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Everything posted by BillsfaninSB

  1. I may regret it down the road but I’m ready for the Jets and Patriots to lose this weekend. Do not want those teams to get any traction. Bengals are 0-2 and the Ravens and Bengals will likely pick each other off. Am I wrong?
  2. How is Levi doing on the Steelers? Is he getting any playing time? I don’t recall hearing his name once while watching the game. But maybe I missed it.
  3. There are moments when I’m grateful IDGA s#%t about contemporary stuff. This is one of those times.
  4. Man I really want to know what set him off. It seems that a guy on the winning team who got a lot of playing time would be in a good mood after the game. Unless it was a misunderstanding it had to be significant.
  5. With any type of suspension, do the Bills get to add a guy to the roster for this one game?
  6. I hate this thread. Can we change subjects and talk about Josh Rosen?
  7. Saw him standing on the sideline during the TV broadcast when we got reserve time. Appears to be not bad but maybe it will hurt today and be an issue for the Dolphin game.
  8. Titans are in the AFC south. 0-2 is far from being out of it. I think they can still win that division.
  9. Had Covid during the Rams game. Still have Covid thanks to the Paxlovid rebound.
  10. So glad Cook got some work in tonight thanks to the blow out. I hope he can build off of that. He was the leading rusher for the Bills tonight so that’s not nothing.
  11. Like the Rams game it could have been worse for the Titans.
  12. So he was able to play in week 1 and 2? The Cards and Bolts have to be pissed.
  13. I don’t know what to make of any team right now other than the Steeler offense.
  14. It’s weird that the Utica peninsula gets Pats/Steelers. How the hell is that decided?
  15. I’m in the minority here but I like the elf logo.
  16. Wow! Pretty disturbing if your a Cowboys fan. I do hope they rally and figure out a way to beat the Bengals. Their defense is still strong.
  17. Maybe but we just need them to do the Bills bidding and beat the Chiefs and Chargers at least once.
  18. We need to prop up the Broncos now. Need their help to hopefully beat the Chargers and Chiefs at some point. That is all I care about.
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