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Everything posted by 416BillsFan

  1. What a strange season. Never thought I'd rather watch the 0-2 Giants - for the 3rd week in a row - play the Bucs over Seattle/NO.
  2. Can this be a sign the tank will only get tankier next year? Will they pass on Tua and wait for Trevor in 2021?
  3. Try as I might, I can't rip the guy for not liking 300lb wet swamp. Take the W Brady.
  4. Loved watching Cam, so I hope he can recover. But he looked absolutely awful - not running on the 4th and 1/2 and the 2 yard line was painful to watch. And not to read much into it, but is he giving us a clue by dressing like he's on the way to a Boca Raton retirement home 2 weeks in a row?
  5. Gregg Williams probably told Trevor he'll bounty him if he screws up his revenge against the Browns.
  6. I guess we know how feels about DT and the Jets in 2019.
  7. Wow Hopkins. He even gets the best unnecessary roughness penalties!
  8. I don't think BB would do that to his apprentice. If there was bad blood between them, he'd throw both games to screw them out of the top pick.
  9. Funny you bring this up as I never thought about the Allen/Murray angle. But from the same games I did wonder why Patricia & staff got off relatively easy for their coaching debacles compared to Gase who was raked over the coals.
  10. Amazing how much better the broadcast is without Witten, the Peterman of broadcasting.
  11. He realized you couldn't compete with Gase, so he's spending his time to study for the LSATs.
  12. Not too shabby! I have Baker & Cook as well (picked last in a 14 person league). I probably would have picked Zeke or CMC with pick 2 but the first four picks were a tossup. Best of luck.
  13. Most weeks I'd agree with my fellow Canuck, but I'd go Brown this week for two reasons. 1: The Jets CBs are not good. 2: I think Josh will likely air it out as the coach's want to overplay how much he'll throw to get upcoming teams to back off the box.
  14. Hopefully the upgrade takes place sooner rather than later. If for no other reason than having time to get into a rhythm with Hauschka & Ferguson.
  15. Unfortunately, for the Jets & Pats too. Bill will have to do his best game planning yet to find a way to lose in Miami this year.
  16. Hopefully the Dolphins hire Bill O'Brien as their GM before the next draft.
  17. I'd think so. Then Frank Gore, then a huge drop-off to whoever 4 is.
  18. No way are they trading or cutting him now. What else can Miami offer fans this year apart from watching him run around the field like a skank?
  19. He was fun to watch at his peak and a big part of breaking the drought. He was very vocal in his support of Allen from the start, which helped Josh develop into a leader.
  20. It makes perfect sense for the teams, but does it for Clowney? Why would he want to play for a team known for rushing players back on the field after an injury before he's due for a big pay day?
  21. I in no way want Rivers to get hurt. But IF he did, it would be hilarious if Eli ended his career with the Chargers.
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