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Maybe Someday

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Everything posted by Maybe Someday

  1. They showed Darnold and Allen to keep Jets and Bills fans interested. Allen would be in the top 100 plays of 2018 but no way in top 100 players.
  2. I ended up benefitting from that idiot so assuming he didn't hurt anyone when he fell, I'm giving this guy a pass. For every game since that happened, there has been a security guard stationed at the 4 corners of the stadium where those wires attach to keep anyone from trying it again. I had the good fortune to be one of those security guards for multiple games in the mid 90's. Best job I ever had!!! I got paid to sit there and watch the game and never had to stop anyone. Had quite a few laughs with people once they realized what I was actually doing. In my opinion, the Wall of Shame idiot fan award goes to the guy that was sliding down the railing in the upper deck and fell over the side onto someone else below. There have been a lot of people doing a lot of stupid things but there haven't been too many that have resulted in injuries to innocent bystanders. More often than not, they just end up hurting no one but themselves/their reputation. Wall of Shame player award goes to Vontae Davis quitting at halftime. There have been so many boneheaded plays/players over the years but at least they were trying. If it's that bad, you suck it up for 2 more hours and retire at the post game podium. Wall of Shame front office award goes to hiring Marv as GM. He wasn't qualified to do the job, Ralph just wanted someone he thought he could trust. Honorable mention goes to how Whaley was handled by ownership. No doubt the guy made some mistakes but he seemed to have the least amount of power I've even seen a GM have. What GM has worked with that many coaches and doesn't appear to have been given the power to hire any of them?
  3. I don't know the exact rules either but I think when it comes to trademarking nicknames, you do have to be commonly referred to by that name in order to have it trademarked. I'm thinking of the Dolphins DB whose request to TM FitzMagic got denied because most people associate that name with Ryan Fitzpatrick and not him. The tough part of this Tom Terrific thing may be that they played in different eras. To this generation, Brady probably is Tom Terrific. To the generation before and to Mets fans, Tom Seaver will always be the one and only Tom Terrific.
  4. So Jim...what's the key to hosting legendary post game parties in your basement?
  5. Don’t forget about the inevitable midseason “cut them now” threads. Someone isn’t playing well, doesn’t matter that there’s no one available who is better to replace them with, just cut them now.
  6. Great news!!! I might be able to take in my 1st training camp practice since they were in Fredonia!!! I believe that all of the Panthers TC practices are open to the public. There are a ton of Bills fans down here as well so I would not be surprised if a bunch showed up. I could even see Tavern on the Tracks organizing a bus trip to Spartanburg. We might make it feel like the Panthers are the visiting team. F$@# that!! This is Buffalo South!!!
  7. The play that stands out in my memory that has yet to be mentioned was in the early 90s against the Rams in Buffalo, I believe it was opening day. Bills punt and just as the Rams returner (IIRC it was former Bill Vernon Turner) catches the ball, Tasker just lights him up. Timed it perfectly.
  8. Exactly. I'd love to know which team he works for.
  9. That's been Buffalo's flag since 1924. The thirteen stars signify New York's status as one of the original Thirteen Colonies. The matching number of electric flashes celebrate Buffalo as one of the first cities to deploy electric service widely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Buffalo,_New_York
  10. Here it is. Edit...for the record, I had no idea the city of Buffalo had their own flag either.
  11. While I'm sure that Beane & Co have at least had this discussion, it was most likely a very brief one. There are just too many reasons why this wouldn't make any sense for a team like the Bills or even the Chiefs. If he goes anywhere, Rosen will go to a team that is currently or will soon be looking for their franchise QB, not one that believes they have drafted one in the past 3 years. All of those teams, the Bills and Chiefs included, are all in on the guy they drafted and will use those resources to build a team around them. In the salary cap and FA era, that 1st or 2nd round pick that it would take to get Rosen is too valuable for any team to use on a player that they hope will never see the field. Teams need contributions from players while they are on those rookie deals. Anyone who trades a 1st or 2nd round pick for Rosen does so expecting him to be their starter in the very near future, not to be insurance.
  12. I have to wonder if the NFL also provides some direction on what some of these players performing the now illegal blocks were supposed to do instead or if that video is it. The NFL can't really expect those guys to just not try to block anyone. Hopefully they at least give them a little more leniency in using their hands in some of those situations.
  13. Do those point stats take Peterman into account? I feel like he may be responsible for that 100 point difference. Poyer needs to go low to avoid those stiff arms. Yikes.
  14. Rick Mirer - QB Seattle. In the running for rookie of the year and then just kept getting worse. Still hard to believe the Bears traded a 1st round pick for that guy. Greg Cook - QB with Bengals. Great rookie season but shoulder injury ended his career. Could have been a great one with a young Bill Walsh. Sidney Rice - WR Vikings. Had a great season with Brett Favre but did nothing before or after. Cadillac Williams - RB Bucs. I remember him running all over the Bills 1 game. Steve Slaton - RB Texans - Fantasy steal for me in his 1 good year.
