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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. My 11 and 14 year olds were all over that. I'm glad we can laugh about it. The Fins got called for a ton of penalties....to the point that I started questioning whether we had an unfair advantage from the refs.
  2. My boys were mocking the fact that he needed a guy to tell him the names, numbers and penalties. And they still got it wrong. Cheech and Tripplette?
  3. Awesome story! I have a box of Flutie Flakes that I only take out for big games (i.e - not many) . Maybe I was lazy, maybe I was expecting the worst (scratch that, I was). Whatever, I didn't add it to the shrine of Bills stuff today in front of the TV today. I worried that my sloth might lead to a loss, but it didn't. I'm not sure where to go from here. Eat the cereal, burn the box, leave it where it is? I'm all in for whatever it takes to stop the new drought.....our last playoff win since 1995 if I'm not mistaken!
  4. How would gloating ever play into todays win? If it were against Cutler? Tannehill? Marino? Griese?
  5. The more I see Kiko the less I respect him. Punk you-know-what you-know what Landry is who he is. Any questions? Ask AW. If there's anything surprising about this game to me it's that Suh wasn't involved in the BS. Unless I'm mistaken they originally announced that 64 on the Bills was ejected and they changed it to 32 on the Dolphins. BTW, has anyone mentioned how Tripplette had a feces-eating grin on the whole game? He seemed to think every penalty had an element of humor to it. It was bizarre.
  6. Agreed. I've just heard too many remarks from media and friends assuming we would have won if TT started. We got killed that day by a hot team. But yup, starting Peterman was a gross and scary miscalculation by McD and staff. Good news for McD is he didn't lose the team. There were some great team moments this year like the Tate first down celebration against the Raiders and todays Kyle TD and celebration.
  7. I didn't agree with starting Peterman against the Chargers either and it was clearly a disaster, but from what I saw of that game I think we would've lost with TT starting. It's a popular opinion in the media and among my (non-Bills) friends, but IMO, tying that loss to what it took us to make the playoffs is flat out wrong.
  8. What an amazing moment. My boys are 11 and 14 and will probably remember this forever. I almost missed the play thinking they were going to commercial and needing some liquid encouragement.
  9. Best afternoon of football in waaaaaaaay too long! My two boys got to see the Bills make the playoffs for the first time in spectacular fashion...oh yeah, me too! Kyle TD, overturned 99 yard TD, player ejections, onsides kick, Bengals 4th and 12. That was a whirlwind.
  10. You had to love his emotion when he knew he was done for the day. I assumed it was a break and done for the year based on his reaction. Between that and the Kyle TD and celebration, great stuff. Honestly I thought those would be the consolation prizes we'd be talking about when I saw the Ravens go ahead in the 4th.
  11. Tyler Boyd was 5 and Andy Dalton was 12. Would've been cooler if Boyd was 4. 4th and 12 baby!!!!!!!!
  12. Pointless? At first I thought you meant Cowboys/Eagles. 0-0 at the half. My wife gives me a dirty look every time I tell her this.
  13. I started the countdown the minute I woke up. 6 hours to go. Reminds me of how torturous the lead up on Super Bowl Sundays was during the 4 year run. The holiday clean up will be part of my day. Tree goes to the curb tomorrow. I also made unexpected vacation plans in the past two days and will spend time surfing the intrawebs to plan that out.
  14. I'm not from WNY but me and my two boys can't wait for tomorrow afternoon and I'm hoping they get a memorable Bills day! Love your attitude! Go Bills!
  15. As I read through, I was thinking the same about not answering OP's question. Draft vs. UFA is a much easier decision if we had a top 3 pick as opposed to having to pay a kings ransom to get there. I can easily understand both sides of the argument, but in the end Cousins doesn't strike me as a guy that will ever be a long term answer. If he was, wouldn't Washington lock him up? When I look at the top QB's in the league, most were draft picks. Brees is an exception but weren't there injury concerns (as I recall Miami went with Culpepper instead of Brees due to injury concerns). I'm on board with spending our draft capital to move up and take a chance on a QB, no doubt it's risky and the price may be through the roof but we need a long term answer at QB.
