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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Stuck on the roster nearly every season McDermott has been coach. He’s a McBeane Special, versatile, smart, team first kinda player. Knows the system very well, said to be able to help out a lot of younger/newer guys with learning the scheme. Plays all special teams and only played at safety here and there since Poyer and Hyde had been rather healthy up until this season. I recall Marlowe recovered the fumble caused by Justin Zimmer on Cam Newton when they played the Pats at home in 2020. I also just recently learned they added Zimmer to the practice squad a few weeks ago. I think he left after 2020 with an injury settlement. Can’t recall where or if he played in 2021 and now he’s back. It’s a smart trade for them considering Hyde is out and Poyer is really beat up this year. I would think Hamlin stays out there whether it’s Poyer or Marlowe next to him.
  2. No, no, of course not, Joseph. I want that job to go to Sam Martin. Duh.
  3. Haha no sir, I am just a user of and a proud advocate for "youse" and "youse guys" or even "youse guys ovah dere."
  4. What?! Why didn't they get McCaffrey, Davante Adams, Quinton Nelson, Derwin James, and uh...Jerry Rice?!? This is the poop of the bull and now I are so mad my whole day is kaputs. Thanks jerks!
  5. The monumental failureisms of this incompetenet forwards office is agreejuss, youse guys. It's unaccepebbles!
  6. In the immortal words of the almighty James Hetfield: "So f@#%$n' what?!" Lemme know when Miami figures out how to put up more than 21 on a team not below .500. Also, Tua definitely doesn't use his turn signal when he drives. Jaylen Waddle puts mustard on his pancakes. And Tyreek Hill abuses children. Overall, this means they are a bunch of scrub-bums managed by a guy who looks like he wants to sell you a washing machine at Best Buy. Don't care who gets who and neither do the Bills. Chubb can go have zero sacks in Miami now.
  7. You're right, probably not half. Yeah, the "concerned" posts get me. It's like, just enjoy the ride. It's as if some think that if the defense isn't shutting out teams every week then there are issues. And if the offense isn't replicating their success from the Wild Card game vs the Pats then there are "causes for concern" and yadda yadda yah. Other teams are gonna score points and hit on some plays. Either way they still gotta try and stop Josh Allen and this offense.
  8. Man, I can't remember a season with more moronic takes than this one. Team is 6-1 and half this board thinks they're headed straight for disaster with an incompetent front office. Yeah, ok.
  9. They seemed fine to give up yards and then tighten up near their own end. That ol' bend but don't break. They also prefer having Taron Johnson out there over Tyrel Dodson. I said it in another thread but Taron is the most experienced secondary player aside from Poyer so that's probably one of several factors as to why they stuck with nickel all night. GB and Aaron Jones are also pretty good at running the ball. They probably wanted to take a deep shot off play action after so many handoffs but it looked like the Bills never really fully stacked the box to give them that type of chance. Guarding against the big play is basically the hallmark of McDermott's defense. I hope Poyer is alright but he's also super beat up this season. Feels like one more solid hit could send him to IR for the year. I see a lot of folks saying Beane should send a late rounder to Atlanta to get Dean Marlowe back, sounds good to me. Even if Poyer is good I'd think an insurance policy of some sort would be good. I wonder if they'd consider trying Xavier Rhodes there or something? Probably not, I'm just spitballin'.
  10. It felt like Josh was pressing to make a play a little bit. When they have a sizeable lead I think he tries some stuff he typically wouldn't if the game was close. Having those big leads can allow players to loosen up a tad and take a few more risks. I think that's what happened last night. What sucks about it is that turnovers and negative plays of their own doing is pretty much the only way to stop this offense. Most games this year they've had a turnover in or near the red zone which leaves points on the table. Probably should've been 41-17 last night. The good thing is how well they respond to adversity and how committed they are to constantly improving while keeping their emotions and all the mental stuff in check. They'll probably be determined to show out against the Jets. I sure hope they do because I hate those stupid nerds.
  11. Well, tough titterinos. I checked the rules and it's not allowed. Sucks to be them, I guess. Consequences for rule breakage include having Zach 'Weenieface' Wilson as your QB and your dad forcing you to throw left-handed.
  12. Yeah, it's always been very strange to me how some people use a sports victory as an excuse to destroy things. That and saying "there's a game today!" as a justification to start chuggin' brewsksi at 9 AM. I dunno how some people do it, man. It looks fun and I'm certain there are plenty of booze-free tailgates but I dunno, I've never felt much like partying that early lol.
