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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. In terms of the Eagles fans behavior, I just came across this article about the rough time Keenums family endured in Philly. The article doesn't offer up much in the way of details but I thought the following was humorous: "In response to the rude welcome they received in Philadelphia, several Vikings fans were reportedly planning to dress up as Uber drivers for the Super Bowl so they can pick up Eagles fans and leave them in the wrong place." http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/vikings-case-keenum-family-rough-time-philly-article-1.3776951
  2. I love (early) Metallica. Saw them thisclose a week before Kill Em All dropped I can't decide whether this is worse than Trubinsky or Tyrod.
  3. I was two months short of 8 years old, living maybe 20 miles from that venue. Little did I know that would be an all-time favorite song of mine. Cool that the Allmans had a renaissance with Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks.
  4. Yup, this isn't a court of law, the accuser should have some accountability.
  5. Love the topic and there hasn't been a solo posted yet that I don't like/love. Totally agree with Chef that it doesn't have to shred, but I love shredding too. OP mentioned drum solos. Obviously not a solo, but I heard Zep's Whole Lotta Love for the first time in a long time recently and how kick-a$$ is the opening drum fill? Iconic, Bonham was a beast. I'm not big on favorites since there's so much outstanding music, but I'll throw some love to the Zappa's. I could easily go with Muffin Man, but here are two more: Not sure if Chef is a Zappa fan but you might like Frank's Watermelon in Easter Hay: Overall I'll go with Dweezil's cover of Franks Pygmy Twylyte..solo starts around 4:15 in:
  6. Doc - nice to see a reasonable exchange between you and Weo on this. But I think your point about 2 1/2 weeks got buried. How long does/should it take for the NFL to review the tape and ask for players involved if anything took place?
  7. No doubt. I went through Parkinsons with my grandmother many years ago. What a miserable experience. I hope it spares you. As for Sweet Caroline, I like this version:
  8. Yes, but I can't think of a Super Bowl I was less interested in. I am honestly not looking forward to it and dreading having to watch the Pats hoist the Lombardi Trophy again. I will hope against hope that the Eagles win. And if they do I will be over-joyed.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion, that's a good idea. I'm definitely doing the prop bet pool. It will keep me interested in the game, with the Patriots back again I've lost a lot of interest. The solution is simple. You pay out 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th and Final. If it doesn't go OT, then 4th and Final are the same box.
  10. In spite of the fact that he's a Pats fan, Bill Burr is awesome!
  11. That's a big part of my point. One player doesn't make a team, but is a huge staritng point. I think every team needs a super star. Small market teams can't let their drafted super stars walk.
  12. Yup, my bad. My comment about 10x10 pools not accounting for OT stands. When I ran them years ago I paid 4th quarter and final score separately.
  13. Hang in there Sabres fans and don't give up on your superstar. I'm an Islander fan still waiting for Tavares to lead us to the promised land. Tavares may walk after this year and I am terrified of starting over when we've barely reached competency with him. Great hockey teams need great players. The Sabres need Eichel to lift them and be the centerpiece for years to come.
  14. Actually most 10x10 squares that I see do not account for OT. 4th quarter score and final score are not necessarily the same thing. Getting paid for the 1st quarter but not the 4th if it goes to OT always struck me as short-sighted. Admittedly there hasn't been a SB that went to OT, but I did consider adding that as a question.
  15. Last year I ran a Super Bowl prop bet pool in my office. It's small scale. I had 35 people at $10 each but it was a lot of fun for me and my boys and I'm going to do it again this year. I'm looking to improve the pool and hoping YOU can help. Last year I ended up with a two-way tie for first and five-way tie for second. Not good. I added some more questions and a tie-breaker as a result. Attached is my working copy of this years pool. I'm looking for suggestions for interesting questions to add. I try to limit it to game play as much as possible and preferably football knowledge shouldn't help too much. So for example I won't do commercials, length of the national anthem or what song the half-time performer sings. Nip slips are right out! Ideally it's verifiable through box scores or play by play because I enjoy adult beverages and can't rely on my memory. Also, I started a "tradition" of giving everyone a point for something we all know will happen. Last year it was "Will Tom Brady be a whiny maggot at some point in the game?". This was well received. I have drafts for whether the Cheatriots do or don't make it. Here they are in case you don't wanna open the Word file: If the Cheatriots are in the SB: 1. Will the Patriots cheat? YES… it’s like the sun on a rainy day, even though you may not see it you still know it’s there…everyone gets a point! If the Cheatriots are not in the SB: 2. Will the refs make a ridiculously bad call in favor of the Patriots? YES…don’t ask me how, but it’s the NFL and they will find a way…everyone gets a point! Serious suggestions for improvement will be appreciated. Non-serious/ridiculous/trolling/insensitive/politically-incorrect suggestions will likely be appreciated more. Super Bowl LII.docx
  16. And then will lead to more wins for the Patriots: http://www.nfl.com/m/share?p=%2Fvideos%2Fnfl-videos%2F09000d5d82a3b1ae%2FFilms-Encore-The-snowplow-game
  17. Anagrams for Remi Issaly include Air Messily and Arise Slimy so I'm going to have to take a pass on this one.
  18. As I said in another thread, I think the Jags defense is good enough to beat the Bradiots. The problem is overcoming "David" Bortles.
  19. Awesome, but if we're including jingles this an all-time great:
  20. Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten about that. Small consolation for sure, but a reminder of how dominant that team was regular season and playoffs except for the SB. We all know about the sustained excellence of Marsha and Belicheat but unless I'm mistaken they never went to more than 2 SB's in a row.
  21. Yup, it's ironic that vigilante justice is more likely to occur within the prison system.
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