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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. I agree with some of that and disagree with some of it as well. I did think a rebuild was necessary. I didn't think the team as constructed was properly built to make a championship run, especially given that some of our best players were older. For me, no matter where you are, the end game should be to have built a perennial Superbowl contender. And I was glad they continued on the path of a rebuild after they went 9-7 with a 1st round playoff exit. While it was a fun moment when it happened, I didn't think it changed anything as far as looking at what they really were. What amazes me is that people say they agree with this, but also use it as a reason for why McBeane should get extra time for this process. I've heard so many people say the playoffs "bought" them an extra year or two. Why? It was a 9-7 one and done season. The team was mediocre and it was basically exactly where this team had been treading the last few years. For me it's still the same process with the same timeline, and yes, I do think they're behind. This team still has a lot of holes and deficiencies after 2 offseasons, and it's concerning. That's what made the Pats game tough to watch. They basically did sleepwalk through that and it was still no contest. And they're not even that good this season. The front 7 was totally helpless too. I love Milano but he wouldn't have single-handedly changed that, especially not the way our d-line got pushed around. We have a longer way to go than we should after 2 offseasons and the problems with coaching, player development, and player acquisition are definitely visible. I like some of what I've seen out of Allen so that still goes a long way, but if the goal is a perennial powerhouse we are definitely behind.
  2. I hope someone has addressed this in the 10 pages that I didn't read all the way through...but no this is not the first year of the rebuild. We're 2 offseasons in now. Going into offseason #3, we still have a ton of holes, more than we should after 2 offseasons. I do like Allen so if he ends up being the real deal that would at least be the most important position on the field that they got right which is huge. But that doesn't change all the deficiencies we still have and I think that's a legitimate gripe. I'm willing to see what happens this offseason, but I think people like yourself have this idea that nothing can be assessed during a rebuild. I don't care about the record, I've said many times that it's not a big deal to me this season. I wanted progress. Being in a rebuild doesn't change the fact that the gameday coaching hasn't been very good. It also doesn't change that the pace of filling holes with quality players has also been relatively slower than it should be. Also, everyone has the draft and a lot of teams are going to have big money to spend this offseason. The question is going to be if we have the people in place to be better at acquiring quality players through those avenues and putting them in position to succeed better than everyone else can. I think having a franchise QB can mask some of that but if the goal is to be a perennial powerhouse, which is what I personally want, I think the doubts are warranted.
  3. The reason is because these are trash excuses. These things happen in the NFL. Guys retire. Guys who have previously been problematic become problematic again. Nobody's going to feel sorry for us or give us extra wins or points or players because this happens. Adjustments have to be made. I apologize if this is going to be a spoiler alert for some of you...but something unexpected will happen this offseason. Not everything will go as planned. There will also be injuries next season. The Bills also knew about Eric Wood in January. This excuse that's put out there that they were "blindsided" is so laughable. They basically had the entire offseason to account for and plan for a replacement. Incognito was going on 35 years old, even if he was coming back for this season, that's not a guy for a rebuilding team that can be counted on as being part of the future. I would have basically planned as if he didn't even exist because we needed a replacement anyway. And if it's absurd to expect them to bring in 2 viable o-linemen in one offseason...how are we expected to get at least 3 legitimate starters and solid depth in this one? It's a little scary that they've already had 2 offseasons and the o-line is in complete shambles. We have one adequate starter in Dawkins and they're hoping Teller can be one, but we don't know that yet.
  4. I'm not a John Harbaugh guy so this isn't about that...but I question how much you've watched the Bills the last couple years if you believe that. It's actually been one of the alarming things about McDermott that we've seen a number of games where this team doesn't show up at all and has gotten their doors blown off.
  5. I don't know if it'll all happen yet...and while Brady's slowing down he's still pretty good...but I really thought the Jimmy G trade was a huge mistake for them. I'm glad he stuck his nose in it...but Kraft should've let Belichick do what he really wanted to and move on from Brady and move forward with Jimmy G.
  6. I have been one of the loudest in calling out McDermott for his extreme conservativeness as a coach and decision maker. That being said...I was a little more encouraged by that call on Sunday. It was 100% the right call. As people here have said, just because it didn't work, that doesn't mean it's the wrong call. I go for that 4th and 2 every single time without any hesitation. Field goals are trash, they're great if you like to be bad or mediocre. I hope the call wasn't just for development in the sense that he wanted to give a young QB an extra big play for the sake of it, but rather he'll lean towards going for it more as he develops trust in the QB. Hard to say because he's been so incredibly conservative here, but I'm hoping that was a step in the right direction. I love going for 2 in those spots if your QB is your best, or at least one of your best players. If you have a really good offense, I'd take that shot to win the game over the possibility that your best don't even touch the ball in OT. I'd have to go back to see the play the Titans ran, I don't like their QB so I don't know if I would have been as confident with that one. I know the Colts lost a game like that as well...but I would have no regrets about putting the game on Andrew Luck's shoulders. Sometimes the best decisions don't work out.
