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Everything posted by K-9

  1. We were a top 6 defense last year and that was without our starting secondary playing a single game together. 2nd in points per game 5th in rushing yards per game 6th in total yards per game
  2. Yep. I see Leonard as a pass rush specialist with Groot sliding down next to Oliver on those downs.
  3. Same here and I would have bet money on it. He had a difficult enough time coming back from the less severe injuries like high ankle sprains, but the ruptured achilles early in the 2020 season proved to be too much. He was just never the same athlete after that. I give him credit for trying though.
  4. I get that we live in a super saturated information age, but sometimes I really miss the slower roll of the news from training camp when you’d get the TV reports in the evening and the beat reporters’ and columnists’ stories the next day and in much greater depth. Now it’s an endless flood of stream of consciousness twitter blips and endless pearl clutching by the multitudes, some of whom actually believe you can discern much of anything meaningful in open practices at this stage of the preseason.
  5. We had a budget surplus, but there was still trillions of dollars in government debt back then.
  6. Looking at the series of pics, I’m not convinced Brown got beat by Groot in the least. The entire sequence took place within five yards and Brown looks to be engaged from beginning to end. If he was beat by move in the first pic, he had recovered nicely by the time the second pic occurred and was still locked up with Groot in the last pic.
  7. Wasn’t exactly unexpected as it was a rematch of the 2019 final when we beat Netherlands 2-0. The Dutch are always a legit contender.
  8. The smear campaign against him was a central theme. And for the record, he wasn’t a commie. Just like most of those targeted and tainted in the McCarthy era.
  9. Saw ‘Oppenheimer’ today and would highly recommend seeing it. Superb in every sense of the word. Just a marvelously crafted movie with great performances by every actor in it, especially Murphy and Downey Jr. who turns in his best work in years, perhaps ever. As @sherpamentioned, it helped to have read The Making of the Atomic Bomb, by Richard Rhodes a couple times previously as the fast pacing and time jumps in the movie might be a little confusing to those not acquainted with the history.
  10. She was an early victim of “cancel culture” but she had a very successful career nonetheless. She had been sounding the alarm about sexual abuse by catholic clergy long before the world became aware and I admired her courage in her stand against racism, sexual abuse, women’s rights, and other causes she felt strongly about. Her battle against mental illness, especially after her 17 year old son committed suicide, was very sad and I hope she’s finally at peace.
  11. Even if you went back to 1994 when the cap was first imposed, I think you’d find that the percentage spent on QBs is relatively the same.
  12. This should answer that question: https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/positional/quarterback/
  13. A player is “worth” whatever someone is willing to pay him. It’s really that simple.
  14. Individual teams must spend a minimum of 89% of the cap on players over a four year period. The league as a whole must spend at least 95% over that period.
  15. I believe he meant 12 personnel instead of 21 personnel when mentioning the the Knox and Kincaid sets.
  16. I can see the tag line now: Josh’s Nuts: Never Blue
  17. Yep. Let the stream of consciousness reporting begin!
  18. Just wait until he and his dad harvest their almonds and pistachios and start selling Josh’s Nuts.
  19. Seeing as how it’s been a phenomenon since it was first introduced nearly 65 years ago, I’d say that list of adults who grew up with Barbie would include grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and granddaughters. The sheer size of that market makes it a can’t miss money maker for the studios.
  20. My post was a tongue in cheek comment, but good on you for doing the research.
  21. The USPS recorded a $56 billion profit for fiscal 2022.
  22. As I said, smarter is desirable but the key is knowledge. Too many people nowadays conflate the two concepts.
  23. Great point about Shanny blowing the big lead in the SB. That extended brain fart makes McD’s 13 seconds look like genius. While smarter is desirable, I don’t care if a football coach has a high IQ or not as it’s just football and it’s really not so complicated that it requires super high intelligence to scheme it up and succeed. On either side of the ball.
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