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Everything posted by 416BillsFan

  1. One third of the team on the leadership council. Reminds me of places I worked where a quarter of the staff had a VP title.
  2. Every year I think Jason Garrett will get fired, but he's proven to be the natural successor to Marvin Lewis. Expectations for St. Doug are likely higher after Luck's retirement.
  3. I like Cam way better. I was saying who'd I'd rather have to work with and Winston seems like he'd be easier to get along with in work atmosphere. Cam would be exhausting & in need of constant attention, and Rodgers would be the toxic guy playing office politics at all times. Brady/Manning/Allen all seem like they'd be easy to get along with in a professional setting.
  4. I like Cam's personality, he's fun and good for the league. I'd like him more though if he was more gracious and less sexist. That said, I'd much rather have everyone else on the list above as a co-worker (except for Rodgers, that would be torture).
  5. It was medicinal cocaine, nothing to see here.
  6. Yeah, I'll listen at work for a bit a few days a week, but always shut it off once the hockey talk starts.
  7. The article was specifically about "what if" every team went 4-12. Based on historical trends (year 3, worse record every year) he would be the most likely to get canned. It was a bizarre topic to be sure, but in no way was it a prediction that he was on the hot seat.
  8. I enjoyed Elliot Harrison's weekly column, is he gone from nfl.com?
  9. From the article: “Some people overthink it,” Mayfield says. “That's where people go wrong. They forget you've gotta win.” Pat Mahomes had a losing record in college too.
  10. If our offense is top 20, Daboll will be interviewing. Top 15 he likely has a HC position. Frazier has a tougher hill to climb, as there seems to be a bias against DCs under a defensive-minded coach - notable exception being both Pats DCs getting HC jobs in successive year. That's why Pettine made a "lateral" move here from the Jets under Rex.
  11. Terry and Kim got exactly what they paid for and Rex is entitled to that $15 million. I was also frustrated with the defense being wasted on a scheme that didn't fit the talent - but Rex ran the same system for over a decade. The owners should have known that it was a bad fit (and yes, I do cut them some slack for being new at the time).
  12. The Texans really handicapped themselves by not picking up his 5th year option, as teams can't negotiate with him until the end of the year. This makes me believe he'd have to be traded to a contender similar to the Rams/Watkins trade in '17. Nevermind he's on the tag, thanks GB.
  13. Have any Bills ever appeared in a William Mattar commercial?
  14. Would still rather party with Jim Irsay to be honest.
  15. Same strategy as when we signed him: pick a rando ex-qb's name out of a hat and call their agent.
  16. God bless whoever fan Alex is: "Detroit lucked into the two greatest position players of all time and squandered their talent so thoroughly that both left the team well shy of their career twilight. Then the local sports media has the gall to screech and rend their jowls about LOYALTY and HONOR and FAMILY like we’re in a ***** South Boston movie. "
  17. Probably not, his specialty his causing fans to cry.
  18. Was the reporter's question, "Can you passive aggressively tell me how much you hate Mike Glennon?"
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