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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Overloaded coming into parking, and delayed leaving. The lot we went to was overloaded and so were others. It’s just a necessary reality. We only fly up for one game from Tampa, but it was well worth it. What a nice weekend as one of my sisters threw a big family party Saturday, and of course the game on Sunday. The house was rocking. We tried to leave when we went to 38 pts,, but so did 40,000 of the 73,000 people that were there.
  2. As much as I want to move up a bit in the draft especially as we have several picks next year, but a WR in the 1st would be great. I’ve mostly stayed away from the site this week, and when I did I was not disappointed with the overreaction week. You guys do remember the same thing happened in 2021 when the Steelers beat us in OP. We then went 11-5 after that game, and we’re 13 seconds away from the AFCCG. Anyway, I’m up in Buffalo with the kids for the family and the game so I’ll decide for myself after watching live. It’s great as we have lower level seats on the 40 yard line behind the Bills bench so a perfect van at age point. Anyone going, feel free to dm me.
  3. This amongst another 100 negative threads is fine as this groupm always overrreacts. McGovern was out matched against one of the best DY’s in the league. Brown I apologized for in the past, but he’s had a full off season, mini camps, TC, Preseason, etc. there is no excuse for him. Torrence okayed well against top talent, and so did Morse, and Dawkins. McGovern should be fine as the year progresses. I know people have read from me defending Brown to give him a chance. Those days are done. He was basically sitting in Josh Allen’s lap all night. that’s as measure approach I can have as there were problems. If Brown acts like this against mediocre talent in the Raiders and Commanders, bench his behind.
  4. Please sir I want son more. The funny thing is I played Oliver Twist in my 3rd grade play with OMGC in Blasdell. I’ll be by Sunday J for some more gruel. God that was awful last night. 24 hr rule.
  5. He’s probably going to retire. He’s 40 this month I believe. That’s a year at least and most never come back 100%. Hell hate giving up all that $ back to the Jets.
  6. Exactly GB. For all the hype about a Vic Fangio coached defense, I watched lots of missed assignments on that side as well. I know it’s fun to see high scoring offenses, but part of that is coming from the other team is not defending you well so you look like all world, when the reality is the other team is playing sub par. It was on some levels fun to watch, but I was with a dolphins buddy. He’s a pretty knowledgeable NFL fan and he was ticked at his defense. So the Fish won in the end, but both teams have a lot of cleaning up to do.
  7. As in pathetic defenses on both sides. I stand absolutely behind that comment. Offense is only a little more than 1/3 of the game. Sloppy.
  8. I watched that game and they both were sloppy. It was like a car crash, you hate it, but keep watching. Neither played well. Neither did the Eagles, but at least they beat the Cheats.
  9. Just foilin up coach. Want some. That movie is up there with Animal House, Stripes, and Caddyshack.
  10. You guys do know he went to a Lutheran HS in NV and played first for San Diego. It’s not like they are forced to convert when they move to Utah. All kidding aside, I’ve said previously I’m looking at DK 2 together as they will compliment each other. Knox may actually have the better year with DK 2 out there. So my best guess is together we’ll see 12 TD’s, and around 1200 yards between the two. Maybe more, but Diggs is still going to get 150 receptions for 1500 yards. Davis will probably still get 750-800 yards and Sherfield will probably sniff 500 yards. Thats not to mention the rushes and catches from Cook and Harris. The exciting part is we are so much more diverse this year. Although I don’t expect 22 personnel, we may not have an 11 runaway, but more 12 and 21 personnel. This will make the Bills hard as hell to defend. For all the hype train on the Jets defense, they were 4th last year and we were 6th. Oh and we were 2nd last years in lowest pts scored on us, and on offense 2nd in pts and yards. Dont listen to the media hype train, and fully expect everyone and their grandmother Monday night will pick the Kets to win the game. We come out and will win 24-17. That’ll shut them up! I don’t expect our normal 29 pts per game as their defense is solid, but so is ours. Only Von is out. We have Dr. Poyer and Mr. Hyde, the real Tre, Taron, and Benford. Good luck old man peyote smokin Rodgers as we’re going to give him an old fashioned Schalackin Monday Night. That’s right. A schalackin. Milano is going to come in like a heat seeking missile like he did to Tua last year and knock Erin Roger’s into next week on a designed blitz.
  11. I’m watching this to get in the mood for MNF. C’mon Rodgers, ain’t so bad, ain’t so bad. You ain’t nothin! You crazy fool. Yeah, I ain’t breathing heavy! Incant wait for Tuesday when all the moron hot take pundits have to eat their words. Prediction, prediction. We’re coming for you old man Rodgers!
