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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. I do get that, but I also get that for us to beat really good teams, he’s going to have to really improve his deep ball. Hes gotta hit that, Roberts was wiiiide open
  2. Haha of course as soon as I say that, he overthrows Roberts by about 20 yards
  3. Definitely some better throws so far in the 2nd half
  4. Haha over a minute and 2 timeouts and down 5 and we’ll just take it to the half. Great stuff.
  5. I honestly have a hard time believing that people that see Allen as a star actually watch other NFL teams. I dont think he’s horrible but a really far cry from anything resembling a star. Basically mediocre at best with some fun moments athletically.
  6. I'd go with a B. I think he's a good leader and teacher. No doubt the guys come to play for him. He is not a good game manager. This is very worrisome given we're in year 3. As you can see with someone like Andy Reid who is in many ways a brilliant coach...it is something that some coaches just never figure out.
  7. I'd like to have one more back but that's because I'm not huge on Yeldon. It would feel better going down the stretch to have a solid 3rd option with Singletary's possible injury and Gore's wear and tear. I wouldn't want to pay big for Gordon though. I think he's kind of a tweener where he's pretty good but not great, but will likely get paid as great.
  8. I already love Duke, showed more heart in this game than I’ve ever seen from Zay
  9. What concerns me about that is it’s the 2nd time that’s happened this season, the QB sneak on 4th and 2. I think our offensive coaching and game management is still a big problem.
  10. We have to be the only team that just gives away a possession like that at the end of the half. So many other teams would be salivating to get the ball with 45 secs and all 3 timeouts.
  11. He could remedy all of that by just playing well, or even half decent.
  12. Can Josh PLEASE do something??? Still somehow a one possession game!
  13. We wish it was Favre. We’d have a lot more production that came with the mistakes.
  14. He’s just gotta throw the ball. My God. This is shades of Rob Johnson.
  15. You cant be serious...he had like 10 completely clean seconds in the pocket to find something or get rid of it to save decent FG position.
  16. I wish that’s all it was. The problem is we also see him totally rattled, throwing ducks, and missing the open receivers he does have. The special QBs are the ones who don’t get that rattled. There’s still a long game to go and he’s gotta show some kind of heart and poise.
  17. There were some who said that. I’ve liked Josh up to now actually but this is unfortunately exactly what I feared, that he’d be one of these guys that has the deer in the headlights look in a big game.
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