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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. I can’t help but wonder how much his political views or maybe just his anti vax position led to his dismissal. I thought he was extremely dependable. Was great at finding the opening and getting the first down. Rarely dropped one.
  2. Agreed. I’ve been a vocal critic. Could be he was aware of the criticism and he realized he needed to up his game this year. He’s playing with more aggression and tenacity than I’ve seen in previous seasons.
  3. Jeff Seeman who’ll be officiating the game is the son of former zebra Jerry Seeman. Seeman is his dad’s little squirt!
  4. Simple - a classic Buffalo-winter space heater or chicken wing oil fire. They'll be ripping their parkas and wool lumberjack shirts off faster than you can say "lake effect".
  5. Almost perfect. The finishing touch would be adding an Anchor Bar kitchen with glass wall so they can film the wings being tossed with sauce in the metal bowl right next to the falls.
  6. That's why it concluded with "nevermind". Catch up already. We're moving right along whether you're with us or not! 😉
  7. That's painting everyone in South Florida with a broad brush. It's like saying everyone in WNY is either an Irish alcoholic or Pierogi-eating Polack who think the real border crisis is not being allowed into Canada for the afternnon matinee of the Canadian Ballet. Oh wait a second.....nevermind.
  8. Here’s a idea for the next trip to Hard Rock: have the equipment manager bring large packing trunks with bathroom vanity-sized mirrors. Set them up on the Bills sideline so they reflect the sun right back onto the Dolphins sideline, into their eyes, and onto their Microsoft Surface tablets. Take that fishes!!
  9. In their defense, these are humans and they were physically and mentally exhausted. If I'm busy doing yard work in the Atlanta heat and humidity, I'm spent after an hour. Granted, I'm not as young or in great physical shape as the players are, but they are exerting themselves at full speed in heat, sunshine, humidity, with barely a breeze. It was described as feeling like 124 degrees on the field. The Dolphin players having shade on the sidelines (as opposed to direct rays all afternoon) may be the 2 point differential right there. Add to that the cohesiveness that was lost as they had to call on 2nd and 3rd string players on short notice. If they had a mental or physical lapse, I can't blame them. Those men gave it everything they had. I believe the short pass to McKenzie that should have been 6 points, can be attributed to Josh simply running on fumes. In my estimation, he lost the acuity and concentration needed for the proper mechanics to place the ball McKenzie's reach. The mind and body were no longer in sync.
  10. I disappeared for 10 years. Forgot my password. Finally took the time to re-up.
  11. You beat me to it by 5 minutes. We’re in touch fairly regularly on Facebook. This weekend we discussed poser guitar shredders. We never talk football. btw- little history here… The precursor to the TBD tailgate party was in 1997. The original message board was from the Rochester D&C. Only a few geeks had PCs then or it was people goofing off at work. Hogboy, BuffaloBart, Greg D’ville, myself and some others showed up. Maybe 6 or 7 of us who’d never met face to face were there for the season opener against the Vikings. I really don’t remember much about the actual tailgate. No memory of the usual grilling and whatnot. The night before that game I was at Rooties (I believe) on Millersport eating wings with Hogboy. The big TV screen on the wall showed the image of a car twisted up and then the photo of Princess Diana with the 1961-1997 dates. Our reaction was probably to ask for another pitcher and done blue cheese. So, before the annual TBD tailgates, the seed was planted 25 years ago during the infancy of message boards, newsgroups, and trolling. Lenny from Sloan sends his regards.
  12. Apparently, you and Bladderbilz aren’t sharp enough to detect the sarcasm in the OJ analogy.
  13. I agree. I think there was a breaking point that was cumulative frustration from a very long day and not one, but a multitude of things that went wrong when any one of them may have made the difference in a win or loss. Sometimes the stars don't line up. Probably after some contemplative time to think about it, Dorsey will realize they played a hell of a game considering the injuries and heat and not be quite as upset.
