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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Caught up to them? Really? From 3rd best passing offense, to 2nd, to 7th over the last three seasons isn’t exactly falling off a cliff.
  2. That’s because they were able to fill the position with free agents who contributed a ton to one of best offenses in the league over the last few seasons.
  3. According to the article, Allen is one of only three tier 1 QBs, along with Mahomes and Burrow. Tier 1. One. Of. Three. If Mahomes and Burrow are elite, then so is Allen. But this has been obvious to anyone with half a clue for a while now. If you weren’t so busy trolling, perhaps you’d find time to better acquaint yourself with the facts. Having been reminded of who you are and your modus operandi around here, this conversation is closed. Off with you now.
  4. My point is that Allen has shown time and time again that he’s an elite passer and whomever authored the opinion to the contrary hasn’t watched him enough to know that. Period. And as we also know, EVERY QB who has ever laced up a pair of cleats has had “out of whack” games. Might wanna inform Airseven that the article actually does have Allen as a tier 1 QB.
  5. It’s not so much offensive as it’s inaccurate and poorly researched. Allen has had numerous games where he showed himself to be an elite passer. Case in point being the only QB in history to orchestrate a perfect offensive game like he did against the Patriots*** in the playoffs. Looks like whomever said this about Allen hasn’t watched enough of his games, especially his come from behind games that depended solely on his passing ability.
  6. And all this time I thought it was Benny and the Jets.
  7. .680 winning percentage as a starter overall, .723 since his rookie year. Yeah, he can’t win consistently as a passer.
  8. You totally misunderstand my post. I mean that nothing is more American than voicing dissent and advocating for change while others voice their dissent against that, thus there is nothing non-patriotic in rooting against a team whose stars are advocating for something you disagree with. That’s as American as can be, especially in today’s 24/7, mass dissemination of of opinion age. Patriotism has nothing to do with any of it in my view. People exercising their 1st amendment rights to voice their opinions is foundational to our democracy. Again, as American as it gets.
  9. The idea that the NBA/WNBA pay imbalance is at all analogous to the USMNT/USWNT is beyond absurd and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the economics involved.
  10. They made mention of Diggs’s drop precisely because it’s so rare.
  11. There’s a line between complaining and seeking change for what you believe in. How thin that line is depends entirely on your viewpoint. Regardless, whatever a woman’s soccer team does or doesn’t do is no skin off my ass or yours. There are countless issues for us to be indignant about. Sorry, but women playing a kid’s game just doesn’t rise to that level for me. Your mileage may vary though.
  12. Sounds like “just shut up and dribble” to me. I never got the feeling they hate America in the least. I get the feeling that a few of their stars have used their platform over the years to sound off on certain issues and those opposed to their politics just can’t tolerate that. Ironically, nothing is more American than that. Especially in today’s public discourse.
  13. It’s nice if a CB is able to turn a running play into the pursuit or come up and make a tackle or two when needed, but if you’re relying on your CB to set the edge you have big problems with your defense.
  14. Yep. Some of us were engaging in the D&C Bills forum, including Scott, before TBD was even a gleam in his eye.
  15. Open field blocking skill is a must have for all receivers. It is critical in establishing a dominant run game and screen game, particularly.
  16. Nice to see Josh building their confidence.
  17. I seldom get caught up in stats, but you made the declaration that they wouldn’t be a top 10 defense, which is a stat based argument. How else do you quantify a ranking? I’d be interested in that. That said, while we’ve been a top tier defense statistically under McD, I’ve never thought of us as a dominant defense that can dictate games on the field. Then again, few teams can do that nowadays, if any, really.
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