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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Including an all time great exchange: Grodin: Jack, you're a grown man, you have control over your own words. DeNiro: You're right, I do have control over my own words. And here come two for you: STFU! I always wondered whether any of that was ad-libbed.
  2. Definitely not his best work, but "Midnight Run" is one of my favorites.
  3. Couldn't agree more. I really don't see the need for a Zapruder film analysis on every close play in an NFL game.
  4. I would've preferred the run, but as others have said the play is fine if there's no penalty. That penalty and the hold on Shadys run were killers.
  5. 100% agree on inconsistency being the real problem. I thought they should've called it a no catch based on Riveron's track record. But honestly, replay was never intended to turn-over that call to begin with, it isn't the reason why we lost and I really don't like how replay has taken over the way I watch a game, constantly looking for flags and replay whenever the Bills don't make a play.
  6. Tanking. I don't think coaches and players tank seasons for a shot at a better draft pick. I will concede that a coach sometimes does not put his best players on the field towards the end of a bad year and understands it might cost him a win. But I still they they coach the game to win. I also believe that there are players who quit on the team during a bad season, but that's different than tanking. I do think front offices are willing to sacrifice (tank) a season and I think that's what the Jets did this past year.
  7. You know whats cool? This is the first time in forever since I really cared about a playoff game. There are three other games this weekend that I'm pretty much oblivious to. Oh sure, I'll watch, but todays games are just filler until 1 PM tomorrow. Normally I'd go out to watch the game tonight, but I just don't care enough to bother. Normally I'd be looking at the playoff field trying to figure out what Super Bowl matchup I'd want to see, but not this weekend. For this weekend it's all about the Bills. Hopefully next weekend will be the same!
  8. Jeez, you guys are like trick-or-treaters. Tell them they can pick one candy and they take two.
  9. That's devastating, I can't begin to imagine what you and your family are going through. My most profound condolences.
  10. With the exception of the highlighted I completely agree.
  11. Putting money aside , winning helps. But only if the perception is it's not an aberration. It was cool when Benjamin came to the team and mentioned the sideline celebration for the Brandon Tate first down against the Raiders. Players notice. Since then the team had a similar celebration when #95 scored. Throw in the sideline celebration with the fans after the snow game and you can see that this team has something good going on. I think the coach has something to do with this. And hopefully that continues and is a selling point too.
  12. Outstanding, hadn't seen any video of the lead up to 4th and 12. Hopefully at this time next week we're talking about the big play xxxxx made to beat the Jags!
  13. You're all alone in a room sitting in a chair across from Kraft, Belichik and Brady. You have one gun with two bullets. They all get up at the same time and start walking towards you menacingly. What do you do? If it's me, I shoot Brady twice!
  14. My first impression about this thread was it's wishful thinking But in terms of timing, Belicheat to the Giants (if any of the other stuff has merit) is very believable. Reminds me of JR being the first I saw to suggest Harrison to the Pats. Probably too good to be true, but the Giants angle gives me hope.
  15. Well done, the overall tone was perfect IMO, thanks for sharing. Great point regarding whether it was click-bait or the writers real opinion. As you noted, it doesn't really matter, the editor chose to run the story. P.S. - I play Pokemon...but I don't get too excited....usually
  16. It's a process of elimination for me: Top 10 most hated teams in the playoffs: 1. Pats: die you gravy-sucking pigs 2. Chiefs: we have their 1st rounder 3. Jaguars: Marrone and to a lesser extent Dareus 4. Rams: Sammy, F'n crazy man and I'm jealous they turned it around so quickly 5. Panthers: no love for Cam, keep him off the podium 6. 7. 8. Eagles, Titans, Vikings: nothin I particularly like or hate about any of them 9. Falcons: make it this far purely out of pity from last year. 10. Steelers: I like Tomlin, but they've won enough So if it's not the Bills its the Saints for me. I have a guy I worked with for 3-4 months in the mid 90's who is a big Saints fan. Cool guy, lived through the Aints, we still stay in touch even though I haven't seen him 20+ years. But really, eff em all. Go Bills!
  17. I listened to that on the radio in the car coming back from my grandfathers funeral. As I recall they were in the game but there were some late penalties (Bruce with an unsportsmanlike?). Those were the two years I was referring to, but I think you have the years backwards.
  18. What the younger generation may not be as familiar with are the two years before the Super Bowl run. The Harmon drop against Cleveland was excruciating, but those teams had Kelly, Bruce and others and you could see it coming. This is different. Been a fan since , um, well you know. Teams were bad much more than they were good and sometimes God-awful. But we'd make the playoffs every so often. The 17 year drought was epic, I have all the respect in the world for everyone here who has stuck through it without a taste of the playoffs. Hard core!
  19. Screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm usually very quiet and reserved and my 11 year old told me later that it scared him a bit. The moments from when the pass was caught and it looked like they were going to OT to the realization they were taking the lead was unbelievable. That's why I watch sports and the reason I'm able to put up with a 17 year drought. What a pay-off! I was more nervous about the extra point. Once they made that I was feeling pretty good, not over confident, but pretty good.
  20. Saw that too, we talked about it all game. Reminded me of a line from the Andrew Dice Clay movie Ford Fairlane: "Who was that smiling snapperhead?"
  21. I left that out cuz i figured it would have it's own thread. WTF was the call? I think "out of bounds" had something to do with it but I didn't see why they called it that way,
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