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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Your new here, I think. This is not the place to opine....
  2. Sure, it would be nice if we weren't getting gashed in the running game...but it is pre-season. Take a deep breath...
  3. I agree, the new APP sucks. Too many ads, breaking in durning the middle of the broadcast. The best way to listen, with no commericals, is to access the archive on either the APP or your comptuer. Those work alright.
  4. The NFL doesn't allow that. You can listen to the pre-game and postgame show, but not the actual game, on GR55 streaming. Oddly, you can listen to Sabres games on GR streaming (though I am sure the NHL has restrictions too), but not Bills games.
  5. I have a good friend who is a die-hard Browns fan. There is some sentiment amongst some Browns fans, that Coleman was mis-used in Cleveland. They say the strength of his game was playing the slot, but he didn't get to do it very often.
  6. I thought Shaq stood out last night...not sure why so many fans root for our guys to fail.
  7. I have to admit, it is a little embarrassing...but kinda great at the same time. Personally, I wouldn't do it at this point in my life...but some of my fondest Bills memories revolve around under-age drinking at Rich Stadium in the early 80's.
  8. We have entered the "breaking bad" phase.
  9. I remember going to a Sabres game in the mid-80s. Tom Barasso was the Sabres goalie. He was having a particularly bad stretch of games...fans at the Aud were booing him, and chanting "asso, asso". He had lashed out at fans in the press in some way, can't remember what he said...but he was on the fan **** list. I remember you could just tell the guy was being rattled by the crowd hostility. Then, at a break in the action, they announced it was his birthday...it was a few days after mine...we were the same age. I just remember thinking how absurd it was that the moods of an entire fan base rested on the shoulders of a 21 year old kid.
  10. I think the Bills were outcoached in that game, in the sense that they played right into the Giants defensive gameplan, and never really adjusted to it. The Giants in the Super Bowl, were hell bent on taking Reed and Lofton out of the game....as a result, Thurman had room to do his thing. The Bills/Kelly didn't recognize that they would have likely fared better if they ran the ball more than they did. It was like the Bills were too slow to see what was happening in front of them. The fact that the game came down to the final play is just a testament, in my opinion, as to how good the Bills team really was...they let a less talented Giants team dictate the game.
  11. I always wanted them to make it to the Super Bowl...honeslty, the only one I felt they might not win was #27, the first loss to the Cowboys, Their offensive line was the most dominatnt unit on either team, and, IMO, were possible the best offinsive line I have seen in my 40 something years of watching football. I live in Texas, so I saw them all season, and they just destroyed teams...after two Super Bowl losses, my feeling was that, as great as some of our individual players were on defense, they couldn't dominate a really strong offensive line like the Cowboys had. I will say, I do remember at one point, sitting at the bar, watching a late regular season win against the Colts (or some bottom feeder team at that time) during that last Super Bowl season, and just thinking..."man, I know they can crush all these crummy teams...I wish we could just fast forward to the Super Bowl, becuase that is the only win that means anything at this point". I was getting kind of bored by all the blowouts of ****ty teams...I would trade places now of course! But regular season wins seemed almost meainingless. Like Marv, and others said at the end of their careers, "you start to feel the losses much more than the wins." It many have been the same for a lot of fans. But, I remember just saying to people "c'mon, the law of averages says they have to win one of these damn games!"
  12. Rediculous. Why was it Andre Reeds fault, "period"? Why not Darryl Talley, and the 3 other Bills who whiffed on tackles as Mark Ingram killed them on 3rd &22, and helped the Giants, essentially hold the ball for the entire 3rd quarter...or Jim for throwing a meaningless pass for 2 yards, to Keith McKellar, which wasted about 8 seconds on the clock during the final drive? Or hell, why not Keith McKellar for not having the prescense of mind to "drop" that same pass, inistead of making a great effort for the shoe-string catch? Of mayve blame Jim for getting a little pass-happy on that final drive, when Thurman was having an MVP type game. Blaming Reed for the loss,, "period" is absurd. The Giants/Bellechiks' defense game plan in 25 was to punish the Bills WR's. To their credit, they did...look at the boxscore for that game. Reed caught 8 passes for 62 yards....Lofton caught 1 pass for 61 yeards. McKellar 2 for 11. The Giants were determined to shut down the Bills potent passing game...and they did for the most part. Plenty of mistakes made that day...Andre Reed was far from the only reason they lost.
  13. The investigation appears to have fantastic legs... '
  14. It's only the lunatic fringe of the Republican party that is supporting this move to impeach Rosenstein.
  15. The NFL Network only has their schedule posted 1 month in advance, so so far, only times for the first 2 games are posted, up to July 24th. All times Eastern! Pre-season Week 1: vs Panthers: Friday, August 10: 10am (taped) Sunday, August 12th: 9am (taped) Wednesday, August 15: 1pm (taped) Pre-season Week 2: vs Browns: Friday, August 17: 7:30 PM (LIVE) Saturday, August 18th: 4am (taped) Sunday, August 19th: 10am (taped) Monday, August 20th: 4pm (taped) Thursday, August 23: 12:30pm (taped)
  16. I would nominate Bill Brooks for this list. He played a key role on the last Super Bowl team in 1993 (his stats were pretty close to Andres that year...about 5 more receptions, about a 100 less yards), but in many ways, he saved the 1995 season for the Bills. As you may recall, he had been cut in the off season..and then re-signed late in the summer, for pennies. Andre Reed missed about 10 games that year, and Brooks really came through late in the season to help the Bills secure a playoff spot. He made some really improbable cathces...not as flashy, but I'd put him on the list over TO, based on what he did as a Bill. The Bills got a great value in him, and he produced. I'm not a huge Flutie fan, but I think you could make a pretty strong argument that he belongs at the top of this list.
  17. Thanks BBB...your always good for pictures. I'm not misunderstanding anything...just offering a counterpoint to the post I was responding to...it wasnt really that hard to.understand.
  18. Boyst...joining this ignorant circle jerk would make everything better? Selling your soul, to get the online approval of "people' like joesixpack...I think not.
  19. Not a huge fan of the lady, but I'd take her in a heartbeat over the pig currently occupying the White House.
  20. Nice find. One of my very favorite athletes of all time. To think he went 11 straight years without missnig a game is just incredible...and he was Buffalo kid. Gone too soon... Thanks for looking Chandler81...do you remember the song I am talking about?
  21. I don't think those are the !@#$s that need to be ingored...thanks for re-affirming my point.
  22. As I recall, the last time they played anybody other than the Lions in the final preseason game, it was the Bears (this years oppenant) Jim Kelly's rookie seaoson in Buffalo. Jimbo signed that same week, and started the final exhibition game...it was in South Bend, at the Golden Dome.
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