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Everything posted by boater

  1. Let's rephrase that: had a one score game to what could very much be the best team in the NFL. I find your post overall to be excessively negative.
  2. Only irrational thoughts from here out? Ooof. It's going to be a tough haul. I mean, really, the draft is 90+ days away.
  3. I think most GMs attribute the Bills defensive success to McDermott. They see Leslie as second fiddle to McD.
  4. Maybe your flight will have wifi and you can keep tabs on the score on NFL.com.. I've done that routine before.
  5. Or if we won the Cleveland game, as we should have. Every game in the NFL is must win.
  6. Thank you God that the Pegulas have things under control. PTL.
  7. Having LORAX daughter sing the national anthem is the Bills new culture. That, plus many other little things make the Bills a competitor on the free agent market.
  8. Well, that's a new twist on firing procedure: announce the date in advance. "You are fired, day after tomorrow"
  9. I was in rural Alaska due to military service. I watched it alone, and I felt even more alone at the end.
  10. Yeah the nationally ranked prep school wrestler would come out of him mighty quick. Someone will find themselves folded in half.
  11. Two word response to your two words: Antoine Winfield. Maybe we need AW to hold a tackling clinic. He's amongst the best tacklers ever.
  12. Yes. I have a landline. Caveat: I turned the ringer off and use the landline for outbound calls only. Anyone important to me can call my cell.
  13. Collinsworth: Now here's a guy who __________.
  14. As a non-gameday coach, I give him a A++. He's performed miracles in changing the Bills culture from losers to winners. Let me say that again: he's performed miracles in changing the Bills culture from losers to winners. He's done an above average B+ job during the week in preparing for an opponent. On gameday, I score him a B grade. He's just OK with timeouts and challenges etc. He's no Bill Belichick on gameday.
  15. Laying down and losing is bad juju. A cancer. Just check the Sabres who deliberately tanked.. but still can't shake the cancer of losing years llater.
  16. If that's the case.. fire McDermott. Though I believe your are wrong.
  17. I didn't read all 7 pages of posts. But here's the answer if it hasn't been mentioned before: Duke contributes Zero to special teams. He's a good receiver worthy of a bubble roster spot ..IF.. he did something on special teams.
  18. I'm so old, I can remember when DirecTV had superior customer service. It was the 90's.
  19. Man, if I pulled this stunt in the military... there would be hell to pay. I'd surely face a Captains Mast (NJP). I'd probably be docked some pay, and quite possibly be restricted to the barracks. Who knows, maybe even busted a pay grade. I'm taking it that Le'Veon is not a process candidate.
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