  14. It's one game. No coaches career will be judged on a single game. One more time for the nitwits who can't comprehend my thought- I don't blame anyone for feeling like they need to go ballistic in that situation. It's following through at full psycho speed that's alarming. It was not normal for an adult.
  15. I don't think some folks understand how dangerous heat stroke can be. Unfortunately, it will take someone dying on the field, organ failure, or permanent brain damage before any changes are made by the NFL. Games in south Florida should be scheduled in the evening until at least the end of October. It's not impossible. Hell, the Bills have a single afternoon game before November 6, so it's not as if it can't be scheduled accordingly.
  16. He lost his cool over a crazy situation. So did O.J. I guess. Gotta admire his passion. 🙄 I can't believe how thick some of you must be. I don't question FEELING like throwing things around. We often feel like that when things don't go as expected. Most mature adults in a civil society are able to restrain themselves from acting irrationally when tempers flair. ITS A GAME!!! One Game. Not the end of the world. Equating McDermott's spontaneous burst of fist-pounding or Belichick throwing a phone to Dorsey's uncontrollable tantrum is comparing apples and oranges. I don't care that it's a sporting event. There's a certain degree of decorum that goes along with being a professional in any occupation. Dorsey looked like a mad man. Who can blame him for FEELING like that? It's disturbing that so many of you find it perfectly acceptable to act that way.
  17. I asked the question. I didn’t draw conclusions. I offered my perception. Again genius, you missed the point. I don’t care that it’s a football game. A professional acting that way is disturbing.
  18. OMG- can you people not discern the difference between an instant emotional reaction (like throwing a single object, smashing a helmet down, etc) and having a hissy fit?
  19. Judging by a lot of the responses, I think the point was missed or not stated clearly enough. Sure, we were all frustrated. But I’m surprised that so many of you consider that behavior perfectly normal. I can understand if he threw something, punched a wall, pounded his fist on the desk, threw down headset. Any ONE of those actions would be a fairly normal reaction. But it was the prolonged smashing and throwing that was disturbing. It was something more typical for a pre-schooler who’s a candidate for Ritalin. What would be your perception of a co-worker or boss if they displayed a tantrum of that nature? Would you applaud him or her for being ‘passionate’ about their job?
  20. No, Belichick is a genius because he has 9 super bowl championship rings in his top dresser drawer.
  21. I know he’s competitive, but have opportunities for head coaching gigs bypassed him because of concerns over his mental health? I mean, that tantrum was something I’d expect from a 3-year-old who can’t get their way-not an adult in a high profile profession. That was truly bizarre. Almost as curious was the complete lack of surprise or acknowledgement from the 2 guys next him. They didn’t even glance his direction during the tirade- as if it wasn’t the first time they’d witnessed it.
  22. That’s a pretty significant injury report only 2 weeks into the season. Is the year, that was supposed to be ‘our year’ with Super Bowl expectations, going to be sabotaged by injuries? Are we the 2021 Ravens, snakebit by injuries and missing the playoffs entirely? Other than losing Tre on turkey day, the Bills cruised into the playoffs without any major injuries to starters last year. 2 or 3 starters on defense I don’t worry too much about. But when the entire secondary may be manned by reserves and the middle of the defensive line that was reinforced to stop the run is missing 3 of 4 - yeah, I’m a little concerned. The offense better stay healthy and play lights out or we could be in for a long season.
  23. I don’t think it’s possible for me to care less about who is performing in a 15 minute greatest hits halftime show. Well, unless some pro football players came out in the middle of a Slipknot show and ran off a series of plays.
  24. Many fans who grew up with The Who are now mostly in their mid-60’s and up. Sorry, standing for 3 hours is not an option for a lot of us who have replacement joints, arthritis, chronic injuries from athletics or military service. I hope the new stadium will have some of those standing-only sections that a lot of new facility have. I guess it’s very appealing and communal. Great. Some of us still want (or need) to sit.
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