  7. I would've loved for us to have traded for Mack, the dude is a generational player. That's not even getting to how sickening it is that we could have drafted him and took Watkins instead.
  8. If we're trying to be 9-7 with a one and done playoff appearance, heavily upgrading one of them is fine. If we're looking to be great, both the o-line and WR's need a lot of work. Zay is awful. Foster has looked solid and McKenzie could be a good depth receiver. We need at least 1 top shelf WR and more quality depth, and a real TE. The o-line has been horrible. A couple of quarters here and there doesn't really change that. Why does it really matter if it's not "as gruesome" as Carolina or Zona? Is that the standard or do we want the team to be a real championship contender?
  9. Tim Horton's coffee in the US stores is trash. I don't really blame them. But if Chris Brown as half the homer for them as he is for the Bills, he'd be chugging it faster than Bluto and his whiskey.
  10. It's both encouraging and a little discouraging. Encouraging in the sense that he's been able to be decent and show considerable promise with such trash around him. Discouraging that this is what the FO has after 2 offseasons, and that we need that same FO to fill so many holes with high quality players. The o-line especially just needs a ton of work. Dawkins is really only an adequate starter at LT and while we hope Teller can be a starter, we don't really know that he can yet. And that's it. Everyone else on the o-line is horrific, including our "depth" guys.
  11. How long did Tampa stay a SB contender after they won? What sunk them? There's also plenty of elite defenses that never win it. I want a team that's going to be a perennial contender, and you have the best odds of doing that if you have a franchise QB. This has been proven for as long as football has been around. I don't really even know what the argument is anymore because that is the direction we went in, but I guess I'm glad we have the people in place that we do that had proper value placed on a franchise QB instead of people that aren't able to comprehend that.
  12. Nice write-up. Agree about Lorax, the dude was a beast yesterday. I don't care how old he is, he can play for my team any day while he's still got a little something in the tank. I was generally fine with Allen's game yesterday, like you said it was a rookie performance. But I like what I see and I like his mentality. I love a couple of the little things, like how he looks to take advantage of the free plays when he draws a defender Offside by going deep, reminds me of Aaron Rodgers if you've ever seen how opportunistic he is on those. He also understands giving his receivers a chance to make a play downfield and that you can get a PI call even if they don't. The possibility of a PI is a weapon and he gets that. What I saw from the other team reiterates how important it is to have a big-time playmaking WR. A guy like Golladay makes a big difference and almost won the game for them. We gotta get Josh one of those!
  13. Sal is Chris Brown Jr. There's no objectivity. They almost border on straight up propaganda at times.
  14. Dude was solid. Didn't really look like he had starter type talent but we need good depth at the position.
  15. I love posts like this that don't actually have any real long-term vision. Dominant defenses are not sustainable for long-term success. If you actually really look at this league, the teams that are perennial contenders are the teams with franchise QB's and competent offenses. It's awesome to have a great defense, but no team in the league is able to keep one for an extended period of time. The Bears D I'm sure will stay at least good for a while, but watch, their window for being at this level is going to be pretty small as they start to lose guys. I don't think anyone's ever been against having a good D or run game...but the priority and rightfully so was about getting that franchise QB. It's so much easier to get everything else to fall into place once you have that.
  16. It's encouraging, for sure. To me, once you have your QB, there's no such thing as tanking anymore. It's important to start establishing a winning culture...by winning. I think it does make a difference if we finish the year out strong, not only for the players here but to try to become a somewhat attractive free agent destination.
  17. Way better than having the defeated, glum look of that supposedly great guy Peterman on the sidelines.
  18. There were actually people here saying he was a legit #2...he’s nowhere close. Dude is awful and a major bust.
  19. Yup, it probably is. I honestly think for some coaches the objective is just to keep it close, not to win the game. Absolutely, it's the right call all the way around to go for it. And oh yeah, Elway would have been livid. Joseph probably wasn't thinking about that in that moment, but having a former QB and especially a HOF one as a GM is going to be killer here.
  20. I can't agree, they had a shot right there to get the first down or take the lead on 4th and 1 from inside the opposition's 10. Gotta go for the killshot there. I loved that call. 4th and 1 and a shot to end the game right there and then with the ball in the hands of one of your best players...I'm taking that chance all day. They didn't get it but I have no problem at all with the logic there. If McD ever makes a call like that, I'm behind it every time. But most likely he kicks the FG in both scenarios.
  21. The Broncos going for that FG down 17-13 with like 4 minutes to go on 4th and 1 and then 4th and 6 after the delay of game makes me want to puke...and I had no rooting interest in the game. Conservative football deserves to lose.
  22. I honestly wanted Darnold but I was at least relieved we got Allen over Rosen. I think the Rosen douchebaggery stuff was a little overblown...I just didn't think he was as talented as the other guys.
  23. I think Mayfield was the most advanced out of all of them...but I actually like the upside of Darnold and Allen more. But as of right now, today, obviously Mayfield is the best and most productive.
  24. I do too, I think he's going to be really good. Just like on Allen, people way overreact when a rookie QB goes through some early struggles. But that should be a really good rivalry for years to come.
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