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Everything posted by ticketssince61

  1. Always need to draft well because the players are cheap In my opinion, Beane has only been so-so on the draft and has a propensity to trade up too often - and for players that don't pan out I think the way to draft is to a. let the draft come to you b. trade down to stockpile multiple picks since most picks (even first rounders) are crap shoots Beane's savings grace has been that he can plug holes with good FA signings at reasonable prices
  2. Part of the problem is that due to Covid the the cap went DOWN for the coming season
  3. This is what Gov Cuomo posted about this: "Over the weekend, the Buffalo Bills defeated the Baltimore Ravens to head to the AFC Championship—the first time since 1994. During the game, Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson was injured, but Bills fans pooled together and donated a total of $150,000 to Jackson's charity "Blessings in a Backpack," to help provide kids with food. New Yorkers are tough but they're also loving and this was a perfect example of that spirit" My response is: "No - NOT New Yorkers, BUFFALONIANS!"
  4. Not always sure why a hot Coordinator would turn down a job even from a dysfunctional franchise Oftentimes a coordinator is the "hot" commodity and only has a small window of opportunity to capitalize The difference in pay between coordinator and head coach is astronomical and you might never get another chance
  5. Texans would be absolute idiots to trade him at all - he is under contract for a long time - and no way will they be able to replace him
  6. I think they are just bringing in experienced vets as "Covid Insurance" with no plans for beyond this yeaer
  7. The player they are trying to tackle is ALSO an NFL player playing at the highest level
  8. Each of those 3 NFC QB's has played more seasons than the AFC QB's Combined!
  9. All of those Colt plays that you mention (dropped passes, missed FG's, ...) show that they were NOT the better team. If they were the better team, then they would have made those plays
  10. Would be hilarious to hear dan lebatard try to explain himself now!
  11. after being a Bills fan for over 50 years, it is WIN "superbowl or bust" A good friend of the family just turned 90, and he says that he is tired of wait til next year since "I am not sure how many more next year's I will have"
  12. He lucked into Peyton Manning and every QB move since then has been a disaster
  13. I live in LA but only follow the Bills. I am a little surprised they fired Lynn because of the development of QB Herbert. Herbert is the future of the franchise so a bit perplexed why they would change systems/regimes on their QB after a very successful rookie year.
  14. Every other year, we are always scratching our heads and thinking "I can't believe they called that play? What were they thinking!" This year, it is: "I can't believe they called that play? What an INCREDIBLE Call!
  15. Rest 'em - we can't take a chance on Josh Allen getting hurt and missing the playoff games
  16. I think each team should be allowed to have an extra kicker, punter and long snapper on the roster Could you imagine the havoc if one of those positions tested positive right before a game
  17. Gase was such an awful hire. It is amazing that they would hire a coach who had just fired for failing miserably
  18. I thought the exact same thing - Diggs looked like Anrdre
  19. Exactly - when JA gets his $40mm / year contract extension, there goes a lot of cap flexibility Which means "we must win NOW"
  20. I assumed he was just throwing the ball away and lo and behold a TD I live in LA so up until the last few weeks have not seen much of him What I see now makes me shake my head in disbelief - he is making throws look routine that are uber-difficult. He looks Rodgers or Mahomes out there
  21. My earliest Bills Memory was 1967 but I believe my dad RIP was at the game watched the footage and a few random observations - who was the genius who decided the goal posts should be in the middle of the field - loved the ref's red uniforms - they must have come straight from a barbership quartet to ref the game QUESTION: How do you think the championship teams would do against University of Alabama? I think bama would destroy them because - players are much bigger and stronger today - players in 64 could not match the speed to today's players
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