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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. Ha! I am really not, I get it with cliches (how many rings does he have" being me least liked), but I really believe with Zay you have to trust what McDermott sees and is doing with him. I really believe the targets mean he is getting separation, and he would probably have more targets but for his drops. Especially with my dawg TT who, for all the TT love I have (considerable), still does not throw wideouts open very often. I really believe one never forgets how to catch and Zay is pressing. So on this one I just trust the process. Hey, I am a lunch pail guy, it is what I do!
  2. Hopefully smokin Jay comes back and we sweep the Fish. They are not good. Should beat Jets again. Wins vs. three of LAC, Oak, Aints, Colts and we are at 10. Likely NE would not matter so they are not essential, but sure would be nice to beat them once or twice.
  3. Let the Rivers flow buckets of ELITE performance on Sunday! Wish it was not in NE.
  4. He deserves very significant credit - for McDermott and Beane being here!
  5. Trust the process. Blue collar guy. Buffalo kinda of fella. One of 11. The cliche "trust the process" fully applies. So no, I won't atopy with the cliches. Trust that CRAZY process and Zay will be fine! Haters gonna hate. er, won't stop, not atopy!
  6. He has - has been widely reported how close him and Zay are.
  7. We all wanted more out of him. But he will be fine - trust the process. He is being targeted by a QB who is reticent to throw receivers open. That tells me this will be okay. But I completely agree with OP that he should change that cursed number. Something in the 80s would make him look bigger
  8. It means he is a rookie and people that want to give up on him are clueless. Good hands is not something you ever forget, and bad hands cannot usually be overcome. Anyone who is now in their 50s and once had "hands" fancies that they still do. And they are usually right - it is a lifetime skill. There is Zay has a body of work in college that establishes Zay's hands if nothing else. What would his numbers be if he had zero drops and caught the "catchable" balls not counted as drops? This is where he will be. The concern I had is "can he get enough separation in the NFL to be targeted." He is doing that, which is an overwhelming positive. While painful, the drops will end. But haters gonna hate and they can't follow this because of some stupid stat based on six weeks of NFL play for a rookie. And add to that not messing up his routes. The Carolina pass was on him, not TT. He finishes his route in the second half of the year. Do you doubt he learned something from Carolina? Young man was in tears. He wants it.
  9. Haters gonna hate. Zay is going to be a meaningful contributor second half of year and a star by year 3.
  10. Not saying anything negative about Rivers until AFTER we play Chargers. Bad karma! Down by 4 - I will take TT. He brought us back against Tampa and really did against Carolina. That was my biggest concern with him, and it is improving.
  11. Uh, it is apparently NOT Watkins - but I take your point. Tyrod is going to be here a while. Team loves him.
  12. I don't like that it is supposed to be wet. Back when I played (granted, fire was discovered my sophomore year), the conventional wisdom was wet track favored the passing game because the receivers know where they are going and DBs plant and react. Serious question: Has this view changed by the people that play the game at high levels these days? If no, I don't like our guys trying to track Cooper and Crabtree out of their breaks on a wet field. Plus Hochuli. Yuk as to two factors we can't control. Would not put it past our current group to overcome them though. We take few penalties these days.
  13. Wet day tends to help the better passer. Hope it is dry.
  14. Perhaps a scheme fit; not sure a team fit.
  15. As they say on the tube: "C'mon man" - he must of had a decent pro personnel group because he did some decent dumpster diving. But, er, like "nice drafts, dude." And nice use of team resources on Dareus!
  16. Tyrod is a good field general, good runner, good teammate, and therefore in my view a good QB despite limitations. (I like him a lot, but sometimes I just have to scream "THROW IT at the TV). No reason for panic moves next year, if there is a good value take it, if not don't. But for now - GO TYROD!
  17. Yup, two for Zay today. Give the guy until the second half before you give up on 'em eh? Perhaps he will fail in NFL because he can't get separation, but he won't fail because he has bad hands. He has proven that is not the case, just been lacking in the confidence department and letting the yips get in his head. That we have gotten less than zero from him so far is a reason for excitement. Him, Dawkins, Tre, Milano - what a draft, and they will all be better in November and December if healthy. Something to look forward to.
  18. Offense picked them up today. Should have been a blowout if D played as usual and we didn't squander chances, but you can't have everything! Hope Poyer is ok
  19. This is indeed great. And Gilmore is out tonight because he strained his groin trying to cover Deonte in some practice reps ;-) Okay, I am lying. But it is true Gilly's family can't see him tonight.
  20. TT should get his rushing yards added to his passing yards. So he went for like 318 today.
  21. Deonte the man. Liked him when he was in camp. Didn't know he was that fast. And it is great to know that he is *&)&)(&(*!!! CRAZY now that Robert Woods is gone. We needed some of that - and more cow bell! If he can stretch the field, Matthews play the slot and Zay round in to handling the other boundary we could have a fine receiving corp. Especially once we get my man Clay back!
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