  15. That is true but I'd think most of that unseasoned talent is currently on an NFL roster, even if only signed to a reserve/futures contract, which would include a large number of guys that were on a PS last season. So unless the NFL actually partners up with the AAF, we'll never see those unseasoned players until all 32 teams deem they are not talented enough to even invite to camp. IMO, if the top talent in the league remains lower level PS players and older guys hanging on/trying to make a comeback, it won't last. They have to figure out how to bring in a higher level of talent. Even if NFL teams were to allow/assign some of there own PS type players to the AAF team, that would be a huge influx of talent and would make it much more interesting.
  16. NFL network is showing Salt Lake Stallions vs. Arizona Hotshots Sunday night at 8 & then re-airing it again @ 10:30. NFL network agreed to air 1 game per week. I'm sure I'll put one of the games on at some point if I can but not too sure how intently I'll actually be watching. I am kind of intrigued by some of these rule changes. Sky Judge that can call/correct penalties without having to go to replay is an interesting idea. Sounds kind of like an extra official in the booth that calls penalties in almost real time. No extra points, you have to go for 2. No FGs in OT. No kickoffs. On side kick replaced with 4th and 12 from the 28 but I believe there are score/time restrictions so you can't just go for it all the time. This league does feel a little different than a lot of the startups from the past, there are a lot of NFL ties to this one, so I can see it hanging around for at least a little while if it's done right and the product is decent. But if they want to truly become a developmental league for the NFL like MiLB is to the MLB, they need to have better talent than UDFAs and guys that have bounced around practice squads. The thing that makes the minor leagues of baseball and hockey interesting is that there is actually blue chip players on their way up. Many of which are international. How much international talent is there for football besides kickers? Will the NFL ever attempt to bypass the NCAA or be associated with a league that would allow guys to skip college? Would the NFL change their 3 years out of high school rule? I'd say probably not but $$$$$ can change everything.
  17. I think this settles it. Well rounded teams win championships!!! Thanks Gugny. Go Mets!!
  18. I agree with a lot of what you said and hate to admit it but BB* is on a level of his own. I do think that in many cases it's not the other coaches that aren't smart enough to adjust, it's the players. A coach can come up with the best game plan ever but if the players aren't capable of executing it properly for an entire game, they're better off sticking with what they do well. If you want to play for the Pats*, you have to be able to learn a whole new game plan/scheme each week and be able to execute it without overly thinking on game day. I'll bet that more than half of the players in the league are not capable of doing that. So many players wash out because they can't learn 1 scheme over a full season much less from week to week. BB* puts an emphasis on finding smart football players who love the game over pure athletes. IMO, that's a big part of why NE* has been so successful with so many players that a lot of people would consider lesser talents. Also, the credit for coming up with the blueprint to stop the Rams offense should be given to the Bears not BB. He incorporated much of what the Bears did to stop the Rams when they played in week 14 or 15. Like you said, BBs* preparation is better than anyone else's. He will find what worked for another team and incorporate that into the game plan. IMO, the genius of BB isn't that he comes up with all this new and exciting stuff, it's that he's seen it all, remembers it all, and that has given him the abilty to adjust to it all.
  19. I've never been a fan of cutting a guy when we don't have someone better to replace him with. It would be a different story if we needed that cap space to make another move or he was an issue in the locker room but neither of those appear to be the case. No question we need to upgrade the TE position but cutting Clay before we've done that doesn't make the team better. Who knows, he could end up being a solid #2 TE this year. Maybe he could actually stay healthy if he's not counted on the play every snap with the 1s.
  20. Did he at least get his food 1st? No one wants to go to jail on an empty stomach.
  21. Ref: "Hey Tommy. You got those tickets to Maui?" 12: "Sure do. 1st class and I got you a suite at the resort you like. I'll throw in all inclusive bar if you call a penalty anytime someone touches me.” Ref: “Thanks Tommy. You take sure good care of us.” 12: "Least I could do, you’ve never let me down.”
  22. Pulling for Colts but think it'll be the Saints. They are a team on a mission after losing to the Vikings the way they did last year. Wouldn't mind if Rivers got one but would absolutely hate that for the old fans in San Diego.
  23. That's the one!!! This one was in NY against the Giants. If there was 1 against the Pats, that must have been the other play he made.
  24. LOL. Why no love for Naaman? He at least made a good play or 2 in a real game.
  25. Like pretty much every other rookie to ever play in the NFL, it was clear that at times he still had to think about what he was doing rather than just react. That should be expected, especially when teams like NE* specifically scheme to confuse a rookie. Those instances will almost certainly decrease as he gains experience and learns the defense in and out. I don't think most fans are overrating him, we just see a lot of natural ability and are excited about the possibilities that his future may hold. Thanks OP for posting the highlights.
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