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  1. Tickets for non-ST holders will be distributed via lottery, with a four-ticket maximum. as long as I get some tickets, I hope this will control the crowds somewhat… Amazing how back in the early days at Fisher I’d just walk over, and twice a day too.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/rQbZnz7LRxn6yWSz/?mibextid=qDwCgo I love this guy already
  3. If we were in the NFC we’d probably have made two or three SBs by now.
  4. He wasn’t the guy they originally wanted.
  5. Yep, clear now the Pats wanted Coleman
  6. Chris Burkett had that dog in him, and not the good kind. Everything I’ve seen with Coleman screams competitor.
  7. These grades cannot be accurate because too many people on this board lost their ***** over the deal.
  8. Oh well, Jason Taylor was this guy's DL coach so he must be a good pass rusher
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