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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. Bs. Santa would never root for cheaters. Can't wait till marsha retires and you guys go back to the 24 fans you had before Bellichick
  2. Quite the parlay there... But if we beat NE, and indy beats Bal... It's a cool 80% Both of those things are unlikely though.
  3. I was really wondering what the odds were. 36% is lower than I thought it would be, but good god we need to get in. Yesterday is like the 4th time this year I thought maybe they can make it, which was quickly dashed seeing subsequent games. I must admit it's nice being in meaningful games this time of year, but if we get left out on a tiebreaker that will really really suck. This team is going to give me a heart attack.
  4. Good point. I opened this thread thinking it was recommending we sign Trent Richardson, since heis the only guy I have personally heard called a "rolling ball or butcher knives" by the colts coach or owner after trading a 1st for him.
  5. All I want for Christmas is Tom crying out in pain in a lump on the turf. And early enough where we can still win.
  6. I don't know... If the game gets out of hand either way, it could still happen. I want to see Gronk get his this weekend, but a chance at the playoffs is better.
  7. Catastrophe if he can't come back. At this point, Shady is basically the whole team. The best thing we have going by a mile. And tolbert is inactive, so it would be cadet in pass pro on 3rds....
  8. I really want a win today, but have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me danger is ahead.
  9. Ok. We could use a 'feeder league" to properly evaluate FA's, and keep them in game shape. If street FA's came in ready to play, it would dramatically improve the product on the field.
  10. ....Shady runs wild and the D controls the line of scrimmage.
  11. There will still be probably 4 years before the new stadium is ready (contract requires by 2022)... Plus, we all saw Terry's early pressers, he is not here for return on investments. Remember him saying when asked how he was going to make money, while dumping all that money into the city of Buffalo (he was just sabres owner at the time), and I paraphrase "I'm not here to make money. If I want more money I will get it from my othr business. I'm here to win championships" Now obviously he has no championships, but it's also obvious that he is trying, and massively improving the area in the process. It's time we give Pegulas more credit, they want to improve the fan experience. Time will prove them great owners once the on-field and on-ice products are better. They have to build. Remember it was part of the sales of the team. Wilson estate required the new owner build by 2022... Edit: the above statement (after second quote) is false. Edit to make that clear, and avoid spreading false info. I had remembered it that way but was misremembering, something that seems to happen more and more as the years tick by.
  12. For real.... PM's for everyone! Or just post that sucker. This is intriguing, and real correspondence might prove there is a real source. Dunkirk is like aliens, I want to believe them, but I'm waiting for someone to show me the baby.
  13. Now that's funny. But can you imagine the fan hissy fit if, say, Tyrod showed up to a presser wearing a T from a team they just beat? There would be at least 4 threads about it.
  14. It's not magic. They do make players around them better. Pretty obvious really.
  15. I agree with you. But I don't think it matters they have guys from cold weather colleges. They aren't used to it now. Remember those first 40 degree days in sept/oct? That felt mighty cold. But this coming monday it will be 40 degrees, and will feel balmy. Cold tolerance is not like riding a bike, it fluctuates seasonally. Fact is, those guys have been walking around in mid-70's weather, and it's forecast to be around 27° in Orchard Park on Sunday.
  16. That article does seem to show a benefit once it's cold enough (below 20 degrees), both at home (.800) and on the road (.714). May not be a huge advantage, but is an advantage nonetheless. Especially against players that are used to Florida weather.
  17. I agree with this, and actually think Orton retiring was the "last straw". I thought we had it figured out, 9-7, Marrone and Schwartz had the team playing well, and then Orton did his best domino impression, fell down, knocked Marrone down, which knocked Schwartz down, and then we got Rex the destroyer which set us back 3 years. Imo if Orton never retires we would be out of the drought and still have Marrone, and Rex would have ruined some other poor team instead of ours.
  18. Meh. This schtick is not as intriguing as Dunkirk. At least his has to do with the Bills and makes for a conversation (even if unlikely to be real). You can keep your B-level pro wrestling talk.
  19. Sounds like you should find a "safe space" if you absolutely must find offense in something so innocuous. If you are seriously offended by this, perhaps the internet is not for you. Everyone (well, most everyone) respects what Ralph has done for the team, city, amd ultimately us. You have to admit there were some very strange happenings near the end. This was one of them. Reading a press release made up of almost exclusively quotes of yourself is wierd, he even read the "Wilson said" parts. Brutal. Perhaps thats why the Bills have gone the "one voice" route where Sean speaks for the franchise, since Terry is even less deft at public speaking than Rakph was.
  20. Somebody requested a steak medium well ? I guess some of these guys are still masochists
  21. Well everybody under the sun is getting into the hof these days, not really the honor it used to be.
  22. This is horrible news and very sad. I had a German Shepherd who had the exact same symptoms, and yes unfortunately it was liver cancer. It took 3 vet visits to diagnose, but the symptoms just kept getting worse. The day before I took her in the final time, she wouldn't even eat peanut butter. First she was throwing everything up, then lost interest in eating. Only difference is she did drink water. Look out for a positive response after drinking water. Even though he doesn't drink alot, if he seems more lively after a good drink, it could def be cancer in the liver. After the second vet visit, they gave her an IV and she seemed great, recovered even, for just a few hours. False hope. Sad to say she left us at just 8 years old. I feel for you, brother.
  23. No kidding. If he's a fraud, then it will have been good for entertainment. No harm, no foul. If the source is real, it would be awesome to have reliable inside source(s) on the board.
  24. It is not true that you "aren't appreciated". Some folks are skeptical, as you might imagine, because you are an unknown. Keep posting, and if it turns out to be true, and you have real sources, you will get credibility. If not, not so much. But even then it will have made for a lively debate. Surely you understand it's alot to believe that it's a real source and not some kid making this stuff up. Like I said before, there's only one way people believe you, and that will take time. If the source is real, thanks for sharing. We would love to have a source close to the inner circle (which, if true, your source must be) for info and be the first to know.
  25. It's concrete underneath the turf. How about a big drainage system and heat the concrete/turf? I know they do heated sidewalks and concrete driveways. Snow would melt as it lands and drain out underneath. There has to be a reason you can't do that, or I think it would have been done already.
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