  12. You mean like when I had to use the tin foil and stand there and keep moving around until dad told me he had a picture. ABC, NBC, CBS, CBC, and Ch. 29. Loved the Star Trek, Gillian’s island reruns. im breaking ranks as in Tampa, and using one of my sons tuition for the YouTube student discount and pay $115 for that and red zone. Need to get done before Monday. I can’t do the bar thing on a school night.
  13. Two dollar steak in Tonawanda. That’s what made it funny. I watched that and thought just once I want to see Allen scramble and face plant sauce Gardner right into the dirt going for the 1st down on a broken play. You know the ones that go on GMFB all morning long on 9/12.
  14. Mead, I can try for 9. BTW- my brother in law did off duty security for 30 years at the stadium and knows a hammer for the whole time. His son Kevin is driving us. I don’t want to say last names, but you can tell Hammer it’s Jim. He should know him.
  15. I understand SDS. When I fly up for the opener with the kids we have a lot of family responsibilities, including a reunion the day before and so on. A big Irish catholic family. If I lived in Buffalo, I’d be there easily at 7:30. I’m not a big drinker anymore as those were days gone by so I don’t see a need to be there 6 hours before when I can have a big family breakfast together as I’m there only from Friday afternoon until 6 am Monday. have fun then.
  16. To each his own, and I come from an incredibly large Irish catholic family so I understand family. Each one has its own culture.
  17. 716, you’re one of my TBD buddies, but kissing even you’re kids, parents, siblings on the lips is more than weird. I love my children more than life itself and my sons would belt me if I ever kissed one of them on the lips. Weird, weird, weird! uggh. I need to take a shower and before you ask the furthest from homophonic. Could care less. As fas the jokes, I had some nice laughs from you. He’ll be fine. Might need weight watchers.
  18. My belated Labor Day present is a 28-17 win over the Jets and NH, you’re not wrong. We’re all sick of the crap spewed out by the usual suspects.
  19. One thing Jack, the $60 is fine but we won’t get there until 9:45. I hope that’s ok. My boys will be going with their cousins after our Saturday family get together. The middle aged farts like me will be in bed, but I see mighty taco in their future at 2 am Saturday night.
  20. Glad to hear my nephew is wrong. He mentioned to me a few weeks ago, Hammers was gone for the new construction. We’ll be there as my sons and I are flying up for the game. I’ll make sure on the sign. If we don’t make on time, then you’re overflow lot. I just would love to finally meet a few of you. It’s not easy to do it from Tampa. I guess I’m supposed to say 1 prime. New to it. In the past we just used to show up early and either get in ilir the lot next to hammers. Not worried about the fee as I would imagine it’s at a premium given the disruption of the new stadium. We’ll have our TBD pass in the windshield. Too old to break tables, but can’t wait to fire up the grill and cornhole ge if we can find the space.
  21. Defense Once Von returns, he will have a serious impact not just directly, but when they bump Groot to the inside, and Floyd on the outside, the hits and pressures will be exponential. At mid level Milano will deliver another 1st team all pro performance. Back end, Tre will be back to the old Tre as a 1st team all pro, and the wonder twins Dr. Poyer and Mr. Hyde will be back. That’s why all of this nonsense about the hype train of MLB will be absolutely DEVASTATING to our defense is a bunch of bull cookies. Dont forget we have a top 3 rated nickel CB and an excellent Big Nickel defense with Rapp substituting for Taron. Whether it’s Elam as we’re playing man coverage this game or Benford/Dane for our traditional zone defense. Lots to be excited about in this team. Offense Diggs is Diggs Davis finally has a healthy ankle so we’ll see. When 11 peesonnel it will be Diggs, Davis, and it depends on their defense whether it s Sherfield for his speed and hands, of Harty for his explosiveness. Then we have DK2 and although everyone has high hopes for Kinkaid, I believe Knox will have another 9-10 TD season. Lastly, one of the unsung stories is the vastly improved interior as Morse now has help in McGovern and Mt. O’ Cyrus to push the defense ti create hole for Harris and Cook. Guys get excited! Football is back and we’re going to kick ars on 9/11. It will be a hard fought fight that night, but we will be victorious.
  22. GBF, corner play is paramount for a McD/Jimmy Johnson defense. Having Tre, Taron or Rapp for big nickel, and whichever of the three guys makes his defense. This is why we’ve had a top passing defense since McBeane made it here. So many teams focus so heavily on the front four, and we balance front four with back five. Where they’ve decided to have role players is in the middle and Milano has proven he’s a stud too. This is why I’m not as wrapped around the axle on MLB. This is not by me, but by McBeanes actions the last important of the 11.
  23. Love the Magia taking over the world. If ever on a cruise through in the fall I’ll be there. Good deal Antonio.
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