  13. Meh...it's not too big of a deal. They definitely know how to adapt and adjust based on what the opponent was doing. It was a bit frustrating they were allowing so many big runs but they don't like taking Taron Johnson off the field. Along with Poyer, he's the most experienced secondary player with Elam, Benford, and Hamlin out there. And then later in the game when Jaquan Johnson had to replace Poyer, that made Taron the most tenured in the secondary. At the end of the day they just value Taron over Tyrel Dodson in most situations. The offense had some great plays and they had some stinkers. Felt like they were pressing a bit in the second half. They did get stuffed on several runs in a row so maybe that's what made them steer away from it a bit. Josh also has the ability to audible so who knows how many called runs were switched to passes and vice versa. Felt like they played pretty well defensively except for some of those big runs. But I think the thing a lot of us tend to forget is that the McDermott defense will allow yards in that whole bend but don't break thing. It'll be good to get Tre back and hopefully Poyer won't have to miss much time but you feel some concern for him because he's just so beat up this season. Feels like one more solid hit could send him to IR. Overall a win is a win. There were some great plays and some not so great plays. They also seemed a little hyped up for whatever reason. I'm sure they'll level out, work on their miscues and go spank the crap outta the Jets.
  14. I'm all for having a good time but I've never understood the people that get so trashed they don't even make it inside the stadium. Either that or as soon as they get to their seats they pass out or start some BS. Went to the 2013 home opener and some drunk schmuck in the row behind us started a fight with a guy down the row, beer gets spilled all over us, dude gets thrown out and they haven't even done the introductions yet. Just a complete waste of your money, time, and energy. And there's a line with how much people should have to tolerate. You're gonna have to endure some people being a little belligerent and obnoxious but beyond that it shouldn't have to be tolerated.
  15. Antonio Brown for sure. Hopefully that nimrod is done with football for good but I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to come crawling back at some point. Tyreek Hill is a child abusing pile of turds. Eff that guy. Kirk Cousins. That guy is a hyper-competitve bag of doosh. Lost all respect for him when the guy got heated and shoved a volunteer official during a flag game for charity. He also just seems so incredibly disingenuous and fake. Tua. I just don't like the kid. Mahomes. As good as he is, he is a weirdo creeper of a dude. His helmet looks like it's a size too small, the facemask is like a half inch from his face and he runs like he's got the taco squirts, he's just awkward. Then he sounds like Kermit all game. And he only shouts one cadence and it goes, "Aaaah BLUUUE-EIGHTY Bloooo eightyyyy...haaahht!!" He also has a wienerface, his brother's a chode and his girl ain't much better. But he does possess the magical ability to simply point at the opponent and produce a flag, it's really something. He also doesn't take nearly as much criticism or crap as Josh does when he flubs and has bad plays, and he's good for at least one a game. Mac McCorkle. I dunno, there's just something about his big dumb face that says, "My name is frickin' McCorkle, please kick me." All of the Jets. I circled back to edit in Kyler Murray. Dude just seems like he's nothing but smarm and snark and no matter how poopily he plays he always looks like he wants to blame someone else. Mind you, I don't actually hate these guys, I don't have the energy for that lol. I just find them to all be annoying wienerfaces. And Hill is a straight up dirtbag.
  16. Hips are weird (I've also heard they're quite honest) like that. Old folks in need of a hip replacement actually have a somewhat high mortality rate.
  17. All of my collection stuff is in disarray right now. Half of it is packed away in storage, the other half barfed all over a random room in the apartment. I've got a bunch of the mini helmets, I've always liked those. I've got one signed by Hughes, Dareus, Kyle, and Mario, the Cold Front, from when I got to hang in the VIP tent for camp in 2014. I've got a full size replica helmet (a mid 2000s red one) that my landlord gave to me. I think he said his ex-wife had won it years ago in a radio contest. Aside from that, I collect Bills cards and kinda went ham this season just buying fun, colorful singles and stuff. Luckily I bought a handful of Josh rookies just before the 2020 season when they were still affordable.
  18. Usually I take all speculation with a grain of salt but in this instance it certainly feels like there's something there. Just with how often his name seems to come up among other Bills players like Von and Diggs. He's not what he used to be but I'm sure Dorsey would dial up some good stuff for him and defenses would have an even harder time dealing with all the weapons out there. Diggs, Davis, Beckham, McKenzie, Shakir, Knox, Singletary, Cook... Yeah that'd probably frustrate defensive coordinators everywhere.
  19. Talented but has rocks for brains and a crap attitude.
  20. Well yeah, I mean, look at the murderers row of quarterbacks they have coming up: Kenny 'Kitten Mittens' Pickett, Davis 'Neckasaurus' Mills, Taylor 'Spank My' Heinicke, and Sam 'Thunder Thighs' Ehlinger. Yikes on bikes!
  21. You realize his production isn't 100% on him, right? It depends on how involved in the game plan he is and what Dorsey has dialed up for him and who they're facing that week. On top of that the guy has been playing injured and with a heavy heart after the tragic loss of his little brother. I'm willing to cut him some friggin' slack right now.
  22. Yeah, he'd probably do alright on a few teams that need some stability at QB. I do like him on Thursday night foosball, I think he has a knack for it. Also has a good personality for that stuff.
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