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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Here is the Mighty Mazie with her sidekick, Gerty:
  2. Thanks for the well wishes, I feel much better after reading them. Mazie is not getting worse but only maybe a tiny little bit better. They started her on high flow oxygen treatment which requires mild sedation. We won't know if it is helping until tomorrow morning. Lungs are slightly improved but still severely effected, even after 5 days of antibiotics. Aspiration pneumonia is very, very tough to beat.
  3. I have a 6 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Mazie that is in the hospital struggling with aspirational pneumonia. It has been almost 5 days now and though she isn't improving, she is not getting worse. Please send whatever good thoughts and energy you can her way. This dog saved our lives, twice. Once when 2-3 people broke into our house at 3:00 AM, while we were in the house. Mazie charged down the stairs and made them instantly regret their career choices as they dropped everything and went running down the street. The robbery was orchestrated by a gang whose MO was to hire kids under 18 to break in and then hand goods (car keys especially) to the gang members outside. Several were arrested and all stolen goods recovered. The second time was when Mazie's Mom was walking Mazie in a local park which, unknown to us, had been the scene of several bloody attacks by two stray pit bulls. My spouse was confronted by two snarling pit bulls, the same ones that had been terrorizing the park and recently sent a cyclist to the hospital. They went after her, she dropped the leash and ran, falling over a low retaining wall trying to get away and was bleeding from both knees. The pit bulls jumped the low wall and were about to attack when Mazie jumped between her and the pit bulls and basically turned into Kujo. The pit bulls both turned and ran. Thanks for listening.
  4. Was the first NFL player from whom I ever got an autograph. My favorite Bills player ever...until Josh. Best hands I've ever seen. Died way too young.
  5. Yes, a few shots of him sulking deep within the dark world of his hoodie would have been a nice touch. Great work though.
  6. He was one of the first players whose name I could remember as he joined the team just as I was learning that there was this thing called "football". The "Magician" name tag was spot on. I am sorry he is gone and grateful for all the magic he made happen on the field that I was privileged to see.
  7. Not even close. There are many far more inclusive societies and quite a number of them didn't have to endure a bloody civil war that took the lives of thousands upon thousands just to get rid of slavery. On the Liberty Index, the US currently ranks 26th in the world behind Japan and just ahead of Uruguay.
  8. This will weigh heavy on many a heart, he was and will be remembered as a great player and an even greater character.
  9. I think it would be a kind gesture if we took up a collection and sent a years supply of Alka-Seltzer to every Defensive Coordinator on the Bills schedule.
  10. Keep my quarterback's name out your fffffn mouth!
  11. You know the old saying, "All work and no play makes a coach forget to tell his PK to squibb the kick." 🤪 I kid, I kid. Okay, I get it, too soon. My bad.
  12. Old, history of being ineffective and fumbles a lot. His tires have been kicked by 5 other teams. I have no idea what BB sees in him but I guess I'll trust his judgment on this one. Austin used to be fast so I guess there's that.
  13. They do that so the witness can say that they are "testifying voluntarily" which, back in the day, actually meant something. Now it is just another opportunity for reluctant witnesses to delay, delay, delay. Old lawyer saying: if you can't win the fight, delay the fight. The erosion of the efficacy of the subpoena power has significantly weakened the foundations of democracy. Public reprobation against those who would evade testifying is unfortunately no longer a thing.
  14. I exorcize my demons through flatulence. Nobody cheers me on.
  15. Are all ACL injuries the same? This was a non-contact ACL injury, do these studies differentiate between contact and non-contact ACL injuries. Is there a reason to not differentiate? How about other factors such as age at time of injury? Prior injury to the same knee? I am no expert on medical issues but these seam like reasonable questions.
  16. It is even worse when you play it out down by down. First Down: Winning team dives into the line ending in a huge pile of very large bodies. The refs stop the clock to pull the mosh pit apart, one by one. Unable to see much of anything, the refs do their best to spot the ball. It is too close to call so they bring out the 1 yard chain and measure. They are short of a yard by a fly speck or two so the clock stops. But wait, the winning team challenges the spot, off we go to replay review land. Replay is useless, no good angles, the call stands and fans will be blasting hate against the NFL, the refs and the vagaries of fate for years to come over the clearly erroneous spot. Commercials consumed: 18 Second Down: Rinse, lather, repeat only this time the winning team gets the bogus spot in its favor. After all the measuring and reviewing and choking to death on the piles and piles of commercials, we move to third down. Commercials consumed: 21 Third Down: Same as First Down only 30 minutes later. Total commercials consumed: 47 Thank goodness we thought of a way not to waste that last 27 seconds.
  17. Me too, think of all the fun we will have watching measurements after each of the first three downs and replay reviews of the spot. What used to take a minute or two to accomplish could take 20 minutes or more. Seriously, I see no reason to suspend the normal rules used for the whole game in favor of some half-baked, unlimited time out scheme just to turn a game that is over into a game that is never over.
  18. He could just as easily been radicalized on Fox news, his ideology about white replacement is at the heart of Tucker Carlson's rantings.
  19. And it was at that moment that Bob Dylan knew he was going to pass on Marv's offer to write a song for his next album.
  20. I believe I saw an article a ways back saying he was running a diner called "Not Bad" in Mediocre City in Oregon. He drives a Ford and plays bass in an Eagles cover band called "Could be Worse".
  21. Maybe, just maybe, good really will triumph over evil
  22. I'm sure your, ummm friends, who seem to have a lot of experience needing lawyers, have told you both sides of the story. I am sure the lawyers badmouthing other lawyers are not at all self interested. And it totally makes sense that with your life on the line you would have no choice but to hire a bad lawyer. We can have all the speedy trials you want, just invest more tax dollars in the legal system. More courts, more judges, more clerks and more lawyers. Judging a delay as either justifiable under the circumstances or a two-bit tactic is in the eyes of the beholder. Fortunately we have these impartial legal experts, we call them judges, who can decide to grant or deny a request for an adjournment. Sure, our view from reading headlines, ignorant of the details, makes us far better judges of these matters than the actual, real live judges. Plus, it helps to fire up our rant machines and that is always so much fun.
  23. I've got a lot of problems with you people and now, you're going to hear about it.....first off, this Rob Johnson guy....
  24. Missouri is one of a handful of states that allows unlimited depositions in criminal cases. There is plenty of discovery going on, especially where expert witnesses are concerned and in a case like this, there are always experts. Courts routinely change schedules for experts which is why so many are videotaped which takes forever to complete. Caseloads backed up during covid related closures have to be a nightmare. It's a shame that it takes so long but I haven't heard any brilliant solutions.
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