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Everything posted by 416BillsFan

  1. I googled recency bias this thread was the first result.
  2. Guess that the NFL is debating keeping Chiefs/Bears vs flexing Titans/Saints into week 16 about now.
  3. I'm glad Gilmore and Watkins had a chance to catch up.
  4. It could be tough for the Panthers to get a top HC candidate next year given Tepper's growing reputation as a meddler with a trigger finger. Reports are he wanted Tomlin fired when he was a 5% minority owner in Pittsburgh. Keep in mind Tomlin never had a losing season, won a Superbowl, and IMO effectively managed toxic personalities like Antonio Brown & Ben Roethlisberger (who somehow came off the worst in a story about a future president cheating on his wife with a porn star).
  5. Don't cry for Doug, he'll get the Jets job for sure!
  6. Because Josh was on a leash. Really hope Hauschka gets it right (starting Sunday ideally) but in retrospect that loss was the best thing to happen to the team.
  7. Someone dunk on me if I'm way off base, but is anyone getting the sense that he treats the first opponent drive of the game a little differently? Not that he want the opponent to score, but is he purposely not dialing up his best stuff as he gathers information?
  8. What worries me about tomorrow is that JG always seems to do just enough to keep his job.
  9. Of the 4 major teams, MNF is the weakest by far. That said, it is so much better now that Witten is gone. He made Booger seem like Madden in comparison.
  10. Likely because the home market teams are playing at 1 on CBS so they get the only FOX 4pm game. I'll likely watch 49ers/Baltimore, but would rather be able to flip to Indy/TEN than Cleveland/PIT. I think the former teams have a much better chance of the playoffs than the latter.
  11. Pats and not even close. We haven't beaten them in Foxborough with Brady as QB for the whole game ever.
  12. They're promoting the hell out of this game on all the clapping fetish websites!
  13. In my experience the overlap is with casual NFL fans. Non-regular CFL viewers used to watch the Grey Cup in big numbers, but it's been going down for years - especially compared to the Super Bowl.
  14. I saw the clip and thought the takeaway was that Harris stopped himself from giving 17 advice as they're playing this week.
  15. Haskins should qualify for witness protection if they want him to run a Greg Roman system with Washington's training & conditioning staff.
  16. The Chargers aren't really a ratings draw, especially since they are basically out of the WC race. If FOX protects the Dallas game, Bills/Steelers is really the only viable option. Assuming Pitt doesn't lose to Cinci, they'll have a winning record or be 500 when the decision is made. The pun intended wild card is if Carolina wins the next two gets close enough to challenge Seattle for a WC.
  17. That's a good summary! An Alex Smith Football life would be interesting for sure. Best of luck to him.
  18. As soon as they bring up the Sabres I close the window. Being in Toronto, Buffalo sports radio is a refuge from hockey talk.
  19. Bummed that Chiefs/Titans are on the same time as the Bills game, that's been a shockingly fun match up recently.
  20. I refer to Taysom Hill as "Tim Tebow who knows his place"
  21. Win or lose, we're going to get more press this week. But look at the games last week: I don't think it's a stretch to say Buffalo/Washington was the least interesting one on the NFL schedule. A good team beat a bad team at home. The one angle it had going for it - Haskins' debut - lacked punch as well. He played not great, but not a disaster.
  22. Unpopular opinion but I'd LOVE an away game every year in London. I just can't see the Chargers going there over the Jags. The rest of the owners have to know that Khan is a much more dependable person to launch such an important expansion over Spanos, right?
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