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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. With Funchess signing for 13 million, albeit for one year, I don’t think you get Tyrell under 13. I would think 13 is the floor and that would be on a longer contract and with a decent guarantee.
  2. With Funchess in Indi, anyone think that makes Buffalo a huge possibility for Tyrell Williams?
  3. Problem is, then we have no offensive line. That’s why it was absolutely a necessity to “buy” a few offensive line starters this off season. Funny you bring up AB. I was just telling my wife, we might as well have given AB 40 million a year all guaranteed to get him here. At least then the cap space is being spent on a difference maker at a position of need.
  4. I hope I end up eating crow on how I feel about this signing.
  5. 4 catches for 36 yards in 5 games last season ?‍♂️
  6. I cant believe a guy who barely played last year got that deal. That’s free agency I guess. He was far from my top TE target.
  7. Certainly doesn’t seem like cap space matters most. Indianapolis- zero deals, Buffalo - Zero deals, Cleveland - zero deals, Jets - one deal. Top 4 cap space teams, one combined deal.
  8. What did the Eagles give up for a guy who pretty much only wanted to play for them and who was going to be released anyways.
  9. I’m still hoping the Bills are stealthy in on Bell. 85 receptions for 655 yards in 2017. To go along with 1300 rushing yards. 11 total TD’s. Give him 15 million. Cut Shady and Gore and it’s like your paying Bell 6 million a year. Yeah, I’ll take Bell for 6 million more than Gore and McCoy.
  10. Can’t wait to see the exact contract numbers on this one. He will never live up to it.
  11. Don’t they have to pay money to the NFLPA if they don’t spend a certain amount this year? So it’s basically spend it on a player or give it away.
  12. I thought this was an absolute certainty when they released five players Friday to make room for someone (cough Foles cough).
  13. Mitch Morse, 4 years 50 million with 27 million guaranteed over the first two years.
  14. Problem is, it’s a low-risk no reward move. You aren’t getting a game breaking back, nor one that can develop into a game breaking back. Would have rather spent league minimum on an UDFA RB.
  15. I don’t get the logic behind this one. I can’t see it at all. “Dawkins opens up a gaping hole to the left, you could drive a truck through that, here comes (Shady, Ivory, especially Gore) and.... ohhh he breaks a hip.”
  16. WTF is this BS. Has the “plan the parade” comment been made yet? This is ridiculous.
  17. If the Bills org wants them, its going to be an overpayment that people will probably complain about. I definitely want Morse and Williams but I’m realistic as well. It’s going to cost a lot. If they want both of them, I’m preparing for 15 million per for each. Anything less would be pleasantly surprising. I think at that cost you definitely get them, even to Buffalo.
  18. I’ve said before. Morse and Williams still on the market. I honestly don’t care how free agency plays out if they can land those two. For all we know they are on the full court press for those two and think its likely they sign.
  19. Is this the same Rapaport “closing in” as Antonio Brown to the Bills?
  20. Dont like this. Really would have liked him on the Bills. Hopefully Jets completely overpaid. This would be a nightmare to play twice a year.
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