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Everything posted by buffalobloodfloridahome

  1. This upcoming season it will be difficult because we have set the bar higher and over-performed with our talent level. We may have a season similar to the Buccaneers did this year. We have so many changes and many will be upgrades , but it takes a while to build chemistry and we may have a rough season. On the other hand we could become a 10-11 win team this year with upgraded talent, it all depends on how the players gel and develop. Either way for the first time in a while I'm excited for the future.
  2. I just want our offense to not punt 12 times a game. We are lucky we have a decent punter. Also that whole battle for field position is usually only a big deal when both teams have terrible offenses.
  3. The Biggest Frustration about Bortles is that the guy has the size arm strength mobility and the ability to be a great Qb. He thinks he can just skate by on his skill and not apply himself (He Likes to Party). If he had half the heart and drive that Tyrod has he'd be incredible. The flip side is Tyrod doesn't have anything but drive he has a decent arm and bad accuracy he's short but athletic.
  4. I don't consider Mayfield a pocket passer either even though he's not in this discussion. We have had a mobile QB with accuracy issues for the past few years and it hit it's ceiling this year even though Tyrod didn't have a great year we made the playoffs in spite because of his lack of turnovers. Lamar has shown that he does take chances and does throw down the field unfortunately without great accuracy he'll probably be a career backup somewhere (Joe Webb). Rudolph is more of the prototypical passer that stands in the pocket and has decent accuracy from what I've watched I like his ability.
  5. If the Patriots win it all and likely they will because they have superior QB talent then your point is Moot.
  6. His size will become a factor in his inability to be the GOAT. He is the best in the game right now and does it with precision route running speed and great hands. That being said if I was picking WR's that are in the NFL to start a team with I would prefer a Deandre Hopkins, AJ Green or Julio Jones type over Brown. Brown has done so well with Roethlisberger because of the ability to go deep and Ben loves to throw down field. Still amazing and fun to watch him torch defenses every week.
  7. EJ's biggest problem to me was he had absolutely no pocket presence or confidence. Plus he telegraphed all his plays by either having his mouthpiece in or out. Out if it was a run and in if he was going to pass. He was frustrating to me similarly to Tyrod because there is definitely talent and flashes of great playmaking ability. They both just have the inability to be consistent. I have jumped on board with every starting Qb that Bills have rolled out since Kelly hoping that we can find our franchise guy. Heck I was even pulling for Billy Joe Hoebert and Thad Lewis along with the other cast of characters. Man Losman had an arm on him and threw a beautiful deep ball unfortunately he only had one velocity and just about blew over the Rbs on screens. So until we finally get that guy that will bring us to the promise land I'll jump on board and root for the next one until I see he is not the answer either until the next one comes with promise. Because what really matters is whether that Qb is capable of winning us a Super Bowl everything else is just talk.
  8. Sometimes teams style of play match up in weird ways almost person to person. Our defense completely sold out on the run to stop Fournette and had nobody to stop Bortles when he couldn't figure out where to throw so he ran and hard large swath's of defenderless territory ahead of him. They are a great pass defense and we couldn't pass anyways so we only passed enough to keep them honest until they buckled down and finally slowed down our run in the second half. One week later Roethlisberger almost throws for 500 yards and 5tds against them in an uncharacteristic shootout. On paper it doesn't make any sense if you break down individual matchups person to person is where the game can swing. They couldn't cover Antonio brown. Steelers couldn't stop Fournette. So to say that our defense is great because we stopped fournette and held them to 10 points is not an accurate statement. We were one defensive player short of stopping them all game and it allowed Bortles to run all over us.
  9. I think at this point the only thing that will matter is who the Qb coach is!
  10. Wouldn't you choose the weather in SD over Buffalo plus a QB named Phillip Rivers definitely sexier job at the time.
  11. A QB Capable of reading defenses and adjusting at the line. OC that can give said QB plays that he can use to adjust too. If we go to a less mobile QB then we need to fix up the right side of the Oline or QB will be a sitting duck. Need a big physical Nose Tackle DT that can make teams think twice about running up the middle but also capable of creating pressure up the middle on passing plays. Another speedy LB that can run sideline to sideline and cover TE's. We need a backup running back to spell shady that can still be effective either through draft or free agency and possibly take over for Shady when he retires. Another Speedy option at WR wouldn't hurt shame we lost Goodwin.
