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Everything posted by BigDingus

  1. There ya go! Exactly. No need to hang your heads. The defense played so hard and did everything they could to keep us in the game. There was no quit, and we made it to the playoffs. Plenty to be proud of.
  2. A chunk of yardage and almost nothing off the clock since the guy would go out of bounds? We were 2nd & 20 afterall... not many plays with 30 seconds left and at midfield besides throwing outside routes.
  3. I mean the way the offense played is nothing new. 3 total points in the 4th quarter through 7 games. THREE. That's our offense for ya.
  4. It was obvious from anyone who wasn't a homer that he definitely wasn't. But again, I'm still just happy we broke the curse. Onto the draft!
  5. Man...Thompson really has to move towards that ball. Standing there hoping it just comes to you while the defender is behind you is bad on any play. Oh well, can't fault Peterman too much either. He was called in on 4th & 3 at the end of the game, got a 1st down, then got rushed like crazy. Proud of the Bills this season for getting where they did.
  6. Are we blaming Dennison for Taylor holding onto the ball way too long again with great pass protection & an open man? Or can we finally start acknowledging execution on the field matters most?
  7. Terrible reads as usual. Once AGAIN, NOT Dennsion's fault. But man, I really hope he's ok. Love Taylor as a person, and pray he's not seriously hurt.
  8. The way the defense is dominating today makes it sickening how inept our offense is. Can't believe people had the nerve to say "fire Frazier!" after Jax scored ONE TD... stupid.
  9. Man, if Taylor had even somewhat decent deep ball accuracy this game would be completely different. He cannot hit anyone in stride who has a break on the defender. Pretty good pass to Jones, however the CB got away with holding his arm down.
  10. Nobody ever blame this defense again. The main reason we win games or are even in games late is because of them. Tyrod & the offense have the perfect opportunity right now to show who they are. There's plenty of time, the two minute warning & a timeout. If we still can't score a TD, there's no more excuses. Going on 7 games with only 3 total points in the 4th quarter is unheard of for any "good" QB.
  11. And people say they'd rather have TT today than Bortles because at least he can escape pressure. I only see one QB escaping pressure and making plays with his feet, and it sure as hell isn't Tyrod
  12. Wow, I can post visual evidence and pictures of plays that TT failed to execute all day & people would still blame Dennsion. Doesn't matter all the plays we see left on the field and all the things that should've happened but didn't, the OC will always get crapped on when the QB does something stupid. It's why we go through coordinators here more often than HC's.
  13. Only Taylor would see 2 guys blitzing directly in front him, on his right side where he sees them the entire time, and then run right back into them instead of the complete open field. Wow.
  14. For those blaming O'leary on that 3rd down (for whatever stupid reason). He was 1 yard downfield and had just about 1.5 seconds before the ball was already past him. He was covered by 2 guys & about to get blasted. Tyrod was not supposed to throw there. Don't blame O'leary.... It's obviously not on him.
  15. Actually, I just looked at the O'leary play again. He was ONE yard past the line of scrimmage when the ball was already past him. He was 5 yards short and 2 guys were covering him while we had 4 receivers out there. Tyrod was NOT supposed to throw there
  16. You mean right as he turned his head and the ball was already past him and still 3 yards short of a first down with a guy that was about to drill him? Yeah, totally his fault. If he caught it that would've been a surefire first down
  17. He wasn't even done with the route, and you do realize there were more reads on the field ... Tyrod threw early and didn't look anywhere else. How can you fault Dennsion for Tyrod throwing to a guy who hadn't even made it through his route? How many yards down field was he supposed to be in 1.5 seconds?
  18. 3 points in the 4th quarter over the last 6 games... man that's embarrassing.
  19. Considering we weren't even supposed to be here, everything that happens is icing on the cake. Not settling for defeat, rather happy for the success we've had.
  20. Why are people blaming O'leary? That pass was way the hell short of the sticks and poorly timed. He was super covered anyway, so if by some miracle he caught that he would've been drilled into the ground 2-3 yards short.
  21. That's usually how it goes. And this is where the "he's efficient!" argument fails. Field vision & situational awareness show real efficiency, not checking the ball down no matter what the score, time left, filed position, etc. is throughout the game.
  22. Bummer that it's in the 4th quarter already Taylor is 3-21 in games we are down by even one point at any time in the 4th quarter... Just wish this offense had some big play capability...
  23. Our offense has trouble overcoming a 7 point deficit against anyone, but I'm not going to rule them out just yet.
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