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Everything posted by BillsfaninSB

  1. I got the impression this was staged so I give that list zero credibility.
  2. He did have the knee injury to rehab going into the previous off season. At least this summer it appears he is fresh and injury free. Hopefully that helps.
  3. True and I’m still very thankful for that. But it still sucked so bad to endure that going into the bye week.
  4. He has been with the Bills for only a season but his name has been mentioned countless times on this Board and elsewhere.
  5. Now that the draft is behind us, what familiar face might not be a Bill going into the 22’ season either by trade or release? Haack? Moss? Epenesa?
  6. Joe is great! Puts the other guys on “Locked On” to shame.
  7. On Joe Marino’s Sunday podcast he nonchalantly referred to Breece as a “former Bill”. I thought that was hysterical.
  8. They could pick a back-up long snapper and I would be good.
  9. If the Colts miss the playoffs again I can see Frank Reich getting shown the door.
  10. Booth dropped to the 2nd minimum. Sounds like Elam was the only option. By the way, I’m okay with the trade up. Don’t mess around. I have always wondered if the Bills wanted T. Diggs in ‘20 but gambled he would make it to them and lost.
  11. While these selections would make the draft feel routine this year, the two are good picks and prudent.
  12. Like previous drafts, I predict nothing out of the ordinary will happen. Including the Raiders reaching.
  13. Yep. FedEx is apparently no good. The St Louis Rams needed a new stadium. Both built in mid 90s. I wonder if Cincinnati is next. At least they got their moneys worth out of Highmark.
  14. Commercial Real Estate 101: The lessor (the State) builds the building at their cost and owns the building. The lessee (the Bills) occupies said building and pays rent under the terms of the lease. The hope is a win - win for both parties. Feel free to argue whether or not the State should be into the commercial real estate development business but don’t argue the deal. In principle it is no different that any other commercial deal. Sure their are some weird nuances because of the uniqueness of the project but not a big deal.
  15. I have a reasonably good income and beat myself up over pissing away $2 sometimes. Add the hassle factor of making another stop especially if he was running a little late to catch the plane. I get it. I could see myself doing the same thing.
  16. Not many people know this but the Coliseum was built because the Rome Raiders threaten the City with relocating to Alexandria, Egypt if they did not get a new stadium.
  17. Will this be covered under the Apple TV subscription or is Sunday Ticket an additional fee?
  18. I was thinking the same thing. Change the jersey to make it more congruent with the use of the red shell.
  19. I also love the one about Walt Garrison. “If you need 3 yards, he’ll get you 3 yards. If you need 10 yards, he’ll get you 3 yards”.
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