave us with 4th round for Gabe Davis only. I know that after Tremaine debacle these unofficial sources need to be taken with a grain of salt, but I still find it interesting. Hopefully once all is said and done Hollins will fall under the line and we'll get 4th and 5th. https://overthecap.com/compensatory-picks
  21. I agree with your comments re WRs, provided that it won't be for more than $3M. I disagree with the bolded though. We can't use decent chunk of it, if by "chunk" you mean more than $5M. We will need cap space for signing rookies, 52/53 player, practice squad a keep some space for in season moves. That is total of $8-10M or so. We had SB roster last 3 years and it didn't help us. Maybe we get lucky this year and win with worse roster (if it is worse).
  22. There is already a thread about this going. But it's harder than usual to notice due to many sticked threads, I'll give you that
  23. Agreed. And that deserves some attention. I do remember that after 2022 season a lot of people on this board were vocal about how Beane has neglected OL and how it sucked. Fast forward 12 months and there is literally not a single word about needing to bolster OL or draft any OL high. I think Beane deserves a lot of credit for this.
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