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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. Sad to hear about Taiwan. Zay was going for the house but for the trip. My initial reaction was "that was so dirty" - but on reflection, it is exactly what I would have done. He didn't know it would make the other leg land awkwardly. DB just trying to not give up the touch. Just a bad luck night all-around (and stupid) -- two bad dice rolls on one play (i) no touchdown, (ii) Zay hurt. Three inches and both would have been different.
  2. Temporary setback. They are going to make it this year. You can only lose a game once, not a disaster despite the ugliness.
  3. Saw Humber miss the back in the hole a couple times. Seemed almost like he was too fired up and overshot the plays.
  4. Exactly. Irvin is a complete dope. The only bombs he can drop are in the toilet. We didn't show, played dumb, played slow, didn't execute. Every team hits a clunker now and then, we had ours.
  5. Counts as an L for sure, but does not indicate anything greater. Bad set-up for Bills tonight. On road, in short week, division opponent, playing for their season, that we had already beat once, Bills coming off a big win. Stuff happens. When team is more mature it will not let a letdown like this happen. We played stupid for the first time all year. How many penalties?
  6. He really helps in coverage, and seems to have a nose for the ball.
  7. Love Humber, love that he is getting his shot after years of teams. But I kind of feel rookie Milano brought us some extra energy. Missed seeing him out there tonight, and I wonder if he shouldn't start. I would be tempted if I was McDermott.
  8. Joining you in sending good wishes out to the Rook. Feel well Zay!
  9. Agree this is a concern. Maybe more Eddie the Eagle. 54 brings some heat. Put him in for Shaq on passing downs perhaps?
  10. Like us in the next two. 7-3 heading into KC is looking good. Tough one there.
  11. Vlad hurts us a lot in the passing game. Wilkerson tossed him like a jart. I thought some of the play calling was pretty suspect tonight. Agree on post suggesting should have spread them out earlier.
  12. He played well against Raiders too, so make that a seven game break-in period. Sometimes the negativity is a joke.
  13. Just a bad game. Run defense didn't suddenly become bad. A few bad penalties to keep them moving and a few missed tackles and this is what you get. They were flat. They will learn from it. Brady with throw for 350 both games because they will be trying to come from behind.
  14. Maybe not, saw him standing on sidelines late which is a good sign.
  15. Six and a touchdown in part of a game where offense was rarely on the field. Buzz off. And eight games as a rook is not a long break-in period
  16. This just means we have to beat the Pats twice. Wouldn't shock me if we did. Flame away. I know, Brady is perfect. Screw that! Irvin is an idiot.
  17. Loved his route on the TD. Caught balls in traffic. The threads tonight saying we were exposed as pretenders are just as asinine. What a great season so far.
  18. Ridiculous. Team is quite good. They played flat and stupid. It happens. Learning experience/growing pains.
  19. Kind of foreseeable, as I said in the pre-game thread. Division opponent, us of a big win reading some clippings, them playing for the season. A more mature team will be more used to handling success. This should be a learning experience. Growing pains, not the same old Bills. First stupidly played game all year.
  20. Kid showed he is going to be a player. Now just hope he is not hurt too bad. This is a game they can learn from. Hate to say I saw this coming, but I kind of did. Suggested that in another thread only to be told I have a bad case of BBF syndrome. Of course I do, but road game, division opponent, playing for their season, that we already beat once, Bills are jacked about Benjamin, and everyone pumping our tires all week. Kind of foreseeable. When the team is more mature and more used to success it will stop happening. NOT the same old Bills. Growing pains.
  21. Yes, that is my point. Unlike some games in the Kelly-era where it could go either way, but you pretty much knew it wouldn't (Indy comes to mind). So yes, while I appreciate the sarcasm, I fear this game could legit go either way. Full BBF syndrome perhaps.
  22. Draft is a crapshoot. Bird in the hand - develop the man. Draft someone to join Peterman in competition with TT if you want, but for now you have a QB you can absolutely win with.
  23. Surround the man and keep TT! I think McDermott intended to replace him when hired - until they started talking, and he decided to give TT a chance. I think he has fully won the admin over - they are now one person T.T. McBean!
  24. I have seen various places that injury was not as bad as feared and he is "improving." Anyone have any insight on when he could be back? Aints a possibility?
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