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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. I think Tolbert has a legit place on the roster, but it's 20 lbs heavier as a fullback, and certainly not a passcatching or backup RB.
  2. Thanks for posting. Fun to watch now knowing which players will be Bills. They talk about Tre White, Dion Dawkins, and of course Nate and Zay. Notable quotes: "Great job by Peterman going through his progressions. That's rare" (On Peterman) "He was wide open. That was just a bad throw. A bad throw, man." (On zay) "If he's selling catch radius, I'm buying" "Let's see who Peterman trusts here on 3rd down. There's your answer: Zay Jones" Interesting to see they seemed to have some chemistry. I wonder if/how that will translate on Sunday. Also, Zay looked way bigger than he seems in the NFL, and I wish his hands looked that good so far, too.
  3. It's so bad, it's good. I hope Peterman can!
  4. Shh I'm trying not to realize the near inevitable pick-fest. First start from a 5th round rookie. I hoping for the much less likely revamping of the passing game and optimism to make the tourney this year.
  5. I would be OK with it. Plus we still have the extra 1st and 2nd. We think we can motivate Luck, maybe they think they can do the same with Tyrod.
  6. It would. Because of the market for him. There can be a ton of negatives, but there will be a bunch of teams in the bidding war. Let's say he ends up a Bill... My guess is a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Tyrod.
  7. Tyrod always had the best per carry numbers, so in that way it hurts... ...but if the passing game gets better with NP, it should clear the 8th man out of the box amd open up the running lanes.
  8. We could have if another team wanted to. But I doubt they knew they would bemch him then. 5-2 is alot different that 5-4 with 2 crushing offense-less defeats in the rear view mirror.
  9. Gotta give him credit for doing a presser today at all
  10. I get what you are saying, but I would argue this decision has no bearing at any time. By the time (if/when) he gets fired, this will not be part of the reason. Whoto start next year will be critical though. My $.02
  11. I don't know. I don't think his ass is on the line at all. As a matter of fact, I believe there's just about nothing he could do to be in a hot seat. Not for 2+ years in my opinion.
  12. I'm not buying the OP. Make a change at the most critical position because the upcoming, rookie, 3 win coach is on the schedule? I doubt it.
  13. Yeah that's just about exactly how I feel. It's nice to see all that talk of accountability wasn't just coachspeak.
  14. I will jump in here. I really like Tyrod. He has been very professional and by all accounts a great teammate. Very respectful and respectable. A truly good guy. You are a class act, sir. Good luck anywhere but here (and MIA, and NYJ, and NE).
  15. Yup, probably in the first half, first quarter even...... He may even break 100. Honestly though I have new optimism. It may blow up in our faces, but we are Bills fans and the unknown is generally all the excitement we get.
  16. Well as soon as a coach has to say "Tyrod is the starter" it's already over. Like Marshall and Michael were saying on gameday about coaches, if the players have to say "we stand behind the coach" it's already over for the coach. Right!
  17. Coach McD is following through on all his talk of accountability. I like it.
  18. I spun 10 times. 4 times - Tyrod Taylor Hororable mention - reliance on turnovers, landing there 3 times.
  19. Nothing I love more than when an OP pretends to take an imaginary high road. How is the weather up on that pedestal? You are a much better fan than the rest of us, lol. Ps- it can be both. The saints had a great game, and Tyrod sucks, and Dennison called a bad game, and maybe Dareus would have helped. They are not mutually exclusive.
  20. I think you are way off base with this one. Sure, there are players who don't care, but I would be willing to bet the farm that Kyle (and many players) care alot about losses. If you go into work and suck at it, you should care too. I have every reason to believe that these guys take pride in their work, and it hurts their pride to fail. I can't even understand where you would get that conclusion from.
  21. So I wasn't really watching the 4th quarter yesterday I must admit. So thanks for posting. It's time to make the switch, and see what this guy really has. Quick release, a real dropback and plant, and he actually does what the play calls for. I'm not ready to go on saying he's def going to be good, but we have a known quantity in Taylor, and Peterman has shown promise. Not only that, but he is a fit for the WCO we are trying to implement.
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