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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Zach Moss can grind the clock in Q4. Go look it up. He iced the clock in a few games.
  2. I like that cover 3 Tampa ran vs Mahomes.
  3. He looks so small compared to Greg Rousseau.
  4. Cheney voted with Trump 95-99% of the time? She gets no pass. Cheney gives a pass to her war criminal father who is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. Cheney is attempting to use the events of January 6th, to denounce an entire ideological political movement. I will wait for the Congressional investigation report on January 6th and I want to know what the NSA, CIA or FBI knew about January 6th. But I don’t expect much. The CIA hasn’t always operated in good faith - they have run PYSOP’s on the U.S. population, less we forget COINTELPRO, the Gulf of Tonkin & McCarthy’s FBI.
  5. No. Jen is going back to MSNBC where she can continue dumping on the poors & working class. It pays well. She will work maybe 500 hours a year, come in on a Zoom call for a 5 minute segment & attempt to gaslight us into believing why Biden-Bush W politics is “compassionate”, while providing no evidence their political ideology actually helps people outside of the .01%.
  6. Two things I despise: identity politics & culture war nonsense.
  7. I’m all for Trump running in 2024, it opens the door for someone with conviction to run a viable bid to the right of Trump either in the GOP primary or through an independent bid.
  8. Biden promised his Wall Street donors that “no one’s standard of living will fundamentally change.” What he really meant is he would continue everything Trump was doing while giving platitudes about “hope & change”. The system continues no matter who’s in charge BlueMaga or RedMaga. We still get the same Ivy League elitists who do propaganda for the .01% who run out government. What we are collectively experiencing is the fast decline of US empire & failure of our neoliberal government, built around militarism, cronyism, monopolistic capitalism eating itself.
  9. Airborne virus thankfully we have vaccinated 1/2 the country.
  10. I don’t think the Pats are that good. Still shaky at WR, no proven QB makes them one dimensional. The Bills can also play smash mouth, and open it up and play spread. Our defense will be improved & our size gains should be more than enough to stop them.
  11. The most important thing is getting the high seed. IF the playoffs have to go through B’lo I love our chances. Kelce is 32 this year and won’t be the top dog forever. Plus at his age is when injuries start occurring. He’s been incredibly healthy as has Hill. Generally the team’s that win it are the teams that stay healthy.
  12. I see Josh Allen really showed up Mahomes on this 600 yard toss.
  13. Diggs is a good friend to let friends borrow his car.
  14. JP is trending towards NFL OC. That would be a huge accomplishment if he can get there.
  15. Every generation had said the younger generation is lazier, since man started living in civilizations. Here’s the deal: each generation has a different set of ideals. Lawrence is going to play his game and why shouldn’t he? He will undoubtedly have growing pains and will need to learn how to win. My hope personal hope is Josh Allen stays better than Lawrence and becomes the best QB in the NFL.
  16. Edelman was a great slot. Not worthy of HoF due to minimal yards, receptions and TDs, but does has great playoff stats.
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