  12. Mayfield is another short roll out of the pocket type passer. His ceiling is Drew Brees his floor is Jimmy Clausen.
  13. I was going to say we are not missing out on anything. London games seem to set teams back a week or two. I can't see how we can even discuss sustaining a team in London it could seriously hurt quality of play similar to Thursday night games.
  14. Wouldn't it be cool if we got some OC with a new style offense that was high flying and loaded up on speed and let it rip. Sean Mcvay esque. Like a Scott Frost stealing him from Nebraska after making UCF the highest scoring offense in the division 1.
  15. I honestly like having Joe Webb stay on as special teams and it avoids us needing a 3rd string QB. Win Win Everybody saying Nick O'leary was a nobody obviously never watched Jameis Winston in college he was about as clutch as a TE could be and had allot to do with that National Championship.
  16. Could it be because defenses squeezed down inside of a 10 yard box knowing that's where he throws too and he kept trying to throw darts at guys that were blanketed in coverage instead of the guy running wide open 15 yards down the field.
  17. How can we adequately rate any of the receivers on this team without seeing them get steady targets and accurately thrown balls. We have no idea how good this WR core actually is Jordan Matthews was the #1 on the Eagles and KB was #1 on the Panthers mixed with Zay who needs to shake the dropsies and Deonte a decent deep threat I think our receiving core could be sneaky good with better QBing.
  18. Goodwin was always hurt incredible deep threat though. Woods was heavily underutilized and always flashed sure hands and solid route running along with being a good blocker it's not surprising to me that either of these guys when getting steady amounts of targets are producing this well.
  19. I agree someday the the Amish rifle will be a Qb coach or even offensive coordinator if not head coach. His physical limitations kept him from being elite.
  20. I'll take the play on sunday with a RPO on the goal line. He gave Tyrod a choice which is Dennison's mistake but, Tyrod should of kept it a running play Tyrod's mistake. 1 offensive pass interference later we kick a field goal and never get close to the end zone the rest of the game.
  21. This team thrives on turnovers and we didn't get one therefore we lost. We had opportunities and dropped them. The offense was moving better in the first half and then completely disappeared after half time per usual. Balls were dropped by the WR's but how many were overthrown or poorly thrown Tyrod's terrible accuracy was in full display even the catches we made most looked awkward or the player had to go backward to get it.
  22. I agree we need to upgrade our line. On the other hand that defensive line has been overpowering everybody's oline.
  23. It is strange to me that allot of people want to roll the dice with a rookie QB instead of one that has proven to be a capable QB. Have we not learned from the past with Manuel, Losman and countless others that even if they are a first round pick doesn't guarantee anything other than they make more money on their rookie deal. I will say that the last few years allot of the early picks are developing into good QB's some even after a rough rookie year, Wentz and Goff particularly. I haven't seen anyone from college standout this year and really take college by storm that I would be confident on betting the house and sending a ton of picks to get. Mayfield who's performed the best has questionable size and arm strength is definitely passionate and immature at times. I don't see one finished product and i'm waiting to see the combine and workouts until I would even want to make that decision. The Bills were a QB away yesterday from moving on in the playoffs Kirk would of won that game for us and we for sure would of scored more than 3 points. Why take a chance on a rookie when you can get somebody ready to go and proven.
  24. Lets look at the fact the our defense not offense generally closes the door with an interception late in the game. It seems like almost every close game we win the other team has the ball with a chance because we cannot score in the second half of a game.
  25. Our turnovers on Defense is what has kept this team alive and covered up allot of our deficiencies on both sides of the ball. We still need a QB that can create their own offense and consistently move up and down the field. We can't have a guy throw for 65 yards in a game and be ok with that. This team is allot closer than anyone could imagine. We just need a few playmakers to put us over the top.
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