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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I think the injury/CTE concerns are a legit threat to the NFL in a few ways. Parents unwilling to let their kids play and the potential for lawsuits against the league to name two. Although I do think the NFL has been oversaturating their product with the Thursday night and other extra games, I agree, the poor tv ratings argument is a joke. I'll change my mind if and when the world wide Super Bowl ratings start to suffer and advertisers stop going over the top with SB commercials.
  2. You made some STRONG calls. In my best Dan Dierdorf voice...kudos to you!
  3. I tell anyone who will listen that cold rain is my most hated weather. Sucks and there's nothing to look forward to. If it gets colder you get sleet, warmer you're still wet and miserable. I sat through a single digit temp season ending Saints/Jets game when both teams sucked and it was rough, but slogging through a snow game (including the ride home) is far more impressive. So for sure, kudos to everyone in attendance today! Glad you were paid off with the W!
  4. Whether it's overloading to block a punt or some other way to exploit the conditions, we should definitely have something up our sleeves for these games.
  5. I tend to be overly optimistic but I have to go with no. Same old story, 3 games left we need a minimum of 2 wins and help. Honestly, neither usually comes. I hope I'm wrong and come back to this thread and blast myself in three weeks.
  6. Short story is he was the Jets coach, Miami missed a late FG and yup, same choke gesture as Payton. Best part was the Jets went on to lose the game. It's one of those moments that always stuck with me. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/bruce-tenenbaum/pete-carroll-and-the-chok_b_6591974.html EDIT: correction, he was the Jets defensive coordinator at the time
  7. I could like, thumbs up, +1, this,...every comment so far. And that includes kdiggz who today sat through 1/2 game more in those conditions than I ever have. As an outsider who has never sat through the elements, it's still an appeal to root for a team whose fan base revels in these games.
  8. I didn't see or hear about whatever happened, just the comments above. But it sounds like a team taking on the personality of it's coach. I've never liked Carroll since the choke gesture. Classless individual.
  9. I was thisclose to starting that thread, but I was worried the thread police might come knocking on my door With that said, too many to mention, but it starts with anything by Tony Bennett for me.
  10. An innocuous song from a timeless vocalist for a happy time of the year. I'm not getting the hate. This one was for the kids not the #9 crowd. Eurythmics butchering Winter Wonderland is nails on the chalkboard for me.
  11. That was always my question and I don't think I ever heard an answer that made any sense. The QB makes absolutely no attempt at a pass but it gets called incomplete.
  12. For the record, the NFL waited for Al Davis to pass away before changing the rule.
  13. Not calling you out or putting this on you, but your statement made me wonder what the players association stance on Gronk/White is. Did they support Gronks appeal of the suspension? Or put another way, what's more important to them in this case, player safety or compensation?
  14. Well put. The juxtaposition of these two events has bothered me all week. On one hand we have a potentially catastrophic outcome that's the result of the violent nature of the game, on the other hand a defenseless player went into concussion protocol due to a completely unnecessary blow to the head well after the whistle. IMO the NFL missed an opportunity to make a strong statement regarding their concern for player safety with Gronk/White. On a side note, a few years ago Belichik sat Welker for the first offensive series against the Jets after Welker's hilarious presser where he made multiple references to Rex's foot fetish. I'm not expecting it after the 1 game suspension but it would be a nice gesture to do the same to Gronk in his first game back.,
  15. I've been reading through and Lesean seems like the obvious choice. But can I can package Clements with Winfield as an honorable mention?
  16. Funniest Polish joke/moment for me was between two friends in high school: One kid starts telling a Polish joke and the other says "hey wait, I'm Polish". Without missing a beat the other kid says "OK, I'll tell it slow". We all laughed.
  17. A silly statement. . Actually highly probable, but something you could easily claim about any rookie coach and most coaches in general. As per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_National_Football_League_head_coaches_with_50_wins there are plenty of great coaches with less wins than Belichiks 127 losses: George Allen, John Madden, Sean Payton....not to mention Bill Walsh and um, Vince Lombardi.
  18. Kill Da Wabbit? I'd go see that band on the name alone.
  19. I recently had a dream where there was a flock of geese around me and one kept telling a knock-knock joke and I was trying to track it down to hear the joke. Didn't happen.
  20. What's up Doc?....sorry for that...I'm a big Bugs Bunny fan and couldn't resist. I'm with you on this. Me and my concert bro regularly make our way towards the exit as the concert winds down. But far less likely to do so if we don't know what's coming.
  21. Bad. I prefer the spontaneity of not knowing what song is next. And yet I check setlists obsessively the days leading up to a concert. For bands like Umphreys checking the setlist only tells me what they won't be playing that night. For a band that plays the same thing night after night it lets me know when the lull in the set is so I can grab another beer.
  22. McAdoo's departure was probably a forgone conclusion by the end of the week. But if there was any chance he blew it when he told the media that he had no regrets about how the Eli benching was handled.
  23. We go back and forth between real and fake. Looks like it'll be a real tree this year. How would I put a star or angel on top of an upside down tree? Do we need a Christmas light thread?
  24. That guy was a die hard Cubs fan who got caught up in the moment and prevented a possible out. Moises Alou's reaction made it worse. The Cubs had a 3-0 lead in the game at the time (disclosure:I just looked that up) and completely collapsed. Bartman (a fan!) was crucified by the city of Chicago. Compare that to Norwood who missed the game winning FG, came back to Buffalo and was cheered by the city. Thumbs up Buffalo! As for the ring, the Cubs gave everyone rings...including past players like Ryne Sandberg. It was a nice gesture to players and at least one fan of a long suffering franchise. Personally I think giving rings to ex-players is too close to the participation trophy mentality, but for Bartman it was a nice gesture to a guy who took the blame for the teams failure.
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