  16. In keeping with the clarity and detail provided in this thread and with apologies to South Park, here's my hot take for the day: Marklar, these marklars want to trade our marklar and draft their marklar. Their marklar is better than our marklar, except for marklar who they like very marklar. They use marklar to try and force marklar to draft they're marklar. Connect the marklar. They will build marklar east of the current marklar. They don't want marklar or any of these marklars to have a stadium here because it's bad for their marklar. I will have more marklar tomorrow. Go Marklar!
  17. Has it happened before/since the Bills? IMO, stupid Bills move back in the day.
  18. Les Claypools Frog Brigade. Shuffle played this for me on the way to work this morning, haven't heard it in awhile. Honestly this is more for Pink Floyd fans, but Claypool played Animals as a second set years ago. The song that caught my attention: If you're still interested and have 45 minutes to spare, the full set:
  19. In principle I think most fans would agree that we need a veteran to backup and possibly/probably start the season. And more importantly the up-and-comer, new shiny toy to take us to the promised land. I don't see Peterman as either, but it was only one game and maybe the coaching staff has high hopes for him. Seems like a large contingent of the board is so fed up with TT that they can't stomach him as the caretaker for next year. I'd be fine with that if we grab someone in the draft and I think that's the best course of action right now. Maybe you could argue that a vet FA would be cheaper/better than TT, if so I'd like to know who that is.
  20. Pepe Lopez? Haven't had that in many years but I'll always remember his grinning face mocking me after too many shots. He always outlasted me and was still grinning the next morning! I hear ya on risk/reward, but at some point you gotta stop sticking your toe in the pool and jump in. We tried and failed with EJ. Unless the staff has a strong belief in Peterman (they might), its time to make the plunge.
  21. "They"? Yes, "they" always draft QB's don't "they"?
  22. I have a hard time disagreeing with your logic. I agree that the the QB's will go early this year, we saw it last year with Trubisky, Mahomes and Watson gone by pick 12. I'm not a draft evaluator but from what I've read here and elsewhere this years crop has less question marks and it's still a QB needy league. On the flip side, we have a lot of draft capital and at some point we need to find the QB that's going to be our no doubt starter for years to come. I'm more inclined to overpay in the draft if we can get the guy we want (i'll leave that to the evaluators and hope they get it right). Gettleman made some comments today that made me think he's OK with Eli for next year. I'd go hard after their pick.
  23. Couldn't agree more, they appear to be all in on the rebuild and I'd be shocked if they don't draft a QB early. McCown played well this year, Petty is not the answer and Hack hasn't seen the field (which tells me everything I need to know about him). McCown is a perfect fit for their rebuild. When the season started I thought Bowles was a caretaker for this year. The team totally quit on him last year but I have to admit they played hard for most of the games this year and I guess that's why they extended him. Personally I still have my doubts about him and I'm surprised he was extended. Maccagnans picks: http://www.nj.com/jets/index.ssf/2017/04/nfl_draft_2017_grading_mike_maccagnans_jets_draft.html Petty was his pick too. Ouch. He was a 4th rounder, Hack a 2nd, I assume he'll take one in round 1 this year. Better not miss.
  24. It was purchased in Denver on our way to a weeklong Vail trip. Didn't get eaten. One of my knucklehead friends packed it in his suitcase and took it home instead of tossing it. It's been a running joke ever since. Last Man Chili. Whoever is the last of us left living has to eat the chili and join us. Best part is another knucklehead friend packed the chili in his suitcase for a trip to Vail a few years later. Like I said, it's been to Vermont and we take it to parties. It even made it to a softball game a few years ago where some of my teammates who were only a few years older than the chili were amazed at the story.
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